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European Exploration. The Renaissance Transformed Europe….

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Presentation on theme: "European Exploration. The Renaissance Transformed Europe…."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Exploration

2 The Renaissance Transformed Europe….

3 During the 15 th and 16 th centuries, Europeans began to explore the unknown and claim and conquer new territories previously unknown. Why then? Why at all?

4 The Vikings… And other individuals had done it, but why now a systematic, organized movement?

5 Effect: Europeans began exploring

6 Effect: Europeans began exploring


8 Portugal Takes Lead Portuguese ships had sailed along African coast, trading for gold, salt, ivory and slaves Prince Henry the Navigator built schools for ship design, sailing, and navigation

9 Prince Henry Goals Drive Muslims out of Africa; aid Prester John Take control of slave trade Secure trade routes to Asia

10 First to Reach Tip Portuguese captain Bartolomeu Dias first to reach Cape of Good Hope 1488 Vasco Da Gama rounded Cape and made it to India 1498 Portugal dominated African routes

11 Christopher Columbus Italian, devised plan to sail West to reach Asia Spain's Ferdinand & Isabella became patrons “Discovered” the “Indies” 1492 Subsequent voyages inspired others

12 Spanish-Portuguese Rivalry Columbus claims Indies for Spain Treaty of Tordesillas draws line of demarcation between Spain and Portugal in New World -1493 Pedro Cabral claims Brazil for Portugal Magellan’s crew circumnavigates world for Spain Amerigo Vespucci sails New World for Portugal

13 Portugal Develops African trade routes Assumes control of African slave trade Developed Brazil sugar plantations Establish Triangular Trade Routes and Middle Passage

14 Spanish and Others Began Exploring New World


16 Conquistadors’ Quest for 3 Gs

17 Balboa Claims Pacific for Spain 1513

18 Ponce De Leon Landed in Florida 1513 Founded St. Augustine Fountain of Youth???

19 Hernando Cortes Conquered Aztecs And overthrew Montezuma with couple of hundred men in 1519 How???

20 Francisco Pizarro Overthrew Atahualpa and conquered Incas 1531-33 How???

21 DeSoto 1539-42

22 Francisco Coronado 1540-42

23 Columbian Exchange

24 Impact of Spanish Exploration Introduction of horses, cows, sheep, pigs, etc Columbian Exchange Missions established for “education” of Indians Encomienda system established to enslave Indians African slavery expanded when Indian slavery failed

25 Impact continued Spanish language and culture dominate American southwest Mestizo population develops Spain becomes richest country in world due to stolen gold, metals and jewels Millions of Indians die Aztec and Inca civilizations destroyed Spanish “Black Legend”

26 Salvador Dali’s “Discovery of America”

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