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Europeans Set Sail.

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1 Europeans Set Sail

2 S.W.B.A.T. Identify the process in which Europeans explored the world by completing a Portuguese travel brochure.

3 Initial Activity Examine the Caravel on the initial activity worksheet. Answer the questions based on the photograph.

4 Word of the Day Effect: The result of an action or decision

5 Vikings Reach North America
First Europeans to make contact with North America Came from Scandinavia, a peninsula that includes the present-day countries of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.

6 Vikings Reach North America
Skilled sailors who developed a new style of ship, the long ship that curved at both ends. The stable design of the ship allowed it to travel on rough seas.

7 Vikings Reach North America
In the year 1000, Leif Eriksson was sailing from West Norway to Greenland when strong winds blew him off course to North America. Landed in present-day Canada. Settled in Vinland, but left after a few years.

8 Prince Henry the Navigator
In the early 1400s Portugal became a leader in world exploration. Prince Henry the Navigator, was responsible for making exploration more successful. Although he never sailed, Prince Henry: Built an observatory Founded a school for navigation Paid money to mapmakers and shipbuilders to create better maps and ships. Paid for expeditions to explore the West Coast of Africa

9 Riches in Asia During the 1400s, Europeans wanted Asian spices.
If a sea route to Asia from Europe could be found, countries could buy spices and other items directly from Asia. Christians in Europe wanted to convert more people to their faith. Many Europeans became interested in Asian cultures.

10 Technological Advances
Sailors began to use tools such as the magnetic compass and the astrolabe. Astrolabe: a device that enabled navigators to learn their ship’s location by charting the position of the stars. The Portuguese used Caravels. Caravels: ships with triangular sails that, unlike the older ships with square sails, allowed ships to sail against the wind. By placing rudders at the back of the ship, the Portuguese also improved the steering of the ship.

11 A Sea Route To Asia By the 1400s Portugal had the money and technology to explore new lands. Even with new technology sailing on the open seas was dangerous. Set up trading posts along the African Coast.

12 A Sea Route To Asia In July 1497, Vasco da Gama, left Portugal in search of Asia. He reached Calicut, India in May 1498. As a result, Portugal won the European race for a sea route to Asia.

13 Predicting the Results of Exploration
How would continued exploration by Europeans affect Africans?

14 Results of Exploration
Portuguese explorations would have major results, including the start of the Atlantic slave trade. As explorers sailed the west coast of Africa, they negotiated for gold, ivory, and slaves. The Portuguese sent many enslaved Africans to Europe and islands in the Atlantic Ocean, where they lived and worked under horrible conditions. Other European nations noticed the success of Portugal and would soon find their own water routes to Asia.

15 Summary Answer the following question in your notebook and be ready to share your conclusions with the class: Name one way Europeans explored the world in search of new lands and new trade routes. In addition, predict how it would change the world forever.

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