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Wind Energy Challenge 2010 MESA USA Competition Gloria Nelson & Chris Bonilha MESA Mark CU-Boulder.

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Presentation on theme: "Wind Energy Challenge 2010 MESA USA Competition Gloria Nelson & Chris Bonilha MESA Mark CU-Boulder."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wind Energy Challenge 2010 MESA USA Competition Gloria Nelson & Chris Bonilha MESA Mark CU-Boulder

2 Colorado Competition Dates High School Scrimmage October 15 & 16 at the Fall Fling at CSU Ft. Collins Statewide Competitions High School Science & Engineering Jamboree: April 8 th at CU Denver Middle School MESA Day: April 16 th at CU Denver

3 Competition Overview 1.Performance(150 pts) a)Wind-to-Vehicle Transfer b)Electrical Power c)Mechanical Power 2.Technical Paper(100 pts) 3.Academic Display(100 pts) 4.Oral Presentation(100 pts) Total(450 pts)

4 Performance: Mechanical Power Objective – Greatest mass raised 75 cm in the least amount of time. (2 trials) – Use the wind to lift a weight 75 cm as fast as possible! You get 2 tries.

5 Rules and Restrictions Task Details 1)Fan speed will be set to high. 2)Judge will use outlet strip to start the box fan-wind source and start the timer. 3)Judge will stop timer when entire mass is above 75 cm, and record time. 4)Judge will use outlet strip to stop box fan-wind source. 5)Judges will weigh the detachable object and record the mass. 6)Objects failing to reach 75 cm receive zero mass for that trial. 7)Repeat procedure for 2nd trial.

6 Score Calculation 1 ) Team Power Score - Power (P TM ) = as measured in (milli Joules /second) - Mass of vehicle (m) = as measured (grams) - Acceleration (g) = as measured in (meters/second2) - Height (h) = as measured in (meters) - Time (t) = as measured in (seconds) 2) Task Winner Greatest team power score (P WM ) receives maximum points (75 or 50). 3) Task Points Team Power (P TM ) divided by (P WM ), times max points

7 Performance: Wind-to-Vehicle Objective – Greatest average speed achieved by the defined vehicle through the track distance. (2 trials) – Use the wind to make your car travel the entire track distance as fast as possible! You get 2 tries.

8 Rules and Restrictions Task Details 1)The fan speed will be set to High. 2)Teams will place the entire vehicle behind the “Start Line”. 3)Teams will design their device to move the vehicle from behind the Start Line” to the “Finish Line”. 4)Judges will use outlet strip to start box fan-wind source and start the timer. 5)Judges will stop the timer when any part of the vehicle crosses the “Finish Line” within the boundary. 6)Vehicles failing to reach the “Finish Line” or leaving the track boundary during a trial will receive zero speed for that trial. 7)Repeat procedure for 2nd trial.

9 Score Calculation 1 ) Each Team: - Team Kinetic Energy (KE T ) = as measured in (milli Joules) - Mass of vehicle (m) = as measured (grams) - Speed of vehicle (v) = Distance (2.5 meters) / Team Time (seconds) 2 ) Task winner: - Winner Kinetic Energy (KE W ) = Greatest kinetic energy achieved by a vehicle. 3 ) Task Points - Team kinetic energy (KE T ) divided by (KE W ), times max points.

10 Performance: Electrical Power Objective – Greatest average power output from the defined generator/electrical load during a 60 degree change in wind direction. (2 trials) – Generate the most power while the fan moves over a 60 degree span. You get 2 tries.

11 Rules and Restrictions Task Details 1)Student teams are required to rotate the specified generator and attach to Electrical Load. 2)Fan speed will be set to High. 3)Fan motion will begin in Position #1 and rotate clockwise to Position #2. 4)Judge will simultaneously start the box fan-wind source, and the Stopwatch timer. 5)Judge will record the voltage/current measurements at 10 seconds. 6)After completing measurement, the box fan – wind source will be slid from left-to-right at approximately 10 degrees per 10 seconds. 7)When the fan reaches position 2 judges will repeat voltage/current measurements. 8)Repeat procedure for 2nd trial.

12 Score Calculation 1 ) High School Team - Power (P T ) = as measured in millijoules/sec or milliwatts (mW). - Power (P) = Voltage (V) [volts] x Current (I) [milliamps] 2 ) Task winner - (P W ) = Greatest Average Power delivered to the load resistor. 3 ) Task Points - Team Power (Pt) divided by (Pw), times 50 points Electrical Power meter arrangement can be found on pg 7

13 Equipment

14 Instructions are included on page 8 of the curriculum

15 Technical Paper Objective: To clearly document their engineering design process, MESA students participating in the MESA USA National Engineering Design Competition will write a technical paper regarding the principles, design, and performance of their device. Guidelines: – Length – Electronic Format – Authorship – Deadline – Written Presentation (Title page, abstract, body, etc.)

16 Technical Paper Criteria and Evaluation for scoring* -Discussion (40 pts) -Abstract (20 pts) -Introduction (15 pts) -Conclusion and Recommendations (15 pts) -Written Presentation (10 pts) Total(100 pts) *See Scoring Materials section for details (Pg 18)

17 Academic Display Objective: Teams will present their device and relevant aspects of the design project from the technical paper in a creative display format. The focus of the display is to be the actual device presented for performance. Required Elements*: – Abstract (200-250 words) – Data and Technical Explanation – Scaled Drawing Hand or Computer generated (No Photographs) – Project Introduction Be prepared to introduce team and meet with judges for no more than 5 minutes. *Details information can be found on Pg. 14 of curriculum

18 Academic Display Criteria and Evaluation for scoring* -Technical Explanation and Data Presentation (40 pts) -Scaled Drawing(30 pts) -Form, Key Features and Organization (10 pts) -Abstract (10 pts) -Creativity (10 pts) Total(100 pts) *See Scoring Materials section for details (Pg 19)

19 Oral Presentation Objective: Students will organize and deliver a focused, coherent presentation that conveys their ideas clearly. Students have the opportunity to be creative, prepare, practice, and make an excellent presentation. The purpose of the presentation is to provide information about their engineering design project to a panel of judges. The judges should understand the speech and become engaged in the presentation. Speeches must be the original work of the team. After the presentation, teams will be asked questions by the judges. Guidelines: – Present for max 10 minutes. – Power Point presentations are allowed, but limited to text and images – Any advanced equations used must be explained – 5 min Q&A period after each presentation – Props, models, charts, graphs or other visual aids should be used.

20 Oral Presentation Criteria and Evaluation for scoring* -Technical content (40 pts) -Overall Presentation(30 pts) -Oral and Visual Performance (10 pts) -Question Responses(10 pts) Total(100 pts) *See Scoring Materials section for details (Pg 20)

21 Additional Information Build each device so it can be shipped Device and additional Material must be inspected Sole Energy Source, no initially stored energy Automated event Scoring 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd for each competition, one overall winner Cite References (Pg 28)

22 Core Math Principles Kinetic Energy - Available power in the Wind - Gear Ratios - Pulley - (Investigation 3),

23 Helpful Links Includes worksheet activities centered around wind energy. Geared at Elementary and Young Middle schoolers Includes worksheet activities centered around wind energy. Lesson plans for all ages. Loads of activities to prepare students to build the best wind turbine. May take some creativity to get around buying kidwind products.

24 FAQ? Q. Does each team have to perform each task? A. Yes, any task left incomplete will result in zero points for that task. Q. Do gender rules apply to each team? A. No, there are no specifications on the gender make up of each team. Nothing Touching the ground besides string/wire and car

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