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I want to thank you for being a part of my life...

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1 I want to thank you for being a part of my life...

2 No matter what happens,keep on beginning.Each time you fail,start all over again. You will grow stronger each time,until you can do and finish what you started out to do. By Annie Sullivan

3 My Teacher By Zhu Cairong

4 Helen Keller (1880-1968), an American writer and lecturer. In 1887 Annie Sullivan came to look after her and became Helen's teacher and lifelong companion. Helen Keller made rapid progress at school and in 1904 graduated from Radcliffe College with honours. She published many books and lectured to raise funds for the training of the blind and for other social causes. About the writer

5 Comprehension 1 1.What was the writer’s problem? 2.What did the writer learn during this period of her life? She was deaf and blind and couldn’t speak. She learnt the meaning of words,she learnt to play and laugh.

6 Helen was born a very bright,beautiful baby.As early as she was six months she could already say a few words.She took her first steps on the floor when she was only one year old.But before she was two years old,she had a disease that left her in darkness ever since.She couldn’t see or hear---and soon she couldn’t even talk. From then on, Helen had to struggle in the darkness and silence. When she tried to do anything in the house,she only got every one into trouble.Because her family did not know what else to do,they soon began to give everything she wanted. The girl could do nothing right.When she tried to cut out paper dolls,she cut her dress instead.She pushed her baby sister off the bed,thinking that she was a doll.Once she was almost burned to death,because she was standing too near to the fire. More Information

7 Comprehension 2 Read Par 3 and point out what is wrong with the picture at the top of the page They seemed to be indoors,not at the well. Helen was holding a cup,not a jar. Annie was holding Helen’s hands,not pumping.

8 What is the secret of her success? For one thing,she met a good teacher,for the other she herself worked very hard. Think

9 Comprehension 3 2.What kind of a teacher was Annie? A born teacher, About on March 5 th,1887 when Helen was eight years old. 1.When did Annie Sullivan come to teach her? 3.Give example to show that she was a born teacher. wise,lively with patience and imagination

10 imaginative patient wise lively A born teacher It took nearly a month to teach the word “water” taught Helen how to play made Helen learn different things

11 Difficulties Explain the following: 1.simple-minded 2.struggling in a world of silence and darkness 3.a lively young teacher with patience and imagination 4. a born teacher 5.What a difficult case I must have been to this teacher! 6.She understood I was begging for new words not clever living with difficulty gay,cheerful,active natural,gifted student asking for eagerly

12 Difficulties 7. Those first words were to change my world. 8. She reached my understanding. 9. I am struck by Annie’s wisdom. 10….made me burst into laughter. I look back upon those years 12.the words flew from her hand to mine resulted in a change in my life made me understand her finally am greatly surprised to find laugh suddenly remember,recall Quickly she spelled words into Helen’s hands

13 Language study 1.Next Annie took me by the hand… 在表达汉语中 “ 拉 / 握着某人的手 / 臂 …” 时,英语通常用 “take sb + by+ 定冠词 + 身体部位 ” 这个结构。 e.g. pull the shoulder pull sb by the ear catch the arm lead sb. by the nose knock the head 2.look back upon/on 回顾,回想过去 e.g. The aged people like to look back upon the old days. It is pleasant to look back upon our childhood.

14 Homework Retell the text and preview the next lesson


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