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1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Conventional Facilities Update Marty Fallier Director for Conventional Facilities NSLS-II PAC Meeting May 24, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Conventional Facilities Update Marty Fallier Director for Conventional Facilities NSLS-II PAC Meeting May 24, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Conventional Facilities Update Marty Fallier Director for Conventional Facilities NSLS-II PAC Meeting May 24, 2007

2 2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Outline Current CF Scope CF Issues CR impacts Vibration Management Lab Support Organization Schedule Cost Risks Path Forward

3 3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES CF Technical Performance Goals Structurally stable facility with low vibration (<25nm Rms) Tunnel design that provides required shielding and accessibility Tunnel temperature stability of +/- 0.1 deg C Utility capacity for up to 3.6 GeV operation Utility services & expansion capability to support full beamline build-out Facility layout enabling future long beamlines Experimental Floor noise level <NC60 Design for LEED Certification to meet sustainability requirements (DOE likely to require LEED Gold Rating)

4 4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS LOB Typ 4 1 in Base Scoope, 3 Future RF-LINAC AREA Service Bldg Typ 4 CFN Ring Bldg Future JPsi Future Guest House Future Conf. Center Underpass Loading CLOB Scope at Previous Review

5 5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Current NSLS II Facility Overview Access Tunnel LOB (1 of 3) JPSI NSLS CFN BLOC NSLS II Service Bldgs (1 of 5) CHW Plant Bldg 603 Substation Future LOB ’ s

6 6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS II Facility Overview cont ’ d NSLS II Floor Plan 1. BLOC – Booster/LINAC/ Operations Center 2. LOB – Lab Office Buildings (3 base scope up to 5 future) 3. Service Buildings (5) 4. RF Area 5. Tunnel Area 6. Electrical Mezzanine 7. Experimental Floor 8. Access Corridor 1 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3

7 7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS II Facility Overview cont ’ d Access Corridor Lab-Office Bldg SR Tunnel Experimental Floor Service Bldg 1 st Floor (earlier concept) 7 5 8 6 Electrical Mezzanine (above tunnel)

8 8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Compact Booster 1 st Floor Plan Operations Center Entry Lobby Linac Injection to Booster Booster Injection to Storage Ring

9 9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Compact Booster 2 nd Floor Plan Operations Center Viewing Gallery and Bridge to Control Room Area Linac Klystrons Booster RF, Magnet Power Supplies, Cooling Systems and HVAC Service Areal Control Room Area

10 10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Revised LOB Program The 2 LOB ’ s (1 integrated in CLOB, the other standalone) in CDR were insufficient to support full beamline buildout Intended to support initial suite of beamlines (~10) Would require substantial additional construction to support future beamlines (at least 3 more larger LOB ’ s plus expansion of original LOBs) Revised plan will provide 3 larger LOB ’ s to support more rapid build out of beamlines and transfer of NSLS beamlines


12 12 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Conventional Facilities Issues Reliance on NSLS lab/office space Reliance on BNL to; Complete replacement of Warehousing area Share in expansion of Central Chilled Water Plant Impacts of continuing resolution on design schedule How to support future upgrade paths Extra long beamlines Super long straights Cost vs Beam Stability Goals

13 13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES BNL Support Warehouse Demolition & Replacement –Must remove Bldgs 86, 100, 210, 211, and 481 before FY 09 –Warehouse facility replacement is underway as GPP project –Demolition planned for Spring FY08 Chilled Water Plant Expansion –NSLS II and Lab must share expansion cost as both need added capacity –A/E selected and ready to begin design –Lab planning $4.9 M GPP/IGPP project –Design to run concurrent with NSLS II ACD, T-I and T-II –Construction start in FY09 and complete early FY11.

14 14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Existing Site Building 603 CCWF Bldg 100 Bldg 209 Bldg 86 Bldg 210 Bldg 481 Bldg 211

15 15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Continuing Resolution Impacts Prior Schedule had CD-1 in February, now likely in June Result - Funding for T-I delayed and limited Goal – minimize schedule impacts Approach Establish basic ordering agreement contract with selected A/E [HDR] Issue tasks for Advance Conceptual Design (ACD) to progress investigation of design concepts and alternatives Revised T-I A/E scope to address specific T-I deliverables Result – maintained overall schedule goal of readiness for CD-2 in 1 st Qtr FY08 Lehman review and EIR scheduled for early November

16 16 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES CF Program for Vibration Management Assessment of “ green-field ” conditions Active participation in Beam Stability Task Force Identification and mitigation of cultural sources (where feasible) FE Modeling of site and facility design Needed to understand & predict facility response Design optimization tool Analysis of other facilities (CFN, APS & SPring 8 thus far) Draw upon lessons learned Provide input for model Model performance verification During & after construction, implement monitoring and maintenance program

17 17 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Conventional Facilities Organization Conventional Facilities Director M. Fallier Design A/E T-I, I, III HDR Giffels [C] Asst. Director CF Design Management O. Dyling Commissioning Contractor TBD [C] PE Trade Shop Support – Various [M] Subconsultants Vita-tech Colin -Gordon VJ Assoc.[C] Construction Management PM Agent CM – TBD [C] I C & C Project Manager TBD Civil Construction Project Manager TBD Building Project Manager TBD Chilled Water Project Manager TBD [M] – Matrixed [C] - Contracted Asst. Director CF Construction Management TBD ESH Manager R. Casey Design Review Industrial Hygiene Health Physics Construction Safety Project Support Procurement Project Controls Document Mgt Human Resources Information Management NSLS II Project Director S. Dierker CF Advisory Committee J. Hands, Chair Construction Analysts [C] Project Schedulers [C] Field Inspectors [C] Cost Estimators [C] ASD & XFD Technical Interface Managers ASD - E. Johnson, EFD- L. Micelli Site Prep Contractor [C] Building Contractor [C] CHW Contractor [C] Construction Safety Specialists [C] IC&C Contractor [C] Project Architect T. McEvaddy [M] Mech. Engineer G. Leskody [M] Civil/Struct. Engr. T. Joos [M] Elect. Engineer D. Danseglio [M] Sr Mech. Engr. C. Channing [M] ECS Design Supervisor J. Mills [M] QA Manager C. Porretto

18 18 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES CF Schedule (CDR funding profile) Title I Design CD-2 Title II Design CD-3 Site Prep. Const. Ring Bldg Bid & Award 1st Pentant RFE (Pentant 1) 2 nd Pentant RFE (Pentant 5) 3 rd Pentant RFE (Pentant 2) 4 th Pentant RFE (Pentant 3) 5 th Pentant RFE (Pentant 4) Booster/LINAC/Ops Ctr (BLOC) Lab/Office Bldg ’ s (LOB ’ s) CHW Plant Expansion Mech & Elect Utilities Integrated Ctrl & Comm. Standard Equipment Commissioning Activity FY07 FY08 FY09FY010FY11FY12 FY13 Begin Accelerator Installation Full Ring Bldg Available for Accelerator & Beamline Installation Control Room RFE LOB ’ s Complete BO for all CF Construction

19 19 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Site Preparation Site Preparation package at start of FY09 would head- off some schedule risk Likely scope to include Clearing trees and brush Rerouting of utilities Removal of old foundations and abandoned utilities Grading to cut the site and verify subsoil conditions


21 21 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Risk Assessment Technical Risk Primarily building stability, vibration & temperature control Schedule Risks Title I & II Engineering are on the critical path Construction of Ring Building is critical path Cost Risks Technical and schedule risks can impact costs Construction and material markets are still volatile Risk registry has been prepared Risk assessment database integrated with cost estimate database Current Contingency allocated for Conventional Facilities ~ 40%

22 22 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES CF Path Forward Continue driving ACD process to finalize concepts for T-I Freeze accelerator lattice design – Ring bldg footprint Confirm program requirements Confirm siteplan and geotechnical suitability Continue benchmarking study of other LS facilities Continue focused technical studies (vibration, thermal modeling) Expedite award of A/E T-I contract when CD-I is received Execute T-I design plan Expedite agent CM award for T-I, T-II support services Prepare supporting documents for CD-2

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