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The Road Map of Chinese Biomass Energy Development Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences Prof. Chuangzhi Wu, Prof. Haibin.

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Presentation on theme: "The Road Map of Chinese Biomass Energy Development Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences Prof. Chuangzhi Wu, Prof. Haibin."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Road Map of Chinese Biomass Energy Development Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences Prof. Chuangzhi Wu, Prof. Haibin LI Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences Prof. Chuangzhi Wu, Prof. Haibin LI

2 2 1.Biomass resources in China 2.Status of Biomass Energy Utilization 3.Targets of R&D 4.Technology Road Maps

3 3 Significance of Biomass Energy in China Increase the supply of clean energy Promote rural economy Improve environment protection & sustainable development

4 4 Energy crops and plants industry are not established! Straw from agriculture 650 Mton, 50% can be used as energy, 210 MTCE Straw from agriculture 650 Mton, 50% can be used as energy, 210 MTCE Forest industry and timber work waste: 270Mton, 30% can be used as energy, 50MTCE Biogas from livestock excreta and waste water 100MTCE Municipal solid waste 155 Mton, about 25MTCE Biomass Energy Potential: 385 MTCE Biomass Energy Potential: 385 MTCE 1.Biomass resources in China

5 5 1.1 Agricultural waste  The amount of straw that can be utilized as modern energy increased by 1~2% every year.  60% of the total amount can be used as energy.  After 2030, about 400~500 mil. tons of straw can be used as energy, 200~300 M TCE. The consumption of straw for different purposes(2004) Unit: million tons Total 546 ConsumptionPotential as fuel Return to soilFeedstuff Paper making 290 Burned as fuelThe rest 8215321152138 Power generation is the most efficient technology before the maturation of liquefaction technologies 1.Biomass resources in China

6 6 1.2 Forestry residues 125 million tons 71.66 M TCE Logging and timber processing 77.60M tons 44.23 MTCE Firewood 48.13 M tons 27.43 M TCE The preferential option for forestry residues should be raw materials for industries, then be used as fuel 1.Biomass resources in China

7 7 1.3 Livestock excreta  It is estimated that by the year of 2010 and 2020, the excreta yield will be 2.5 and 4billion tons.  The collectable resource will be 180 and 290 M TCE Complex composition and high water content Low energy utilization Efficiency Environmental protection requirement Complex composition and high water content Low energy utilization Efficiency Environmental protection requirement 1.Biomass resources in China

8 8 1.4 Industrial organic wastes  50 billion m 3 biogas can be produced from food processing wastes– 35 MTCE 1.5 Municipal solid waste  MSW production increased by 8% each year. More than 80% of the total was treated by landfill.  Average calorific value of MSW : 4~5 MJ/kg  According to the data of 2004 (150 M tons)— 25 M TCE.  If 10% used for energy—2.5 M TCE 1.Biomass resources in China

9 9 1.5 Waste Vegetable Oil & Tallow Waste oil and fat 1 million tons/year Cottonseed Oil 1 million tons/year of cottonseed oil can be collected for biodiesel production 1.6 million tons of cottonseed oil 9 million tons of cottonseed 4.86 million tons/year cotton production Biodiesel: 2 million tons/year 1.Biomass resources in China

10 10 1.6 Energy crops Marginal Land Availability in China 32-75 million ha. Marginal Land Availability in China 32-75 million ha. Set-aside land: 7.34~9.37 million ha. Energy crops Set-aside land: 7.34~9.37 million ha. Energy crops Cropland not in use in wintertime: - 8.66 million ha. Set aside woodland: - 16~57 million ha. Woody crops Cropland not in use in wintertime: - 8.66 million ha. Set aside woodland: - 16~57 million ha. Woody crops Existing oil plant forest 3.43 million ha. Biodiesel resource Existing oil plant forest 3.43 million ha. Biodiesel resource 1.Biomass resources in China

11 11 Estimation: Energy crops production Set-aside land 7.34~9.37 million ha. Set-aside land 7.34~9.37 million ha. Oil plant Cropland not in use in wintertime - 8.66 million ha. Cropland not in use in wintertime - 8.66 million ha. 9.53 MTCE/yr 1.Biomass resources in China

12 12 Estimation: Woody crops Woody oil plant 4.1 million ha.. Woody crops 8.9 million ha. 2010: 800 thousand ha. of woody oil plant 2020: 13 million ha. of woody plant, 54 million tons dry material 35 million TCE/yr 6.7 million tons of biodiesel 1.Biomass resources in China

13 13 Biomass resource potential evaluation: MTCE 1.Biomass resources in China

14 14 a. Waste material Large amount-clean energy b. Energy crops Scale-up c. Non-edible species Food security- Marginal land for production The potential biomass development capacity: about 1 billion TCE Types of Biomass Fundamentals Marginal land development- Protect existing cropland, forest and grassland Development of energy crop agriculture and energy forest industry- enlarge the supply of biomass resource Priority: Resource utilization and environmental protection 1.Biomass resources in China

15 15 A Power generation B Liquid fuel C Gas fuel D Pelletized fuel Types of Biomass Energy Utilization 2. Status of Biomass Energy Utilization

16 16 Characteristics of Biomass utilization: About 14% of the primary energy consumption in the world :  Outside China: Power generation>Fuel ethanol>Biodiesel>Industrial biogas  In China: Household biogas>Fuel ethanol>others including power generation  The motivation differences: Developed countries: CO 2 emission reduction, environmental protection; Developing countries: Energy supplements, promote agriculture development 2. Status of Biomass Energy Utilization

17 17 2. Status of Biomass Energy Utilization Maturity of techonolgy Market competition force High subsidy technologies Low subsidy technologies Stage II Stage I Stage IV Stage III Biodiesel from oil plants Bioethanol from sugar and starch Profitable point Biodiesel from waste oil Pelleting Biogas H 2 from biomass Bioethanol from cellulose Synfuel from gasification Gsification power generation Direct combustion power generation Polygeneration utilization CHP Engineering demonstration New technologies need to be explored Advanced technologies

18 18 There stages of biomass utilization technology:  Commercialized technologies: High subsidy technologies: Biodiesel from oil plants, bioethanol from sugar and starch Low subsidy technologies: Biogas, pelleting, direct combustion power generation  Engineering demonstration Fuel ethanol from cellulose, gasification power generation, synfuel from gasification, direct liquefaction, combined cooling-heating-power generation(CHP);  Technologies under development Algae utilization, biosynthesis, H 2 from biomass  Technologies need to be explored Polygeneration, et al. 2. Status of Biomass Energy Utilization

19 19 2. Status of Biomass Energy Utilization The trend of biomass energy utilization Maturity of techonolgy Fuel ethanol 2010 2020 Pelleting Biogas Combustion power generation Indirect liquefaction Gasification power generation Biodiesel from plant oil Bioethanol from cellulose Direct liquefaction H 2 from biomass Engineering demonstration Industry demonstration Commercialization

20 20 In the near future Just started Mainly from corn Status in China Marginal land for the production of cassava, sweet sorghum Mid to long term direction Promote the development of fuel ethanol from cellulose Bio-ethanol 2. Status of Biomass Energy Utilization

21 21 Trend of biomass power generation  Developments of different kinds of technology  CHP and comprehensive utilization  Small to medium scale and stand alone power system 2. Status of Biomass Energy Utilization At present, power generation is still the main technology for biomass waste utilization

22 22 2. Status of Biomass Energy Utilization Factors affect the generation capacity  6MW-10MW, the bigger the better;  The capacity for direct combustion: 6-12MW  The capacity for gasification(BIGCC): 4-12MW;  6MW-10MW, the bigger the better;  The capacity for direct combustion: 6-12MW  The capacity for gasification(BIGCC): 4-12MW;

23 23 Resource cultivation and exploitation Promote the development of liquid fuel- substitution of fossil fuel Clean fuel for rural area : Fuel gas and solid fuel Power generation, comprehensive utilization Basic principles for the energy utilization of biomass 3.Targets of R&D in China

24 24 In the near future(2010):  Biomass power generation: 600MW  Biomass liquid fuel: 2 million ton/yr  3~5% of agriculture and forestry waste can be used In the near future(2010):  Biomass power generation: 600MW  Biomass liquid fuel: 2 million ton/yr  3~5% of agriculture and forestry waste can be used Mid-term target(2020)  Biomass power generation: 3000MW  Biomass liquid fuel: 15 million ton/yr  15~20% of agriculture and forestry waste can be used Mid-term target(2020)  Biomass power generation: 3000MW  Biomass liquid fuel: 15 million ton/yr  15~20% of agriculture and forestry waste can be used Mid-term target(2030)  Biomass power generation: 5000MW  Biomass liquid fuel: 50 million ton/yr  30~40% of agriculture and forestry waste can be used Mid-term target(2030)  Biomass power generation: 5000MW  Biomass liquid fuel: 50 million ton/yr  30~40% of agriculture and forestry waste can be used 3.Targets of R&D Missions of development

25 25 3.Targets of R&D Direction of Development  Development of Resources: Short to mid-term: mainly agriculture and forestry waste; Give attention to energy crops and energy plants ; Long term: Mainly energy agriculture and energy forestry; Give attention to new resources, such as energy algae…..  Route of Technology Development: Short to mid-term: Biogas, pelleting, fuel ethanol, biodiesel, power generation, CHP…. Mid to long term: Synfuel from gasification, ethanol from cellulose, biochemical engineering; Long term: Algae technology, ocean biomass, H 2 production…

26 26 Component separation Non-edible oil & fat Hydrolysis Pretreatment Fermentation Esterify Pyrolysis & catalytic cracking Gasification Product separation Refining Heat & Power Liquid fuel Chemicals CH4/H2 Power Synthesis Combustion Residue Separation Microbe Gas fuel Non-edible sugar and starch Cellulose Summary of technologies 4.Technology Road Maps High moisture content biomass

27 27 Ethene Acetic acid Heat/ Power SiO 2 Fertilizer Technologies for bio-conversion Feedingstuff Straw & sugarcrops Ethanol Butanol …… H2H2 CH4 Pre- treatment Hydrolysis Separation & Concentrating Chemical conversion Combustion Residue Cellulose enzyme Residue Drying Bacteria reconstruction Micro-algae Stepped Fermentation Synchro fermentation 4.Technology Road Maps

28 28 Road Map for Biomass Bio-Conversion Demonstration Pilot scale Industrialization Exploration Nearly zero emission Large scale application Large scale high-grade clean fuel application Pretreatment Residue combustion tech Cellulose fermentation fuel ethanol 3000t/Y Cellulose ethanol 10000t/Y SiO2 from ash Coupled Vaporized tech. Solid state fermation Large scale application Cellulose enzyme solid state fermentation 2005 2010 2015 2020 Bench scale H2 from micro-algae H2 from micro-algae: demonstration Genetic tech. for bacteria cultivatio Large scale bio-gas application Coupled tech. for CH4/H2 production 100M 3 CH4/H2 Demonstration 100M 3 CH4/H2 Demonstration Continuous fermentation for biogas Large scale biogas 10000M 3 Large scale biogas 10000M 3 4.Technology Road Maps

29 29 Solid biomass Pyrolysis liquefaction Catalytic de-oxygen liquefaction Bio-oil Fuel gas Separation Chemicals Chemical modulation Boiler Fuel Catalytic synthesis Combustion Diesel Gasoline Heat & Power Methanol Technologies for solid biomass thermal- chemical conversion Fractionation DME CH 4 Gasification H2 H2 Syngas Reforming Refining Vehicle fuel 4.Technology Road Maps

30 30 Road Map for biomass thermal chemical conversion Advanced gasificaiton Gas refinery Demonstration >3000t/a Indirect liquefation >10000t/a Indirect liquefation >10000t/a Pilot scale 1000t/a Pilot scale 1000t/a Syngas synthesis >3000t/a 2007 2010 2015 2020 Industrialization of BIGCC BIGCC Large scale application CO2 rich synthesis Pilot scale 1000t/a Pilot scale 1000t/a Selectivity liquefaction Bio-oil separation & refinery 1000t/a 3000t/a Direct liquefaction >10000t/a Direct liquefaction >10000t/a 200t/a 4.Technology Road Maps Demonstration Pilot scale Industrialization Exploration Nearly zero emission Large scale application Large scale biomass energy application

31 31 Lipid abstraction Feedingstuff Glycol … … Oil plant & algae Other lipid High value conversion Esterification acetone Chemicals Enzyme Separation Catalyst Fertilizer High value conversion Medicine …… Technologies for biodiesel Biodiesel Lipid Residue Glycerin 4.Technology Road Maps

32 32 Continuous reaction Residue high value conversion Pilot plant 3000t/Y 30000t/Y Medicine component abstraction Pilot scale comprehensive utilization 500t/Y Large scale polygeneration process Glycerin high value conversion 2005 2010 2015 2020 Magnetism nano- catalytic reaction Road Map for Biodiesel 4.Technology Road Maps Demonstration Pilot scale Industrialization Exploration Nearly zero emission Large scale application Large scale high grade liquid fuel application

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