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CESD CESD Center for Environmentally Sustainable Development - Civil Society and Evnironment in B&H.

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Presentation on theme: "CESD CESD Center for Environmentally Sustainable Development - Civil Society and Evnironment in B&H."— Presentation transcript:

1 CESD CESD Center for Environmentally Sustainable Development - Civil Society and Evnironment in B&H

2 What is CESD? The CESD is a non-governmental organization, which contributes to environmentally sustainable development in Bosnia and Herzegovina, through raising awareness activities, human resources development and education. CESD is a member of and

3 What is focus of CESD? One aspect of CESD's work is developing the programs for involvement of local communities in different environmental problems and their regional cooperation. Particular emphasis has been given to building bridges between industry, government, local and scientific community.  Besides that, CESD encourages companies to adopt business practice and technologies, which would help them to achieve effective reduction of waste flows and emissions generated in production processes.

4 What are CESD activities? Organization of trainings, education and awareness raising programs on environmental protection, sustainable development and sustainable tourism; Linking the interests and actions of all entities interested in the development and promotion of environmental culture, tourism and natural heritage;

5 Participation in decision making process and monitoring of implementation of environmental policies (National Environmental Action Plan, Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, National Action Plan for Reduction of Pollution from Land based Sources, etc.); Organization of environmental campaigns (Say No to Plastic Bags, Environmental “Campaign for Day Without Cars” 22. September, Environmental Campaign aimed at raising awareness regarding overuse of drinking water). What are CESD activities?

6 Cooperation with appropriate competent authorities and organizations in the fields of education, economy, tourism, and social activities on the tasks and issues of interest for the sustainable environmental development; Publishing of leaflets and brochures about environmental protection, sustainable development and sustainable tourism; Promotion of cleaner production towards decision makers and industry; What are CESD activities?

7 CESD projects In past period CESD has directed its efforts on 4 main group of activities: implementation of projects related to integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC), implementation of projects related to raising of public environmental awareness, organization of training and education programs for administrative bodies, industry, NGOs, media, education institutions and other key stakeholders in environmental protection, and development of environmental studies and reports.

8 CESD projects’ selection: Environmental Public Awareness Project, EC CARDS project (2005-2007) Sustainable Management of Vrelo Bosne Protected Area, EU Grant Scheme for Support to Civil Society Active in the Field of Environment (2005-2006) Urgent Strengthening of Environmental Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Section 3 - Environmental Impact Assessment, World Bank - METAP, May 2002 - December 2002 Pollution reduction at source – priority action in National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) for BiH, REC BiH Small Grant, 2001/2002

9 CESD projects’ selection - studies: Study on State of textile industry in BiH as a contribution to the RAC/CP project Pollution Prevention Opportunities in the Textile Industry in MAP Countries, 2001 Case study on introduction of CP in small slaughterhouse industry in Semizovac (BiH), World Bank, Robert McNamara Fellowship Program, 2001 National report for Danube Regional Project named Strengthening Implementation of Nutrient Reduction Measures and Transboundary Co-Operation in the Danube River Basin, 2000

10 CESD projects’ selection - studies: Strategic Environmental Analysis for Bosnia and Herzegovina for Swedish International development Agency (SIDA), with REC CO BiH, 2000 Input to UNDP Study on Capacity Development Needs, identifying the priorities for Sustainable Development of Industrial Sector and critical capacity constraints limiting ability to address priorities, 2000 Study on State of Cleaner Production in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a contribution to the project State of CP in Mediterranean Countries, 2000

11 CESD projects’ selection - studies: Study on Free Trade and Environment in Euro- Mediterranean Context - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Textile Industry Sectoral Study in cooperation with the Blue Plan for Mediterranean Regional Activity Canter, France, 2000 Preparation of report on state of industrial development in Bosnia and Herzegovina for PAP/RAC- ICS UNIDO Workshop on the Analyses of the Industrial Component in the Coastal Areas of the Adriatic Sea, March 2000 Involvement in preparation of National Environmental Action Plans

12 CESD projects’ selection – Trainings and workshops: Round tables “Water and soil protection measures from agricultural activities”, Austrian Cooperation Office and REC B&H, 2004 - 2005 Course "Possibilities of prevention of appearance and reduction of waste from slaughtering industry”, in cooperation with RAC/CP Barcelona, Sarajevo, 2004 Series of 5 workshops on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for 125 representatives of municipal bodies responsible for licensing and environmental NGOs from whole BiH, USAID/WL project, 2004. Training on “How to Prepare an Environmental & Social Review for SEED SMEs clients”, December, 2003 Series of workshops on Environmental Impact Assessment for entity and state level, December, 2003 Training Module “National Training for Environmental Inspectors” - WHO Project, November, 2003

13 CESD projects’ selection – Trainings and workshops: National training on reduction of nutrients and hazardous matters in Danube river basin, April, 2003. Training on methodology for analysis and diagnosis of industrial processes with the aim to introduce cleaner production (Minimization Opportunity Environmental Diagnosis- MOED methodology), March, 2003 Training - Theoretical Module 2. Role of Government in Industrial Environmental Management, February, 2003 Training - Theoretical Module 1 entitled Introduction to Cleaner Production, in the framework of LIFE project, November 2002 Workshop on Role of Government in Industrial Sustainable Development, Sarajevo, June, 2002 Workshop Pollution reduction at source – priority action in National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) for BiH, Sarajevo, February 2002

14 CESD projects’ selection - Public awareness raising : Waste reduction campaign: "If not you, who?", EU Grant Scheme for Support to Civil Society Active in the Field of Environment, 2006- 2007 Increasing public awareness of farmers on application of fertilizers, 2004-2005 Building a Partnership in Local Community against Nutrient Pollution, UNDP/GEF Danube regional Project, 2004-2005 Local Environmental Action Plan for Municipality Stari Grad, Sarajevo, Austrian Cooperation & REC BiH, 2004-2005 Campaign "Say NO to plastic bags", Canton Sarajevo, Ministry of Physical Planning and Environment, 2003- 2004 Involvement of Local Communities in Mine Water Pollution Control, regional project 2002-2003

15 Other items of interest National focal point for Cleaner Production (for MAP/RAC/CP)  National focal point for Danube Environmental Forum – DEF 


17 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF CSOs ProblemStatusSuggested activities  Lack of motivation and competence of CSO's in taking the leading role in finding bold and creative environmental solutions  Lack of communication between CSO's.  Networks of the CSO's contribution to development of motivation and competences very small  Lack of constant pressure  Some campaigns are explicitly against the initiated activities without providing any alternative solution  Need for more active and effective participation in public life and decision making  To strengthen capacities of the networks coordinators and members for taking the leading role  To provide assistance to development of the networks objectives and plans (interactive trainings of the members with practical exercises, debates, workshops, etc.  Policy analysis and dialog organization programs in the field of environment would be welcomed

18 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF CSOs ProblemStatusSuggested activities  Lack of programs and plans, clear mission of CSO’s involved in environmental issues.  Several trainings on strategic planning were organized in the past period. According to the research conducted by ICVA, 14% of 77 interviewed CSOs have participated in such training programs. Small number of those CSO’s is active in the field of environment.  Debates with the subject of the role of the environmental CSO's in society, mission and visions of the CSO's. Training programs related to the planning issues should be continued.

19 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF CSOs ProblemStatusSuggested activities  Lack of CSO's capacities actively supervise policy, laws and practice application and speak on behalf of the civil society-to advocate and to lobby  In the past training programs on advocacy have been organized. According to the research conducted by ICVA, among 77 interviewed CSO’s only 35% have participated on the advocacy training programs.  Small number of questioned CSO’s is active in the field of environment.  Necessary to continue to support the capacity building programs that should be directed to strengthening of the CSO's capacities to monitor implementation of policies, laws and practices, to lobby in the field of environment (trainers trainings, interactive trainings with practical exercises, debates, workshops).

20 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF CSOs ProblemStatusSuggested activities  Insufficient work with local community aiming at strengthening their sensibility when it comes to environmental problems.  The framework of CSO activities includes a small number of volunteers.  Number of CSO’s projects which involve local community is increasing and so is the number of activities on public awareness.  One of the specific goals of the EC Grant Scheme “Support to civil society interest on environmental activities” is to encourage volunteerism. Concrete actions on local level needs further support. CSO’s have suggested the program on strengthening environmental public awareness, Recommended is partnership and/or cooperation between media and CSO’s.

21 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF CSOs ProblemStatusSuggested activities  Lack of CSO’s capacities to participate in the decision making process and to ensure qualified and adequate response.  Training on participation of CSO’s in the EIA proc. and environmental licensing, free access to information conducted  Response of the CSO’s on decision making processes is growing  Need for development of Management Plans for Protected areas appear  Management Plan on Vrelo Bosne protected area will be developed in accordance to IUCN guidelines and Law on NP Continue education on public participation and decision making processes CSO’s suggest an establishment of working groups Support to development of LEAP documents - possibility to increase environ. awareness and public participation Support to the preparation of protected areas management plans

22 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF CSOs ProblemStatusSuggested activities  Lack of means and financial support to the CSO's activities. Their activities mostly depend on donor’s interest.  UMCOR has implemented project aiming to promote philanthropy and domestic fundraising in BiH, thus ensuring the continuing viability of local civil society organizations. In this program the environmental CSO’s were not involved.  Sources of financing on local level of administration are growing (still limited) CSO’s should build their capacities to lobby for financial means, in order to ensure the necessary support for their mission and gain independency from the donors support and type of activities that fit in theirs strategies. Extended financial support to the CSO’s activities should be ensured by the municipality and cantonal, entity and state level budgets

23 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF MEDIA ProblemStatusSuggested activities  Lack of information available for journalists on the state of environment in BiH  Created media platform (info on regular basis)  Regional web portal (contains different information on legislation, publications, databases...)  Web site of Fed. Ministry for Physical Planning and Environment contain few information useful; Ministry in Republika Srpska does not have a web site No systematic monitoring and reporting on SoE in BiH  Some progress in reporting on water and air quality Support to development of environmental web portal (expand its content to WB region) Portal should inform on activities on protection of Mediterranean and Danube river basin Support to the ministry in RS for web site Person for public relation should be hired Establish information centers on local level (could also conduct public awareness activities, trainings, legal advice etc)

24 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF MEDIA ProblemStatusSuggested activities  Environment as a political issue is not often included into program of political parties, what represents one of the main reasons of weak interest of media which cover political issues  USAID’s media assistance programs provide useful information to citizens as a basis for making informed judgments and to identify areas where public pressure can be usefully applied  Special activities in the framework of USAID’s programs related to environment as political issues have not been organized To support media in collecting and sharing useful information on environment to population as a basis for making informed judgments

25 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF MEDIA ProblemStatusSuggested activities  Weak journalists knowledge on environmental issues  Training program “Media, environment and poverty” in cooperation with Mediacentar  Within the framework of curriculum of one-year school of journalism and later specialized modules MediaPlan covered the environmental aspects as well  Two series of seminars for students of Faculty for journalism in the Universities of Sarajevo, Mostar, Tuzla and Banja Luka In the framework of the reforms of curriculum for university studies for journalists, a creation of new course through which students could gain knowledge on environmental journalism Training program for the journalists already working in the media. Post-graduate studies for environmental journalism.

26 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF MEDIA ProblemStatusSuggested activities  Media has a significant role in strengthening public awareness, but the implementation of the CARDS EPA project program is facing difficulties  Major progress in production of special TV and radio program which contributes to strengthening public awareness  Financial aspect brings to obstacles and broadcast shows are mostly taken down of the program  EC will financially support realization of 24 broadcast shows on SoE in BiH.  Support to publishing articles on environmental subjects and environ. school projects 5+ magaz. Establish exchange of best radio and TV programs. Sponsor production of such programs. Finance magazines for education of young population and encourage them to realize interdisciplinary projects with schools and quiz shows with appropriate awards

27 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF MEDIA ProblemStatusSuggested activities  Media is not dealing with trans-boundary character of environmental issues (i.e. air pollution, waste transport, illegal forest cutting)  Trans-boundary issues are integrated into program which will be organized within the framework of the EPA project for the students of journalism.  SEENAB works with journalists in the region and encourages trans-boundary cooperation, but no specific action has been made related to environment To support trans- entity/regional cooperative media projects on environmental issues with aim to strengthen cooperation between environmental journalists in both entities or in different regions

28 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF EDUCATION ProblemStatusSuggested activities  Environmental issues are not included into existing curricula  Educational system is based on curricula for each subject (math, biology, etc) and Curricula are in the process of reform  It is not expected for environmental problematic to be integrated into curricula in this phase of reform Issues of environment protection should be integrated into every subject That could develop environmental awareness It is not recommended to develop environmental awareness within one specific and independent subject. Ministries should be provided by support for implementation of the reform, including Education on environment and sustainable development

29 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF EDUCATION ProblemStatusSuggested activities  Teachers have knowledge only on theirs disciplines, they do not have basic knowledge on environmental subjects  Pre-school teachers do not gain specific education in the field of environment protection  Implemented serial of seminars related to the subjects of «Environment and mathematics», «Environment and history», «Environment and religion» in which, besides integration of environmental issues in these subjects, were given examples of multidisciplinary projects which can be implemented in the schools During permanent education of the actual teachers needed efforts on improving their abilities to involve environmental issues into their subjects and also in the pre-school education, which would become a part of their activities

30 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF EDUCATION ProblemStatusSuggested activities  Existing school networks are not utilized to strengthen environmental awareness  Most of the activities realized by schools and which are connected to environmental awareness are sporadic and not coordinated Existing school networks should be used to promote education for sustainable development and to exchange experience on integration of environmental issues in all curriculum processes of all subjects

31 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF EDUCATION ProblemStatusSuggested activities  Lack of appropriate environmental education materials  Lack of relevant and updated notes  Solving this problem by creating the teachers manual and education material for schools  Didactical manual “How to Rise Environmental Awareness “that could be also used for education of future teachers prepared  MoEs do not have created programs for development of public awareness and education of children  Publications for children and “Voda i mi” magazine Official note on acceptation of the manual by ministries (publish for use in the schools) Support to the manual for teachers and pupils Environmental issues and methodology on integration of environmental issues into the subjects should be published Support to the Ministries of environment for developing the program on raising awareness within public and education of the youth

32 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF EDUCATION ProblemStatusSuggested activities  Limited implementation of the Eco-school concept  Only one eco-school has been established, the second one will be established in the framework of CARDS EPA project  Neither of these 2 schools is a member of international eco- school program Ministries should implement the Eco-school program which is based on international eco-school program for education on environment for sustainable development ( Approach of a country to this program should be official

33 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF EDUCATION ProblemStatusSuggested activities  Need to develop environmental awareness through school competitions  Many schools in FBiH are participating in competitions, less from RS Ministries should implement school competitions once a year, where would the schools that present most efficient activities of developing environmental public awareness be awarded Expert assistance in developing the competition program is recommended

34 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF EDUCATION ProblemStatusSuggested activities  UN Strategy for education for sustainable development is not appropriately implemented  Part of the strategy will be implemented due to the new curriculum  However, that will not be finished before 2010 and in that way environment will not have key position in curriculum To give support to the activities that help BiH in integration of the UN Strategy for education in sustainable development objectives into National Reform Education Strategy

35 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF EDUCATION ProblemStatusSuggested activities  Donor’s assistance is not fully coordinated  There is a donor’s assistance related to the development of new educational program which is being coordinated by OSCE and a support to the vocational schools as well More coordination of donor's assistance which is in a state on growth in educational sector is necessary This coordination should be provided by Ministry of Civil Affairs and OSCE

36 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF EDUCATION ProblemStatusSuggested activities  Lack of environmental awareness programs in vocational schools  Environmental issues are not integrated into the curriculum of vocational schools  Research conducted by CARDS EPA project show that there are some positive examples in some vocational schools in Tuzla Canton More targeted efforts are needed in order to integrate environmental issues into education and development of curriculum in vocational schools Coordination with EUVET program and WB program for development of curriculum in vocational schools is recommended

37 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF EDUCATION ProblemStatusSuggested activities  Lack of multidisciplinary projects in schools through which pupils could correlate knowledge in different disciplines for purpose of studying environmental problems  Small number of schools has developed successful multidisciplinary projects through which issues on sustainable development could be studied To support development and implementation of multidisciplinary projects

38 STATUS, VISIONS AND NEEDS OF EDUCATION ProblemStatusSuggested activities  University is not offering possibility of education on environment  No university program in the field of Environmental engineering and science  Some facultiesintroducing new courses related to environmental engineering  Regional Center for education and information for SD (REIC) established  Initiatives on university program (BSc) or on post- graduate study (MSc or PhD) in the field of EE  No common approach in integration of environmental issues into the curricula Support to establishment of such curricula is needed. Development of new courses within engineering faculties needs support REIC should focus its activities on university education and curricula development - thus, the REIC should need further support

39 FINAL REMARKS CSO proposed activities :  Educational programs (Establishment of eco schools, education centers, organization of outdoor schools, trainings of trainers, training of volunteers, etc.)  Awareness and responsibility of the public (i.e. Promotion of water saving, Lobbying for construction of WWTPs, Introduction of reuse of waste, Promotion of organic waste composting, Promotion of efficient energy use, Introduction of alternative energy sources, Protection of natural resources, Development of healthy food production, Creation of basic conditions for eco tourism, Establishment of Eco police for children, Formation of protected areas etc. )  Specific actions

40 FINAL REMARKS Media proposed activities :  Creation of serials of radio or TV raising awareness program of local or regional character  Creation of radio broadcast shows aiming to support advocacy actions  Creation of radio dramas aimed to raise awareness of public  Creation of radio or TV quiz show on environmental issues  Publishing specialized environmental magazines aimed to educate pupils  Capacity building for journalists: How to report on environmental issues and How to animate the public to protect environment  Support to media monitoring and analyses with the aim to asses the level of coverage of environmental issues by media.

41 FINAL REMARKS Education proposed activities :  Support to training of teachers to work on the improvement of their teaching skills in field of environment  Support to the existing school network to facilitate the integration of the environmental issues within the teaching process of all subjects  Support to provide educational material that can be used by teachers to integrate environmental issues in their subjects on different class grades with ideas, practical examples, experiences etc.


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