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Eisenhower’s Policies.  American were ready for change.  Many of Truman’s policies were not working.  Soviets had the atomic bomb.  Soviets had a.

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Presentation on theme: "Eisenhower’s Policies.  American were ready for change.  Many of Truman’s policies were not working.  Soviets had the atomic bomb.  Soviets had a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eisenhower’s Policies

2  American were ready for change.  Many of Truman’s policies were not working.  Soviets had the atomic bomb.  Soviets had a hold on Eastern Europe.  China fell to communism.  American troops had been sent to Korea to fight in a war.

3  Truman decided not to run again in 1952.  Democrats nominated Adlai Stevenson (IL)  Republicans nominated Dwight D. Eisenhower Richard M. Nixon Eisenhower wins by a landslide !

4  A belief in a strong economy.  Instead of a large expensive army, the nation must “be prepared to use atomic weapons in all forms”.

5  Eisenhower believed that small wars were too expensive and could not contain communism.  Threaten to use nuclear weapons if a Communist state tried to seize territory by force.  Massive Retaliation  Eisenhower believed that small wars were too expensive and could not contain communism.  Threaten to use nuclear weapons if a Communist state tried to seize territory by force.  Massive Retaliation

6  Technology needed!  B-52 could fly across continents and drop nuclear bombs.  Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).  Submarines capable of launching nuclear missiles.  Soviets had already developed their own!  1957 Soviets launched Sputnik.  First artificial satellite to orbit the earth.

7  To coordinate research in rocket science and space exploration.  National Defense Education Act (NDEA)  Provided funds for education and training in science, math, and foreign languages.

8  John Foster Dulles- SECRETARY OF STATE.  “You have to take chances for peace, just as you must take chances in war..  “The ability to get to the verge without getting into the war is the necessary art..” BRINKMANSHIP FORCE THE OTHER SIDE TO BACK DOWN!

9  Eisenhower promised to end the Korean conflict.  Too many lives lost.  Unpopular with American public.  1953 Armistice signed.  Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)  No victory- but communism contained.

10  1954 China threatened to seize two islands off China’s coast from the Nationalists.  Eisenhower asked Congress to authorize the use of force to defend Taiwan.  American navy would defend Taiwan and hinted that nuclear weapons would be used. Brinkmanship!

11  American help to Egypt to build a dam on the Nile River.  Problem: Egypt had bought weapons from Communist Czechoslovakia. QUESTION: “Should American support a nation who buys their weapons from a Communist nation?

12  Egyptian troops seized control of the Suez Canal – then they would use the profits to pay for the dam.  Britain and France got involved.  Soviet Union threatened rocket attacks on Britain and France and offered to send troops to help Egypt.  Britain and France called off the invasion, but the Soviet Union had won a diplomatic victory-  Other Arab nations began accepting Soviet aid….

13  Hidden operations done by CIA = Covert  Central Intelligence Agency.  Developing Nations looked to the Soviets for how to industrialize.  CIA staged covert operations to overthrow anti-American leaders and replace them with pro-American leaders.

14  1953 Mohammed Mossadegh moved against the pro-American Shah of Iran who was forced into exile.  U.S. sent agents to organize street riots and arrange a coup that kicked Mossadegh out and restored the Shah to power.

15  CIA acted to protect American owned property.  In ‘51 a pro-Communist, Jacobo Arbenz Guzman, came to power.  He took over large estates, including those of American-owned United Fruit Company.  In ‘54 Communist Czech was delivering arms.  CIA responded by arming the Guatemala opposition and training them in secret camps. The CIA-trained forces invaded and forced Guzman out.

16  1953 Stalin died.  1956 Nikita Khrushchev was the new leader.  Critical of Stalin’s policies. (CIA shared speech with Eastern Europe).  Riots erupted Full scale uprising  Tanks rolled into Budapest, Hungary and crushed the rebellion.

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