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NEGF Method: Capabilities and Challenges

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1 NEGF Method: Capabilities and Challenges
Supriyo Datta School of Electrical & Computer Engineering Purdue University Molecular Electronics CNT Electronics Molecular Sensor M VG VD CHANNEL INSULATOR DRAIN SOURCE I Gate

2 Nanodevices: A Unified View
Unified Model H U ‘s’ Molecular Electronics CNT Electronics Molecular Sensor M VG VD CHANNEL INSULATOR DRAIN SOURCE I Gate

3 Hamiltonian, [H] -t 2t ‘s’ H + U Effective Mass Equation
VG VD CHANNEL INSULATOR DRAIN SOURCE I Effective Mass Equation Finite Difference / Finite Element 2t -t Damle, Ren, Venugopal, Lundstrom ---> nanoMOS

4 Rahman, Wang, Ghosh, Klimeck, Lundstrom
Hamiltonian, [H] Nanowire Electronics H U ‘s’ VG VD CHANNEL INSULATOR DRAIN SOURCE I Atomistic sp3d basis , are matrices Rahman, Wang, Ghosh, Klimeck, Lundstrom

5 Hamiltonian, [H] ‘s’ Gate H + U Atomistic pz basis Guo, Lundstrom
CNT Electronics Gate Atomistic pz basis , are (2x2) matrices Guo, Lundstrom

6 Siddiqui, Kienle, Ghosh, Klimeck
Hamiltonian, [H] Nanowire/CNT Electronics H U ‘s’ Gate Atomistic non-orthogonal basis EHT Siddiqui, Kienle, Ghosh, Klimeck

7 Hamiltonian, [H] Molecular Electronics ‘s’ H + U Atomistic basis:
Huckel / EHT / Gaussian Ghosh, Rakshit,Liang, Zahid, Siddiqui, Golizadeh, Bevan, Kazmi

8 “Self-energy”, H U ‘s’

9 “Self-energy”, gate H U ‘s’

10 “Self-energy”, gate H U ‘s’

11 “Self-energy”, gate H U ‘s’

12 “Self-energy”, H U ‘s’ [H] [H]

13 From molecule to QPC “molecule” H U ‘s’ Damle, Ghosh PRB (2001)

14 Basis mixing: Ghosh, Liang, Kienle, Polizzi
Bridging Disciplines Quantum Chemistry Surface Physics Basis mixing: Ghosh, Liang, Kienle, Polizzi

15 C60 on Silicon Theory: Liang, Ghosh dI/dV dI/dV T(E) V (V)
II III dI/dV IV I II IV dI/dV III T(E) STS measurements: (a) Dekker, et al., surface science (b)& (c) Yao, et al, surface science 1996 V (V) Theory: Liang, Ghosh

16 (a) V = 0 (b) V < 0 (c) V > 0
Molecule on silicon Quantum chemistry Surface Physics Expt:Mark Hersam Nanoletters, 01/04 Cover story Room temperature (a) V = 0 (b) V < 0 (c) V > 0

17 NEGF equations H U ‘s’

18 Matrices <--> Numbers
H U ‘s’ µ1 µ2

19 Nanowires / Nanotubes / Molecules
Minimal Model VG VD CHANNEL INSULATOR DRAIN SOURCE I N --> U U --> N Self- Consistent Solution “Poisson” U --> I Nanowires / Nanotubes / Molecules

20 FET: Why current “saturates” ?
Drain current E D(E) µ1 µ2 INSULATOR z x L W CHANNEL Drain voltage

21 Self-consistent field, U
H U ‘s’ 3D Poisson solver: Eric Polizzi Method of moments: Jing Guo

22 Self-consistent field, U
H U ‘s’ 3D Poisson solver: Eric Polizzi Method of moments: Jing Guo Correlations

23 Self-consistent field, U
H U ‘s’ Quantum Chemistry: Closed System in Equilibrium U H+U, N

24 Self-consistent field, U
H U ‘s’ Quantum Chemistry: Closed System in Equilibrium U H+U, N

25 Self-consistent field, U
H U ‘s’ Quantum Chemistry: Closed System in Equilibrium U H+U, N

26 Which self-consistent field ?
H U ‘s’

27 Which LDA ? H U ‘s’

28 Which LDA ? H U ‘s’ IP = E(N) - E(N-1) EA = E(N+1) - E(N)

29 N vs. µ N - N0

30 N vs. µ: SCF Theory U0/2 N - N0 Rakshit

31 Self-interaction Correction
U0/2 No general method N - N0

32 One-electron vs. Many-electron
N one-electron levels 2^N many electron levels 00 11 01 10

33 2^N many electron levels
Two choices 2^N many electron levels H U ‘s’ 00 11 01 10 Works for Works for

34 2^N many electron levels
Two choices 2^N many electron levels H U ‘s’ 00 11 01 10 Works for Works for ? Mott insulator Band theory

35 What is a contact? H U ‘s’ Klimeck, Lake APL (1995)

36 What is a contact? H U ‘s’ Klimeck, Lake APL (1995)

37 “Hot” contacts ‘s’ H + U Energy has to be removed efficiently
from the contacts: otherwise --> “hot” contacts

38 “Hot” contacts H U ‘s’ Source Drain Venugopal, Lundstrom

39 “Hot” contacts H U ‘s’ Source Drain Venugopal, Lundstrom

40 Other “contacts” H U ‘s’

41 Other “contacts” Hot phonons ? H U ‘s’

42 Other “contacts” Hot phonons ? H U ‘s’ Molecular desorption ?

43 Hot “contacts” Hot phonons ? ‘s’ H + U Molecular desorption ? Source

44 Two choices Works for “Contact” State A “Contact” State B H + U ‘s’ 00
11 01 10 00 11 01 10 Supplement NEGF with separate rate equation for “contact” Rate equation for full system Works for

45 Summary Unified Model Electronics & Sensing H + U ‘s’ Transients?
VG VD CHANNEL INSULATOR DRAIN SOURCE I Transients? Strong correlations ? “Hot contacts” ? Electrical Resistance: An Atomistic View, Nanotechnology 15 , S433 (2004)

46 Experiment vs. Theory Zahid, Paulsson, Ghosh EXPT: THEORY: Karlsruhe
Purdue Group (cond-mat/ ) EXPT: Karlsruhe Zahid, Paulsson, Ghosh

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