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World History Ms. Ream. 8/19-8/22 W: How do you think historians figure out info about people and places who that had no writing? P: Cave Painting.

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Presentation on theme: "World History Ms. Ream. 8/19-8/22 W: How do you think historians figure out info about people and places who that had no writing? P: Cave Painting."— Presentation transcript:

1 World History Ms. Ream

2 8/19-8/22 W: How do you think historians figure out info about people and places who that had no writing? P: Cave Painting

3 8/23-8/24 W: 1. Before agriculture developed, how did people get food? 2. Read a voice from the past pg. 15. What new tools did farming encourage people to develop? P: City-States in Mesopotamia: Guided Reading-17

4 8/25-8/26 W: What is the purpose of laws in a society? P: Create a report card that assesses Hammurabi's code with regard to: slaves rights, women’s rights, property rights, victims’ rights- justify each grade given and reason.

5 8/29-8/30 W: What is the oldest story you know? What information do we learn about a civilization through their stories? P: Rewrite the story of Gilgamesh in modern time

6 8/31-9/1 W: Pretend that you have just been transported to Egypt by a time machine. Write a story about your experience. Include name, where you live locally, how you got to Egypt, time period (Old Kingdom), area you visited, what you saw. P: Using info from notes and book create a chart or sketch/drawing to show how Sumerians/Egyptians made use of their environment. Then tell which group you think made better use of what they had. Defend your opinion

7 9/2-9/6 W: What characteristics do India/China shore with Egypt and Meso (geography)? P: Review for test

8 9/7-9/8 Prehistory-Ancient World Test P: Cover Page Chapter 3& 4

9 9/9-9/12 W: Read Interact with History pg 56. Answer 3 questions and be prepared to discuss. P: 1. What important contributions did the Aryan invaders make to the culture and way of life in India 2. For what environmental reasons might the indo-Europeans have migrated? (wealth, health, occupational needs)? (society, religion, lit)

10 9/13-9/14 W: why do societies develop religion? How does religions affect a person’s life? P: Identify the major reasons for migration and identify how this influenced/effected religion?

11 9/15-9/16 W: Noble truths RSN: Start comparative religions Poster –Hinduism Buddhism –Judaism Confucianism

12 9/20-9/21 Comparative religions Poster Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Confucianism Continue to work in groups and finish Sign up for Presentations: will pull numbers for order picking

13 9/22-9/23 Present Comparative Religions Posters Review for Test Chapter 3 & 4

14 9/26-9/27 Test over Chapter 3 & 4 Cover Page Ancient Greece and Rome

15 9/28-9/29 W: Ancient Greece Graphic Definition –6 pics P: Greek War game questions

16 9/30-10/3 W: Chapter 5 crossword puzzle P: People of Greece

17 10/4-10/5 W: According to yesterday’s notes, what type of govt does this class most resemble (monarchy, tyranny, oligarchy or democracy?) P: Guided Reading –The Roman Empire Brings Change pg 21

18 10/6-10/7 W: Rome: People and Accomplishments Crossword Puzzle P: Rate the 10 reasons 1 as the greatest 10 the lowest and give a rational for each placement

19 10/10-10/11 W: What aspects of Rome can you see in modern life? P:What are the top 3 accomplishments and justify each response Review for test

20 10/12-10/13 Ancient Greece and Roman Test P: Cover Page Ch 7 & 12

21 10/14-10/17 W: Write a thing you know about India and China. Write 1 question you have on each. P: Indus Valley Civilization and the Aryans

22 10/18-10/19 W: Create a drawing of a trophy that has your 3 most important achievements engraved on it. Below the drawling, explain what these achievements reveal about you as a person. P: Gupta Travel log

23 10/20-10/24 W: How is the US divided into Social classes P: Compare India’s caste system with the US

24 10/25-10/26 W: Read Interact with History page 286 answer qts P: Feudal Powers in Japan Guided Reading pg 37 Kingdoms of SE Asia and Korea Guided Reading pg 38

25 10/27-10/28 W: What does societies beliefs tell about them? P: Review

26 10/31-11/1 Review/Test P: Cover Page Rise of Islam

27 11/2-11/3 W: What are your beliefs/views of a Muslim and being Islamic? P: Guided Reading-The Rise of Islam pg 1

28 11/4-11/7 W: Create a venn diagram comparing and contrasting Shiites and Sunni Muslims P: Annotated mosaic timeline of Muslim Empire Development –At least 6 entries

29 11/8-11/9 W: Create a graphic definition of Muslim- 5 pics P: Create a museum exhibit for displaying the contributions of the Muslim World

30 11/10-11/11 Review for Test

31 11/14-11/15 Tests Ancient Islam P: Cover Page Middle Ages

32 11/16-11/17 W: Why was Constantinople established? P: Create real estate ad to encourage people to move to Constantinople after the Great Schism of 1054: –Include: memorable slogan, location of Constantinople (map), 4 paragraphs of info-geography, govt, religion, daily life, with visuals Extra creative touches that make ad authentic

33 11/18-11/21 W: What are 3 geographic barriers that divide Europe? P: Eulogy of Charlemagne

34 11/22-11/23 Newspaper Editorials Vikings attach Europe Enjoy Thanksgiving Break!!!!!!!!!!!!

35 11/28-11/29 W: What role do you think the Church played in the feudal system? P: Trade, towns, and financial revolution Guided Reading

36 11/30-12/1 W: Create graphic definitions for the following: lord, fief, vassal, knight, serf, manor, tithe P: Medieval Times WS

37 12/2-12/5 W: Interact w/ History Would you join the Crusade? Pg 340 qts1-4 P: Facial Expressions about the Crusades –Muslims Knights –Nobles Peasants

38 12/6-12/7 W: How did the increase in trade change medieval society? P: England and France develop-Guided Reading

39 12/8-12/9 Black Death

40 12/12-12/13 W: Why did the bubonic plague cause people to turn away from the Catholic Church? P: Discuss the major changes in medieval society after the 100 yrs war. Review for test

41 12/14-12/15 Test: Middle Ages

42 January 3-4 W: Cover Page: Renaissance and Reformation P: Early Nation states h.o.

43 January 5-6 W: 1. Explain the conditions in Italy that gave rise to the Renaissance. 2. Identify the values and ideas prized during the Renaissance. P: Guided reading (19)- The Northern Renaissance

44 January 9-10 W: Read interact with History page 416 and answer questions P: Poem on Renaissance Greats

45 January 11-12 W: Choose 1 Renaissance figure and explain how he or she was influenced by Renaissance ideas, the concept of the Renaissance, influence of humanism, use of new techniques. P: Evaluate the effectiveness of the Counter Reformation by creating a report card (A-F) and a corresponding written explanation of the Catholic Church’s performance on: education, corruption, stopping the spread of Protestantism and spreading Catholicism to new areas of the world.

46 January 13-17 W: Using a cause and effect graphic, show the main cause and several effects of Luther’s action in posting the 95 thesis. P: Political Cartoon on Reformation from 2 protestant groups.

47 January 18-19 Biography reports

48 January 20-23 Biography reports: Presents Review for test

49 January 24-25 Test: Renaissance and Reformation Cover Page: Exploration

50 January 26-27 W: What type of items would you find on a sunken ship? P: What are the 3 G’s and their connection to Expansion

51 January 30-31 W: Interact with history page 485 answer questions 1-3 P: Create an advertisement encouraging people to join the Portuguese or Spanish ships on exploring the new world. 2 pics, title/slogan, 3 reasons why to join

52 February 1-2 W: Using a diagram trace the major events in the establishment of Spain’s empire in the Americas beginning with Columbus’s arrival P: Map exercise-Colonial Empire

53 February 3-7 W: What was the Columbian Exchange and list 3 examples of the effects of the Columbian exchange. P: Which explorer is the most justified to have a monument? The least?

54 February 8-9 Movie: 1492 or Amistad

55 February 10-13 Movie Review

56 February 14-15 Test: Exploration Cover Page: French Revolution

57 February 16-21 W: Create a graphic definition of mercantilism P: Create a chart that list the conditions that allowed European monarchs to gain power. Then list the ways they exercised their increased power

58 February 22-March 6 22-24 Quiz Mock Trial: European Absolute Monarchs 29-6 Present Trials

59 March 7-8 W: Create an illustrated dictionary entry for “revolution.” P: Create a chart/diagram showing the causes o the Scientific revolution

60 March 9-13 W: Interact with history page 544 answer questions 1-3 P: Award gold, silver, and bronze medals to the individual or group you think made the most important contributions during this period…. In each podium, draw a picture/symbol to represent that winner. Then complete the sentence. The contributions of ______ deserve the medal because…………

61 March 14-15 W: How did the idea of “right to rule” or divine right change in the Enlightenment? P: How did the scientific revolution give way to the enlightenment? Give 3 examples

62 March 16-20 16W: Define Absolute monarchs and what conditions lead to absolutism and how monarchs exercise their power P:

63 March 21-22 W: Explain the impact of the Enlightenment on western civilization P: Events in North America

64 March 23-27 W: How did the Enlightenment ideas spread? P: Why is the American Revolution important to world history? Review for test

65 March 28-29 Test: Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment Cover Page: French Revolution

66 March 30-April 4 W: Interact with History page 572 answer questions 1-3 P: Guillotine Game W.S Movie: Les Miserables

67 April 5-16 Story book of French Revolution

68 April 17-18 W: How did Napoleon gain power in France and why did people like him? (Goals of Rev?) P: Doomed March to Russia

69 April 19-20 W: What were Napoleon’s 3 costly mistakes? (tactical and Political) P: Create a poster detailing the outcomes of the Congress of Vienna Include: Metternich’s 3 goals, the fears of the rest of Europe, penalty for France: title, pictures, colors

70 April 23-24 W: Name 3 ways the Industrial Revolution affects your life today? P: Guided Reading-An Age of Reforms Review for test

71 April 25-26 Test: French Revolution Cover Page: Nationalism, Conservatism, Imperialism

72 May 1-2 W: What does it mean to have nationalism? Do you? How? P: Thought bubbles/facial expressions for each definition

73 May 3-4 W: Interact with History page 602 questions 1-4 P: Create a cartoon for each area reflecting the change: Italy, Germany, Latin America

74 May 7-8 W: What were the 6 results of the Peace of Westphalia? P: How did the unification of Germany create fractures in Europe and set up the world for WWI?

75 May 9-10 W: What can you infer about the Europeans attitudes toward Africans from the period of imperialism? P: Identify the positive and negative effects of Imperialism on Africa

76 May 11-14 W: How did Britain end up in India? P: Review for test

77 May 15-16 Test: Nationalism, Conservatism, Imperialism

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