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Cardiovascular Disease Chapter 42. Epidemiology  #1 killer in 2005 – 864,480 deaths due to CVD  CVD – CardioVascular Disease  Includes:  CHD (CAD)

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1 Cardiovascular Disease Chapter 42

2 Epidemiology  #1 killer in 2005 – 864,480 deaths due to CVD  CVD – CardioVascular Disease  Includes:  CHD (CAD) – Coronary Artery Disease (652,000)  Cerebrovascular Disease – Stroke (144,000)  Congestive Heart Failure

3 Arterial Disease = #1 killer  What do arteries do? -- Carry blood away from heart (oxygenated blood)  Why is oxygenated blood important? -- Oxygen allows respiration to take place

4 Arterial Disease = #1 killer Page 2  What do coronary arteries do? -- Supply cardiac muscle with oxygenated blood  How does coronary arterial disease = organism death? -- IF the heart cannot do respiration, muscle stops. -- IF cardiac muscle stops, then no oxygenated blood for the rest of the body

5 The Heart gets its oxygenated blood supply from the coronary arteries


7 Vascular Anatomy




11 Explain how Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke) would develop?

12 Closed Circulatory System  Blood is contained within vessels and pumped around the body  Annelids, cephalopods, and all vertebrates  Arteries – Blood AWAY from the heart  Contain significant amount of smooth muscle  Arterioles – smaller branches of arteries  Capillaries – microscopic vessels  1 cell thickness  Veins – carry blood back TO the heart  Valves prevent backflow

13 Closed Circulatory System


15 Notes on Circulatory Cycle  Capillaries are for gas exchange  Arteries  Capillaries  Veins  Cardiac Cycle  Always Atrium  Ventricle  Atria – receive blood from body or lungs  Ventricles – receive blood from atria, pump to body or lungs  Right Atrium  right ventricle  lungs  Lungs  Left Atrium  Left Ventricle  Body  From Body  Veins  Right Atrium


17 Cardiac Anatomy 

18 Cardiac Cycle  Consists of a systole and diastole  Systole – contraction phase  Diastole – Relaxation phase  Heart Rate – rate of contractions per minute  Stroke volume – amount of blood pumped by the left ventricle during the systole


20 Cardiac Valves  Atrioventricular valves – valve between atria & ventricles  Prevent backflow of blood into atria  Semilunar valves – Exit valves for ventricles  Prevent backflow of blood into ventricles  AV valves close during Ventricular systole  Usually OPEN  Semilunar valves close during Ventricular diastole  Usually CLOSED

21 Valve Pathologies  Stenosis – valves are too narrow  Does not allow blood to pass  Increased chamber pressure  Regurgitation – incompetent valve  Allows blood to backwash back into previous chamber  End result is excess pressure  Excess pressure wears down cardiac muscle  If uncorrected, Congestive heart failure will occur  Aortic valve stenosis is most dangerous


23 Electrical Signal Transmission  Sinoatrial (SA) node – Pacemaker of the heart  Located in the upper wall of the right atrium  Sets the rate of cardiac muscle cell contraction  AV node – Delays signals from the SA node  Located in the lower wall of right atrium  Allows atria to completely empty before ventricles contract

24 Artificial Pacemaker

25 Cardiac (Heart) Rate  Affected by  Sympathetic nerves – accelerate heart rate  Parasympathetic nerves – decelerate heart rate  Body Temperature  Increase Body temp 1°C  10 beats per minute  Fever  increase in pulse rate  Exercise  Rate increase  Hormones  Epinephrine  Increases heart rate

26 Questions  1. Once blood leaves the heart, in what order does it go through capillaries, arteries, arterioles, venules, and veins?  2. What is the path of blood in the heart?  3. Explain how heart disease develops?  4. If a patient has a 90% coronary blockage, what treatment is indicated? (Name at least 2)  5. Briefly explain atherosclerosis

27 Questions (Page 2) 6. Describe the cardiac cycle? 7. Name one of the 2 cardiac valve types 8. Name one of the 2 cardiac valve diseases 9. What is the SA node? (its nickname) 10. Name 3 things that affect heart rate.

28 Systemic Vascular Pressure  Blood pressure  Typically taken at upper arm cuff  Wrist monitors are not used for diagnostic purposes  2 Types of blood pressure are taken  Systolic  Remember from cardiac cycle?  Vascular pressure when heart has contracted  Diastolic  Remember from cardiac cycle?  Vascular pressure when heart is relaxed

29 In a typical reading, -- 1 st number is systolic (always larger) -- 2 nd number is diastolic (always smaller) -- Extremely subjective measurement

30 What regulates or determines blood pressure?  Short- term  Smooth muscle contractions in arterioles  Response to hormonal signals or physical exertion  Skeletal muscles contractions help to propel  Valves in veins prevent backflow  Stress  Long-term  Rennin-angiotensin II-aldosterone system  Vascular constriction - Hypertension

31 Lymphatic System  Returns lost fluid & proteins to the blood  In the form of lymph  Along lymph vessels are lymph nodes  Filter lymph  Part of immune system  attack viruses and bacteria here  Uses White Blood Cells (WBC)

32 Blood

33 Notes on Blood  Plasma  Mostly Water  Ions, electrolytes, & plasma proteins  Transports nutrients, gases, wastes, & hormones  Oh yeah, and it carries Blood Cells  Cellular Constituents  Red Blood Cells (RBC or erythrocytes)  Transports oxygen by hemoglobin  White Blood Cells (WBC)  Part of immune system  Platelets  Cellular fragments responsible for blood clotting

34 Red Blood Cells  Biconcave discs  Increased surface area enhances O2 transport  250 million molecules of hemoglobin in each RBC  Each hemoglobin = up to 4 O2 molecules  Lack nuclei (more room for hemoglobin)  Lack Mitochondria (so oxygen carried is NOT consumed)

35 Where do blood cells come from?  Stem cells in the red marrow of flat bones


37 Clotting

38 Comparative Circulatory Anatomy

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