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Designated Teacher Network Meetings West Michelle Cain.

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Presentation on theme: "Designated Teacher Network Meetings West Michelle Cain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designated Teacher Network Meetings West Michelle Cain

2 Updates and Actions from Autumn term west meeting

3 Local and national updates VS Priorities; Improve data and tracking system and effectiveness of SIM/DM meeting Training for CSD staff (education and PEP toolkit) Post 16 education and tracking Review and improve arrangements for alternative provision Improve arrangements and tracking to secure good education for EYFS


5 school What would be useful?

6 Care Placement Stability ICS Looked After "Placement Reason" From 1st April we are required to tell DfE the reason why each LAC placement changes. CFMT have also been looking to introduce this, to inform our stability planning, so the two streams of work have coincided. To achieve this we are expanding the current choices available in the “Placement Reason” field on the LAC placement screen, to represent “Placement Change Reason”. It is vital that the most appropriate reason is used on each new placement – it will help us to evidence why placements change and influence our business processes where necessary.

7 Adoption – pupil premium for adopted children – case studies Adoptive parents must inform the school and provide supporting evidence Schools are responsible for deciding how it should be spent and accountable fo the use and impact of the PP on achievement of the pupils who attract it Additional funding can be spent directly on PP children or a group basis including those eligible for PP

8 Adoption – pupil premium for adopted children – case studies Consultation with adoptive parents – reasons for coming into care leading to adoption Staff/leadership commitment to CPD Mix of spending on individual and school wide. All impact captures changes in attitudes/confidence/behaviour… It does not tell you how to spend it but does give inspiring case studies of how parents and schools worked together creatively to ensure individual emotional, social and educational needs were met.

9 Promoting the Health and Well being of LAC Summary Corporate parent Health plan forms part of the overall care plan Looked after children should never be refused a service, including for mental health, on the grounds of their placement being short term or unplanned Every LA has responsible commissioner in relation to secondary health care when making placement decisions for LAC and to resolve any funding issues that arise (check local arrangements in you catchment through SW and named person on the health plan)

10 THE CARE PLAN The child’s care plan provides the overarching vehicle for bringing together information from the assessment across the 7 dimensions of need, and how these will be met. a “permanence plan”- where the child will live in the long term Arrangements for promoting health Arrangements for promoting educational achievement Emotional and behavioural development Identity Family and social relationships. Including contact arrangements Social presentation Self care skills An integrated plan that must take account of the wishes and feelings of the child and other relevant people about their immediate and long term arrangements. THE HEALTH PLAN THE PERSONAL EDUCATION PLAN Child Protection Plan is separate from the Care Plan If the child has one THE PLACEMENT PLAN how that placement contributes to the care plan meets the child’s needs SEN or IEP if child has one school Health professionals carer

11 Promoting the Health and Well being of LAC LAC should be able to participate in discussions about their health care. Arrangements should be in place to promote a culture: Where looked after children are listened to That takes account of their views according to their age and understanding in identifying and meeting their physical, emotional and health needs That helps others, including schools and carers, to understand the importance of listening to and taking account of the child's wishes and feelings about how to be healthy.

12 Promoting the Health and Well being of LAC Joint Responsibilities: Most children become LAC due to abuse and negliect Often have same health issues as peers, but can be magnified Almost half the children in care have a diagnosable mental health disorder Two thirds have SEN Delays in identifying and meeting these emotional well being and health needs has far reaching affects on the all aspects of their lives – including being able to reach their potential and lead happy healthy adult lives. Identification of needs through the PEP process in essential and the initial PEP is about settling and stability ECHP should be working in harmony with the care plan and professionals should be co-ordinating reviews/paperwork so there is less duplication – all should of transitioned to EHCP by 2016.

13 Promoting the Health and Well being of LAC Understanding the emotional and behavioural needs of LAC is important: LAs are required to use the SDQ See appendix B

14 Promoting the Health and Well being of LAC Role of VS and DTs Given the interrelationship between health and education outcomes, social workers should ensure VS and DTs are aware of information about the child’s physical, emotional or mental health that may impact on his or her learning and educational progress. the relevant sections on the PEP should be completed so schools can plan effectively based on the health/care plan

15 Funding FAQs Assessing funding to improve educational outcomes for children and young people in the care of Hampshire County Council Frequently Asked Questions Compiled June 2015 Schools Comm: irtualSchoolFundingFAQPDFJune2015.pdf irtualSchoolFundingFAQPDFJune2015.pdf

16 SEN questions What are the burning issues and questions for our LAC with SEN?

17 Resources and events update DT Self evaluation tool The who cares? Trust Training directory Virtual School conference Sending secure emails Storylinks (working with parents of Vulnerable pupils) Lets Think English – Cognitive Acceleration for LAC. CLA awards

18 Mike Gorman – Attachment Lead Schools Judy Seba – Research in Fostering and Education Workshops Market place Virtual School conference Meeting the Needs of all Vulnerable Young People & Looked After Children - Sharing Good Practice 21 st October 2015

19 CLA Awards

20 Cognitive Acceleration in English for LAC Joint work with Kings College London, HIAS English team and the Hampshire Virtual School 14 schools invited to commit to this year – funded by VS Targeting the need for pupils to develop the thinking skills necessary for success in Engliah Really important with the coming changes to GCSE English and the inevitable effect on KS3 teaching.

21 Future Meetings Link with B&A Networks What the new Ofsted Framework means for LAC?

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