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6.2: Progressive Reform  Follow along in the student packet: “Content students MUST KNOW to be successful on the GHSGT” (p. 107 - 108) Click Here.

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Presentation on theme: "6.2: Progressive Reform  Follow along in the student packet: “Content students MUST KNOW to be successful on the GHSGT” (p. 107 - 108) Click Here."— Presentation transcript:

1 6.2: Progressive Reform  Follow along in the student packet: “Content students MUST KNOW to be successful on the GHSGT” (p. 107 - 108) Click Here

2 The Progressive Era (1890-1920) Social Gospel movement  Around the 1890s, the Social Gospel movement inspired many middle- class white Christians to clean up social problems caused by Gilded Age industrialism:  Reforms included improving living conditions in urban slums, child labor, factory safety, women’s rights, alcohol abuse, & political corruption

3 Muckraking Journalism The Jungle led the gov’t to pass the Meat Inspection Act in 1906 History of Standard Oil helped push for the break-up of monopolies

4 Anti-Trust Reform

5 Progressive Reform in the States  Progressives made state governments more democratic:  Initiatives—citizens (not politicians) can put an issue on a state ballot & vote to make laws  Referendums—citizens vote on an issue (such as tax increases) suggested by state legislatures  Recalls—citizens can remove an elected official by popular vote  17 th amendment allowed for the direct election of Senators

6 Reforming Society  Social Reform: settlement houses  Jane Addams’ settlement houses for poor urban workers  NAACP  NAACP formed to help fight discrimination against blacks  18 th Amendment:  18 th Amendment: prohibition  19 th Amendment:  19 th Amendment: gave women the right to vote

7 Investigative journalists who exposed corruption & dangerous practices of the nation’s businesses in the 20 th century: 1. Progressives 2. Populists 3. Socialists 4. Muckrakers 10

8 The 19 th amendment to the Constitution allowed for 1. direct election of U.S. senators. 2. women's suffrage. 3. term limits for the presidency. 4. separate but equal public facilities 10

9 They supported government regulation, not government ownership, of the nations industries and resources: 1. Progressives 2. Populists 3. Socialists 4. Muckrakers 10

10 This muckraking book exposed the unsanitary practices in the meat packing industry 1. The Jungle 2. A History of Standard Oil 3. How the Other Half Lives 4. Looking Backward 10

11 This was passed by Congress in 1890 in an attempt to regulate big business: 1. Sherman Anti-Trust Act 2. Clayton Anti-Trust Act 3. Monopoly Act 4. Kellogg-Briand Pact 10

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