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Words for Production 1. workshop [`w3k&SAp] n. [C] a meeting for people to perform, discuss issues, or exchange professional knowledge and experience.

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3 Words for Production 1. workshop [`w3k&SAp] n. [C] a meeting for people to perform, discuss issues, or exchange professional knowledge and experience 研習會 This creative writing workshop, held through the Internet, is open to all the students around the country.

4 Words for Production 2. shattered [`S8t2d] adj. extremely upset and shocked 苦惱的,震驚的 The pop singer's fans were shattered at the news of his suicide. Would you like to know more...

5 shatter [`S8t2] vt. to make someone feel very upset and shocked; to break something into small pieces 震驚;粉 碎 The unexpected death of the president shattered the whole country. The glass windows of the church were all shattered during the severe earthquake.

6 Words for Production 3. shell [SEl] n. [C][U] an explosive usually launched from a large firearm over long distances; the hard covering of nuts, eggs, seeds, or some animals 炮彈;殼 A shell burst only yards away from the crowd and killed six people. Bowls made of coconut shell were used by ancient inhabitants of the island.

7 Words for Production 4. splatter [`spl8t2] vt. to throw or drop; to splash 使 ( 血肉 ) 橫飛,使飛 濺 The man splattered water on the windshield to clean off the mud on it.

8 Words for Production 5. rubble [`r^bL] n. [U] broken stone or bricks from a destroyed or damaged building 碎石,瓦礫 The explosion destroyed the building and reduced it to a pile of rubble.

9 Words for Production 6. distinguished [dI`stI9GwISt] adj. very successful and highly respected by others 優秀的,卓越的 ,傑出的 The cellist was brought up in a distinguished academic family. Both of his parents are known for their outstanding achievements in art and music.

10 Words for Production 7. massacre [`m8s1k2] n. [C][U] the cruel killing of people or animals in large numbers 大屠殺 The massacres of Jews during World War II were a horrifying consequence of racial prejudice.

11 Words for Production 8. endure [In`dj5r] vt. to bear something painful or difficult without complaining 忍受,忍耐 The patient burst into tears; he could no longer endure the pain of the wound. Would you like to know more...

12 endurance [In`dj5r1ns] n. [U] 忍受,忍耐 The boring play was beyond endurance; the audience had to get up and walk out.

13 Words for Production 9. anguish [`89GwIS] n. [U] great mental suffering or physical pain 極 度的痛苦 The widow was consumed with great anguish after her only son died. Would you like to know more...

14 anguished [`89GwISt] adj. 感到極 度痛苦的 The woman let out anguished cries when giving birth to her first baby.

15 Words for Production 10. battlefield [`b8tL&fild] n. [C] a place where a battle is or was fought 戰場 In spite of their excellent military training, the soldiers have never actually fought on the battlefield.

16 Words for Production 11. mournful [`mOrnf1l] adj. very sad 悲傷的,悲痛的 At the funeral, the pianist played an extremely mournful piece, which put me in tears. Would you like to know more...

17 mourn [mOrn] vt.; vi. 哀悼 As the news of the railway accident was reported, the whole nation mourned the deaths of their fellow citizens.

18 mourning [`mOrnI9] n. [U] 哀悼 They were all dressed in black in mourning for their grandfather.

19 Words for Production 12. cellar [`sEl2] n. [C] an underground room for storing goods 地窖,地下室 In northern China, people used to store pickles in cellars.

20 Words for Production 13. unimaginably [&^nI`m8dZIn1bLI] adv. beyond one's imagination 難以想像地 To his own surprise, he was unimaginably eloquent when talking to the girl he had been attracted to.

21 Words for Production 14. compassion [k1m`p8S1n] n. [U] sympathy and understanding for someone who is suffering 同情,憐 憫 Out of compassion, they offered the homeless mother and her children a place to stay overnight. Would you like to know more...

22 compassionate [k1m`p8S1nIt] adj. 同情的,深表憐憫的 He is always compassionate to the needy and willing to help them.

23 Words for Production 15. outrage [`a5t&redZ] n. [U] intense anger, shock, or indignity 憤怒,憤 慨 The government's decision to close the road caused outrage among the local residents. Would you like to know more...

24 outrage [`a5t&redZ] vt. 激怒,使憤慨 The announcement of a 10% pay cut has outraged the workers at the factory.

25 Words for Production 16. agonized [`8G1naIzd] adj. showing or feeling great pain 感到極 為痛苦的 The agonized look on his face tells how much he is suffering from the injury. Would you like to know more...

26 agony [`8G1nI] n. [U][C] 極度痛苦 Survivors of the war have gone through the extreme agony of loss and fear.

27 Words for Production 17. slashing [`sl8SI9] adj. severe and violent 狂烈的,猛烈的 The film critic's slashing criticisms seemed to outrage the director. Would you like to know more...

28 slash [sl8S] vt. 揮砍;割破 Finding no one around, the naughty boy slashed a seat cover on the bus.

29 Words for Production 18. furor [`fj5rOr] n. [C] ( usu. sing. ) sudden and intense anger 狂怒 The news that the baseball star will play for another team has caused a great furor among his fans.

30 Words for Production 19. subside [s1b`saId] vi. to become quieter, less strong or violent 減弱, 平息 The smile on the man's face shows that his anger has subsided.

31 Words for Production 20. hollow [`hAlo] adj. making a low sound as if made by hitting an empty container; having a hole or empty space inside ( 聲音 ) 空洞的,沉悶的; 中空的,空心的 There in the woods came a hollow echo of gunshot. The tree might look huge, but it is hollow inside.

32 Words for Production 21. rattle [`r8tL] n. [C] a series of sharp and short sounds like some objects hitting each other repeatedly 嘎嘎聲 The car broke down after a rattle in the engine. Would you like to know more...

33 rattle [`r8tL] vi. 嘎嘎作響,發出咯 嗒咯嗒聲 She slammed the kitchen door so hard that the dishes in the cupboard rattled.

34 Words for Production 22. indescribable [&IndI`skraIb1bL] adj. so unusual or extreme that it is impossible to describe 難以形容的,無法言喻的 The news that his family was safe and sound brought him indescribable joy.

35 Words for Production 23. embrace [Im`bres] n. [C] an act of taking someone into the arms as a sign of love or friendship 擁抱 The father kissed his boy and held him in a tender embrace. Would you like to know more...

36 embrace [Im`bres] vt. 擁抱 Russians usually embrace each other with a kiss on the cheeks when they greet family members or close friends.

37 Words for Production 24. erupt [I`r^pt] vi. to suddenly express strong emotions, especially by shouting out loud; to break out suddenly and violently ( 以喊叫 ) 表 達突如其來的強烈情緒;爆發 PS. The example sentences are on the next page.

38 Words for Production 24. erupt The whole country erupted in joy when the national basketball team scored the final point and won the Olympic gold medal. A war immediately erupted between the two countries after the final attempt for peace failed. Would you like to know more...

39 eruption [I`r^pS1n] n. [C][U] 爆發 It has been many years since the volcano last underwent a violent eruption.

40 Words for Production 25. chaotic [ke`AtIk] adj. in a state of disorder 混亂的,無秩序的 The classroom turned chaotic after the fight erupted between the two boys. Would you like to know more...

41 chaos [`keAs] n. [U] [C] 混亂,無秩序 Without a proper supply of electricity, the city will be in unimaginable chaos and darkness.

42 Words for Production 26. unashamedly [&^n1`SemdlI] adv. without feeling embarrassed or guilty 不覺難為情地 The two lovers unashamedly hugged and kissed each other in the middle of the street. Would you like to know more...

43 ashamed [1`Semd] adj. 感到羞愧的 They felt incredibly ashamed of themselves for behaving rudely in public.

44 shame [Sem] n. [U] 羞愧,羞恥 Her face turned red for feeling shame at having told a lie.

45 Words for Production 27. flawless [`flOlIs] adj. perfect; free of errors 完美的,無暇疵的 His artistry as a novelist is almost flawless; there isn't much room for criticism. Would you like to know more...

46 flaw [flO] n. [C] 缺點,瑕疵 Uncontrollable jealousy is a character flaw that often destroys a marriage.

47 Words for Production 28. tattered [`t8t2d] adj. (of clothes) old and torn 破爛的,衣衫襤褸的 Children in tattered clothes rushed to tourists and begged for money.

48 Words for Production 29. mustache [`m^st8S] n. [C] the hair that grows above the upper lip 髭 According to a witness, the robber had long hair and a drooping mustache.

49 Words for Production 30. frame [frem] vt. to make a border around or an edge to something 勾勒 出 ( 臉型 ) ;加框 Black hair and beard framed the man's bony face, making him look even thinner. I will have the photo of my parents framed so I can put it on my desk.

50 Words for Production 31. strip [strIp] vt. to remove; to take off coverings or clothes 卸去,脫去 The boys stripped off their shirts and lay on the beach.

51 Words for Production 32. humanity [hju`m8n1tI] n. [U] the quality of being kind, thoughtful, and sympathetic toward people or animals 人道,仁慈 The spirit of humanity is desperately needed in countries where people are plagued with war. Would you like to know more...

52 humane [hju`men] adj. 人道的,仁 慈的 The humane way of dealing with a suffering horse is to kill it quickly.

53 Words for Production 33. defy [dI`faI] vt. to show no fear or respect for; to be or act against 蔑視 ;抵抗,不屈服 The man openly defied the SARS- related policy and refused to let the medical staff at the airport take his temperature.

54 1. cellist [`tSElIst] n. [C] a person who plays the cello, a stringed musical instrument like a large violin 大提琴家 cello [`tSElo] n. [C] 大提琴 Words for Recognition

55 2. Manchester [`m8n&tSEst2] n. [U] a city in northwestern England 曼徹斯特 Words for Recognition

56 3. Sarajevo [&s8r1`jevo] n. the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina 塞拉耶佛 ( 波士尼亞赫塞哥維納的首都 ) Words for Recognition

57 4. mortar [`mOrt2] n. [C] a short cannon which fires shells at a high angle over a short distance 迫擊炮 Words for Recognition

58 5. Vedran Smailovic [`vEdr1n `smelOvItS] n. a cellist from Sarajevo 維卓‧史麥洛維奇 Words for Recognition

59 6. crater [`kret2] n. [C] a large hole in the ground caused by the explosion of a bomb 彈坑 Words for Recognition

60 7. repertoire [`rEp2&twAr] n. [C] all of the compositions in an area of music; all of the musical pieces that one can perform 某音樂領域中的全部曲目; 某人能表演的全部曲目 Words for Recognition

61 8. masonry [`mesNrI ] n. [U] the part of a building structure consisting of bricks and stone 磚瓦或石造部分 Words for Recognition

62 9. shelling [`SElI9] n. [C] the act of firing a weapon 炮擊 Words for Recognition

63 1. in(to) the midst of into the middle part of 在 / 到 … 之中 The poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost is about a traveler who rode into the midst of the woods and wondered which way to go. Idioms and Phrases

64 2. make a stand for to make a strong effort to defend 捍衛 Martin Luther King made a firm stand for racial equality throughout his life. Idioms and Phrases

65 3. pick up to find out or notice 發現,注意到 The dog picked up the smell of a stranger and started barking. Idioms and Phrases

66 4. steal out into to move quietly and secretly into ( 聲音 ) 悄悄傳到;偷偷溜進去 / 出來 The boy stole out into the kitchen for some cookies when his mother was taking a nap. Idioms and Phrases

67 5. grow into to gradually become 漸漸演變為 … A cold, if neglected, can grow into a serious illness like pneumonia. Idioms and Phrases

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