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1st Six Weeks Test Review

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1 1st Six Weeks Test Review

2 During the 19th and early 20th centuries, immigrants in eastern cities gathered in ethnic neighborhoods because — 15 A. segregation laws prevented them from living where they chose. B. economic opportunities were more available to them. C. leaders of political party machines determined residential patterns. D. feelings of security could be created in a new environment.

3 The Gilded Age in U.S. history included all of the following except —
10 A. Native American issues B. Spoils System C. Industrialization D. Progressivism

4 Innovations : nature of work ::_____________: _____________.
15 A. lower prices, transportation B. steam power, assembly line C. lower prices, increased productivity D. assembly line, increased productivity

5 Which is a true statement about the growth of railroads in the late 1800s?
15 A. They created a shortage of raw materials for industry. B. They caused cotton production to move to the West Coast. C. They increased markets and brought urbanization to many areas. D. They increased the need for steamships to supply the rivers of the U.S.

6 What was the greatest contribution made by Cornelius Vanderbilt to the growth of railroads?
10 A. steel rails B. Pullman cars C. transcontinental rails D. air brakes

7 created other monopolies formed holding companies
How did John D. Rockefeller and others respond to the effort of the government to rein in big corporations with the Sherman Anti- Trust Act of 1890? 15 created other monopolies formed holding companies C. reformed big companies policies D. allowed unions into their companies

8 A. Lassiez Faire B. Political Machines C. Robber Barons
-Trusts -Sherman Anti-Trust Act -Expanded Markets -Capital Accumulation 7. Which of the following is the best title for the above list? 15 A. Lassiez Faire B. Political Machines C. Robber Barons D. Rise of Big Business

9 What term best defines the attitude of anti-immigration groups in the late 1800s and early 1900s?
10 A. segregationists B. patronists C. exclusionists D. nativists

10 The Great Migration had which of the following effects?
15 Increased urbanization B. decreased crime C. increased innovation D. decreased labor unions

11 All of the following were difficulties faced by immigrants in large cities except—
15 A. poor housing B. fear for safety C. quota system D. language barriers

12 A. Sherman Anti-Trust Act B. Interstate Commerce Act C. Grange Act
The first large-scale attempt by the federal government to regulate business in the interest of society concerned regulating railroads. This act was the _______________________. 15 A. Sherman Anti-Trust Act B. Interstate Commerce Act C. Grange Act D. Robber Baron Act

13 All of the following describe Andrew Carnegie except—
15 A. reformist B. philanthropist C. industrialist D. social leader

14 How did ethnic neighborhoods affect the American movement to assimilate immigrants?
15 A. They made it easier as cultures lived together. B. They promoted the use of English. C. They slowed the efforts at immersion. D. They kept them from being counted in the census.

15 What role did Jane Addams play in U.S. history?
15 A. formed Hull House for immigrants B. agitated for labor reforms C. fought for better mental health facilities D. worked for women's suffrage

16 A. steam power B. electricity C. assembly line D. medical vaccines
At the turn of the century, most experts would agree that __________________ was the most important discovery made as it had so many effects on the economy. 15 A. steam power B. electricity C. assembly line D. medical vaccines

17 B. interchangeable parts C. cotton spindle D. refrigeration
Which of the following innovations was made for agriculture then became a labor-saving home product? 15 A. steel plow B. interchangeable parts C. cotton spindle D. refrigeration

18 How did the automobile affect the economy?
15 A. It provided mass transportation for workers. B. It provided access to information technologies. C. It increased accessibility and created jobs. D. It made products more affordable to consumers.

19 Shortly after the Civil War, a Great Migration occurred within the United States resulting in which of the following? 15 A. decreased population in the West B. increased population in the urban South C. increased population in the urban North D. decreased population in the Midwest

20 When studying the life of immigrants in America, which of the following would be the best primary source? 15 A. The Gospel of Wealth by Andrew Carnegie B. the medical records from Ellis Island C. How the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis D. the expenditures from the AFL-CIO

21 Which of the following words means to absorb a culturally distinct group into the prevailing culture? 15 A. assimilate B. activate C. associate D. assume

22 . Why do historians prefer to use primary sources instead of secondary sources when researching past events? 15 A. Primary sources are written without bias. B. Secondary sources are written years after the event. C. Primary sources are written by witnesses to the event. D. Secondary sources are written by professional journalists.

23 Enter question text... What is the main idea of this cartoon?
20 A. The Standard Oil Company was a harmful monopoly. B. The best way to develop major industries was to form proprietorships. C. Government regulations were strangling the Standard Oil Company. D. Foreign competition in the oil industry was hurting American companies.

24 The Pendleton Civil Service Act required
15 A. applicants for government jobs to pass examinations. B. native-born Americans to treat immigrants with courtesy. C. government workers to renounce all party loyalties. D. cities to provide services such as clean water to their residents.

25 Homestead Act of 1860 immediately resulted in which of the following?
15 A. White settlers in the West began building large urban centers. B. Railroads quickly brought settlers into the Western states. C. Chinese immigrants were hired to build transcontinental railroads. D. Native Americans and settlers came into conflict over land ownership.

26 What was the purpose of the Dawes Act?
15 A. to move Native Americans to reservations B. to return tribal lands to Native Americans C. to conscript Native Americans into the armed forces D. to assimilate Native Americans into the white culture

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