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1 st Quarter Journals. Journal #1 Why do we study history?

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Presentation on theme: "1 st Quarter Journals. Journal #1 Why do we study history?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 st Quarter Journals

2 Journal #1 Why do we study history?

3 Journal #2 What are the lessons of history?

4 Journal #3 Explain the movie clip, “Seize the day...”

5 Journal #4 What is Democracy? – Explain. Why Democracy is the best form of government…

6 Journal #5

7 Why would people risk their lives for democracy?

8 Journal #6 What role does Religion play in your life? What role has religion played throughout History? What is the meaning of life?

9 Journal #7 Explain the story & significance of 911

10 Journal #8 Explain the Lesson Of The, “The First Follower.”

11 Journal #9 Read Pg. 154 & Answer, – What are the benefits and drawbacks of having an absolute ruler?

12 Journal #10 Read Pg. 188 & Answer, – Why do people have difficulty accepting new ideas or ways of thinking?

13 Journal #11 Explain the saying, “ Successful people do what unsuccessful people won’t do- Therefore, Success Is Choice.”

14 Journal #3 Explain the saying, “Success is a choice.”

15 World History Journal #4 Is freedom really FREE?…Explain

16 Journal #6 EXPLAIN, “In the beginning there are goals. In the end there is achievement. And in between there is hard work.

17 Journal #8 Explain, “If a picture is worth a thousand words, then what is a video worth?”

18 Journal #9 Explain the saying, – There is a difference between reading and studying and studying and cramming? – Law of the Farm?


20 Journal #10 Explain the saying, “Successful people do what unsuccessful people won’t do.”

21 Journal #11 Explain, “How do you know what you know is true?

22 Rene Descartes Said, “And so something which I thought I was seeing with my eyes is in fact grasped solely by the faculty of judgment which is in my mind.” How do you know what you know is true?

23 Journal #12

24 Always Remember, We don’t see things as they are we see things as we are…


26 Journal #13 Explain the quote, “There is nothing more powerful than an IDEA whose time has come.” -Victor Hugo


28 Journal #14 EXPLAIN, “When France sneezes, Europe catches a cold.”

29 Always Remember, We don’t see things as they are we see things as we are…

30 Warm-up 1 + 99 + 200 + 500 + 200 =____

31 Journal #15


33 Journal #16 Explain the quote, “People should not be afraid of their government but the government should be afraid of their people.” -Thomas Jefferson

34 Journal #17 Explain, What is the historical message of this political cartoon?

35 J: What is the historical message of this cartoon? Conservatism Liberalism & Nationalism

36 Journal #18 Explain, How would you change an unjust government? READ pg. 216

37 Journal #19 Explain the saying, “One man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist.”

38 Symbolism A symbol is something such as an object, picture, written word, sound, or particular mark that represents something else by association, resemblance, or connection… objectpictureword sound

39 J#20 Describe what you see…then Explain it’s Historical symbolism…

40 The Lesson Elephants (people) are trained from birth (society) to believe that they are not strong enough to break the chains (oppression) of their masters (government)… They carry this belief (ideology) with them into adulthood where they have 100x the strength needed to break free (revolution)…but won’t even try because they believe it’s of no use anyway…

41 Journal #21 Explain ONE saying, “If I am seen to much people will cease to recognize me.” “Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.” “Since one must take sides, one might as well choose the side that is victorious, the side which devastates, loots, and burns.” “Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets.” ”

42 Napoleon Bonaparte Born in 1769 1785 Officer General in 1796 1799 Dictator Emperor in 1804 1821 Died at 51

43 French Revolution Walk Participate, you are now an actor! No gaps, keep up with the group! Don’t be too cool for school Journal #22 when we return

44 Journal #22 Explain,… What did you learn from today’s the French Revolution walk?

45 Journal #23 Explain what you see for the following 4 slides




49 Journal #24 Explain, – How did the Enlightenment Spread Democracy all over the world? – “When France sneezes, the World catches a cold.”

50 Riddle #1 Question? – Five from Twenty-five “How many times can you subtract the number five from twenty five?

51 Riddle #2 Question? – Luke had it before. Paul had it behind. Ladies have it first but only once. Doctor Lowell had it before and behind. He actually had it twice as bad behind as he had it in the front. What is it?

52 Riddle #1 Answer? – Five from Twenty-five? Only once…

53 Riddle #2 Answer? – The LETTER “L”

54 i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! Read Out Loud

55 Journal #25 Explain the saying, “What you are going to be tomorrow you are becoming today.”

56 What is the goal of education ? Journal #26

57 Mind Games “A man on horseback went on a two day trip. He left on Tuesday and arrived home on Tuesday. How could this be?”

58 Mind Games There were six apples in a basket and six girls in a room. Each girl took one apple, yet one apple remained in the basket. How could this be?

59 Mind Games “The 22 nd and 24 th Presidents of the United States had the same mother and the same father, but were not brothers. How could this be?”

60 #27 Explain


62 Journal #28 Explain, –What is the message of the movie clip?


64 Explain the REALISM Of this picture

65 What is your impression? 7 seconds, 11 judgments

66 Impressionism

67 List all that you saw…

68 Questions How many people are in the picture? Are there any animals? List three things that people are doing?

69 The Arts & Time Enlightenment focused on REASON Romanticism focused on the FUTURE Realism focused on TODAY Impressionism focused on NOW

70 Journal #29 Explain, –What is the message of the movie clip?

71 Mind Games “Two men were playing tennis. They played five sets and each man won three sets. How could this be?”

72 Mind Games 2 + 2 + 5 = 247 Add one small line to make the sum correct.

73 Mind Games “How long will a seven day grandfather clock run without winding?”

74 Journal #30 Answer the question, Is technology a blessing or a curse?

75 Mind Games “How much dirt is in a hole measuring 3 feet wide by 4 feet long by 5 feet deep?”



78 Journal #31 Explain the quote, “The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to end all forms of human suffering and all forms of human life.” JFK

79 Mind Games “If a doctor gave you 3 pills and told you to take one every half hour how long would they last you?”

80 Mind Games “A farmer had 17 sheep. All but 9 died. How many does he have left?”

81 Mind Games “A blind beggar had a brother who dies. What relation was the blind beggar to the brother who died? Hint: Brother is not the answer.“

82 Journal #32 Select one, #1 All of your hard work and profits are given to the government and shared with everyone around you regardless of their effort…. #2 All of your hard work and profits are kept by you alone and at your discretion to share or not to share… #3 A portion of your hard work and profits are given to the government to distribute to the poor and needy of the nation…

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