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TEACHERS AND STAFF Our school’s success is a direct result of the hardworking, dedicated, dynamic teachers and support staff.

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Presentation on theme: "TEACHERS AND STAFF Our school’s success is a direct result of the hardworking, dedicated, dynamic teachers and support staff."— Presentation transcript:

0 Boyle County Middle School
Principal: Steve Karsner Assistant Principal: Brian Wheeler

1 TEACHERS AND STAFF Our school’s success is a direct result of the hardworking, dedicated, dynamic teachers and support staff

2 SCHOOL CULTURE All students can learn at high levels
People in our school believe and value: All students can learn at high levels Our students should be provided a safe, caring and nurturing learning environment We will adapt to meet the needs of the 21st century learner Celebrate your success No excuses

3 Soaring opportunities
Spanish, Chinese, Drama Y-Club , Chorus, KUNA, FPS, Quick recall, Written Assessment, 6th grade showcase, FCA, Math Counts Football, basketball, soccer, cross country, wrestling, cheerleading, softball, baseball, volleyball, track, golf, archery, swimming, bowling

4 SCHEDULE Related Arts/Enrichment Opportunities include… P.E. , Art, Practical Living, Technology, Spanish, Chinese, Drama, Band, Economics, Entrepreneur Class, , Literology

5 Making the Grade The grading scale is: 90-100 is an A 80-89 is a B
70-79 is a C 65-69 is a D 64 and below is an F

6 Ensuring Success RTI in schedule Reading Skill Instruction
Math Skill Instruction ESS after school Math and Language Arts MAP Testing Mentoring Academic Success Plans

7 Lunch $2.45 Breakfast $1.25 EAGLE ROCK CAFE

8 Arrival / Dismissal AM- Buses drop students off in front of the building. Students enter into gym and wait until 8:00 bell (Do not come before 7:30! The doors will be locked and no supervision is provided until 7:30). We need students on campus at 8:00. PM-Buses pick students up in front of the building- always in the same order The Bell Rings at 3:08. Car riders dismissed when buses leave around 3:12. Students cross at crosswalk and load cars at the top of the stairs. Please drive carefully! If you are checking your child out early you MUST do so prior to 2:55

9 Electronic Devices ¡Personal use of electronic devices is not allowed at students own discretion. An adult may allow on occasion. ¡Students should keep cell phones and other devices locked and turned off. ¡Some teachers may occasionally utilize student owned devices for classroom instruction.

10 School Safety Policies, Code of Conduct, Zero Tolerance Choices/
Changes Surveillance System Team Meetings with students Bullying/ Harassment Prevention

11 Parent Communication Review and/or sign student agenda books.
Call teachers during their Planning Periods. Teachers will use your address for communication teachers: Each teacher’s address is their first name followed by a period and their last Example:

12 Parent, Student and Community Connections
Like our fan page on Facebook Follow us on Parent and student portal for grades School Messenger Call System Also take a look at our website

13 Soaring to Success! 2012 KPREP results -- Proficient School – Top 12% 2013 KPREP results – Proficient School – Top 12 % 2012 ACT higher performing school based on Explore test results. 2013 Explore - Students meeting all benchmarks – Highest in School History

14 Technology PLTW Lab 3D Printer ¡315 Ipads ¡30 Mac Airs (lap tops)
¡30 Ipod Touches ¡3 Computer labs ¡60 Google Chrome Books (Lap tops) ¡15 Lenovo Laptops PLTW Lab 3D Printer

15 High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation.
Jack Kinder

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