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The Cell Cycle Science 9 Lesson #6.

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1 The Cell Cycle Science 9 Lesson #6

2 Learning objective To be able to describe, in sequence, the stages and features of the cell cycle, including mitosis and cytokinesis


4 Cell division is composed of two processes: mitosis and cytokinesis
Cell division is composed of two processes: mitosis and cytokinesis. Mitosis is the process that divides the nuclear material. Cytokinesis is the process that divides the cytoplasm and the rest of the organelles in half.

5 Mitosis and Cytokinesis

6 Cell carries out ‘normal’ functions Also…
Interphase Cell carries out ‘normal’ functions Also… Growth DNA Replication Preparation for cell division

7 Prophase Chromosomes form X-shape with sister chromatids
Nucleolus disappears Spindle fibers attach at centromeres stretched across cell by centrioles Nuclear membrane disappears

8 Metaphase Spindle fibers pull the chromosomes into a line across the equator

9 Anaphase Spindle fibers pull sister chromatids apart and move to opposite poles of the cell

10 Telophase Spindle fibers disappear Nuclear membranes form around each set of chromosomes Nucleolus appears in each nucleus

11 Cytokinesis Animal Cell:
Cell membrane pinches and divides organelles and cytoplasm Plant cell Cell plate forms along the center line Organelles and cytoplasm are divided




15 Mitosis assignment Complete the handout on mitosis Choose one…
Make a cell cycle poster (including mitosis in full detail)

16 Worksheet Answers: ‘getting to know the cell cycle’
Three Interphase, DNA Mitosis Cytokinesis, two Four Prophase, nucleolus Metaphase, duplicated chromosomes Anaphase, duplicated chromosomes Telophase, nucleolus

17 Worksheet answers: ‘The cell cycle and mitosis’

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