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Committees Meeting. Call to order Welcome Introductions Agenda Q & A.

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Presentation on theme: "Committees Meeting. Call to order Welcome Introductions Agenda Q & A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Committees Meeting

2 Call to order Welcome Introductions Agenda Q & A

3 noun a person or group of persons elected or appointed to perform some service or function


5 Commitment Consistency Compliance Governing documents Higher standard Account must be in good standing Cooperation Each other Governing bodies (Advisory Committee, Board of Directors) Management company (Kuester Property Management) Confidentiality Communication Advisory Committee Community Newsletter Website Flyers E-mail blasts Social media Committee members Congeniality

6 Provide service to the community Help achieve the goals of the governing bodies Security, safety (neighborhood watch, school traffic, children playing and going to school, speeding, sidewalks, etc.) Recreation, community activities (including playground, quarterly events, pool, etc.) Aesthetics, grounds maintenance, overall appearance Orderliness, compliance with Covenants, revision/enhancement of Covenants Communication, information, website, welcoming committees, etc. Community involvement Community growth, future vision Maintaining/promoting property values Provide value Interact/network with other committees Recruit

7 Set Committee Expectations early Facilitate meetings Set meeting dates and times Insure all other members meet their deadlines and stay on task Incentivize Committee Members/Find creative ways to keep everyone engaged Regular written or oral reporting to advisory committee/Board of Directors

8 Honor Commitments Provide Opinions and Recommendations Support the goals of the committee Carry out committee tasks Be a positive influence for the community

9 Robert’s Rules of order dummies-cheat-sheet.html Prepare SOP handbook Vendor relationships Conflicts of interest Request For Proposal (RFPs): Ideally, a tightly written list of requirements and specifications upon which contractors, vendors, or service providers are invited to place bids. The goal is to write the specifications in such a manner that bids can be compared equally, without making adjustments among them. Service Level Agreements (SLAs) A contract between the provider and the user that specifies the level of service expected during its term.

10 Vendor relationships (continued) Management company’s role Effect Contracts Arrange meetings Intermediary Protect the Association Licensed Insured Create short/long-term goals Create annual calendar Create annual budget Budget should be based on reoccurring needs and any foreseeable needs based any budget overages from the previous year.

11 2012 Long term

12 Our community success relies on people like you!!


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