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Identifying vision, principles, mission, strategies

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1 Identifying vision, principles, mission, strategies

2 NGO will do better if the workers have agreed on its vision, strategies, principles etcetera. It may take a period of discussion, during which each individual and group has a chance to argue and brainstorm. The way in which vision, mission and strategies flow one from the other and then lead to projects is very clear in the following example:

3 How Organization’s Work
Vision (Long Term Goal) | Mission (The way to Reach the Vision) Long Term Objectives (5 – 10 Years) Short Term Objectives (1 – 3 Years) SOPs (Repeated Actions)

4 GEF – NGO Network (Vision) A dynamic civil society     influencing policies and actions at all levels              to safeguard the global environment and promote sustainable development. (Mission) To strengthen civil society partnership with GEF            by enhancing participation, contributing to policy and stimulating action.

5 Continued OBJECTIVE 1 TO ENHANCE THE ROLE OF CIVIL SOCIETY IN SAFEGUARDING  THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT 1.1Support outreach and awareness on global environment issues  1.2Document and disseminate experience and best practice to address global environment issues  1.3Encourage civil society contributions to the negotiation and implementation of Conventions  1.4Strengthen capacity of civil society to address global environment issues through engagement in policy making dialog at the national, regional and global level  OBJECTIVE 2TO STRENGTHEN GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY DEVELOPMENT THROUGH ENHANCED PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN CIVIL SOCIETY AND THE GEF  2.1Support promotion of GEF programs and activities to Civil Society  2.2Enhance Civil Society involvement in GEF Country, regional and global Projects  2.3Support the effective access of local communities and civil society organizations to GEF resources through the SGP  2.4Provide strategic input to GEF policy making, planning and reviews  OBJECTIVE 3TO STRENGTHEN THE GEF NGO NETWORK CAPACITY   3.1Enhance Governance capability of the GEF NGO Network  3.2To promote active membership  3.3Improve the NGO Network Communication and procurement of funding

6 Moments of Happiness Vision & Mission
Our Vision is to touch millions of lives and spread happiness to the  underprivileged people of India on a sustainable basis. We will make use of multiple platforms and mediums to reach this goal and be one of the most respected NGO known for its practice and ethics. We are committed to: The society by making a sustainable difference in life of the underprivileged The Donors by making judicious use of funds Other NGOs in helping them achieving their goals Our Members to develop their skills in this field so that they can take higher responsibility in the organization.

Community Initiatives Support Services (CISS) is an organisation registered in the republic of Kenya as a development agency. It operates in Western Kenya. It was started by a group of professionals and practitioners in community health and development in 1979.  1. OUR VISION: CISS operations are based on the organisation's vision, which is “a healthy and just society”. To reach such a society, there are many things that could be done. Within CISS, we narrowed it down so as to identify… 2. OUR MISSION: “to build and strengthen sustainable individual family, institutional and community initiatives for health and development through partnership at all levels”. To do this we had to find… 3. STRATEGIES. These are broad-based and limited in number. CISS formulated two such strategies, one of which is “organisational development and management”. 4. GOALS had to be found within each strategy. One of the goals, closest to the strategy given above, is “to promote sustainable organisational and resource development”. 5. PROJECTS then have to be planned and carried out to attain these goals. One such project has been The Organisation Capacity Building Project: which reviewed the vision, mission and goals of the organisation with the board members, associates and staff of CISS and mapped out the responsibilities of each group, within a time-frame of 3 months. The strategy used for the review was training and experience-sharing. (Clearly, other projects would use other strategies).

8 Vision Successful organizations continuously evolve, yet they remain the same. (HP Way) Deep Respect for Individual A dedication to affordable and reliable quality A commitment community responsibility And a view that the company exists to Make Technical Contributions to the advancement and Welfare of Humanity.

9 Components of a Vision Core Ideology Envisioned Future Core Values
Core Purpose Envisioned Future 10 – 30 Years BHAG Vivid Description

10 Sony in the 1950’s Core Ideology Core Values Core Purpose:
Elevation of the Japanese Culture and National Status Being a pioneer, not following others, doing the impossible. Encouraging individual ability and creativity. Core Purpose: To experience the sheer joy of innovation and the application of technology for the benefit and pleasure of the general public.

11 Sony (Continued) Envisioned Future BHAG Vivid Description
Become the Company most know for changing the world wide poor quality of Japanese Products. Vivid Description We will create products that become pervasive around the world …. We will be the first Japanese company to go into the US market and distribute directly… we will succeed with innovation that US companies have failed at. Such as the Transistor Radio. 50 years from now, our brand name will be as well know as any in the world and will signify innovation and quality that rival the most innovative companies anywhere; MADE IN JAPAN will mean something fine, not something shoddy.

12 Mission Statement What do we do?
The enduring statement of purpose that distinguishes one organization from other similar enterprises, the mission statement is a declaration of an organization’s “Reasons for Being”. Creed Statement Statement of Purpose Statement of Philosophy Statement of Beliefs Statement of Business Principals Statement Defining our Business,

13 Components of Mission Declaration of Status
Issue(s) of Concern (Health, Education, Child Labor) Products / Services (Advocacy and Awareness Raising, Trainings, Technical, Financial, Material and Legal Aid) Approach (Cost effective, Sustainable, Participatory, Community Based, Partnership Based, Sponsor) Customers / beneficiaries Target Areas (Geographical Areas) Concern for survival growth and financial Sustainability Self Concept (How do you think you are different) Concern for employees/Volunteers/Partners

14 Sub-e-Nau Our mission is to research, implement and advocate sustainable solutions (Products and Services) to outstanding global (Target Area) environmental and public health issues. We firmly believe that any meaningful development must be done in accordance with careful understanding of its impact on the environment and health of all living beings, as we are all connected (Beneficiaries). Informed by state-of-the-art research, we approach problems by locally implementable, cost-effective, and practically viable solutions (Approach).

15 Mission Statement Does it differentiate you from other organizations?
Does it provide a comprehensive Guide line to workers? Does it narrow down the area of concern for the organization? Is it a Comprehensive guide the stakeholders about the nature and working of your organization?

16 Strategies/Goals/Objectives
Strategy is NOT Policy Policy is NOT S.O.P. Goals are NOT Objectives Policy refers to a guiding principle adopted by an individual, group, or organization in an effort to promote the best practice particular to desired results. The Guide! Strategy is a plan, or method of approach developed by an individual, group, or organization, in an effort to successfully achieve an overall goal or objective. The Method! Tactics involves the detail, the procedure, and the order of how to achieve the desired results particular to the strategy.

17 We all know some small NGOs with great commitment, who work hard but whose projects and activities are not part of any sensible strategy and are, in the end, a waste of time. EXAMPLE An NGO in Asia was trying to help families on the edge of survival. Most of their energy went into providing a school. The children came out of the school able to read, but not equipped to earn an income. The families stayed poor. If the NGO had adopted the strategy “To ensure that one member of each family can earn a living” they might have made better progress.

18 Choosing good strategies and goals
One way of stating a strategy would be to say “The main thrust of our work will be…” so strategies are practical, and you will only be able to manage a few. Here are two examples: 1) “One strategy is to ensure that after five years, in this very poor community, each family will have one member who can earn money”. “As an environmental NGO, one of our strategies is to protect the existing trees and soil by building sustainable cooling fuel techniques into the community (e.g. by tree-planting, solar cookers, improved stoves, etc.)".

19 How to decide on good strategies, goals
Good strategies have to be based on a good understanding of all the actors, potentials, limitations, needs, problems, leadership structure, etc. If the SWOT approach is use for identifying strategies, you might want to invite one or two outsiders with good analytical skills and a view of the role of an NGO. Senior people from another, successful NGO might be the right choice.

20 How to decide on good strategies, goals
After brainstorming a number of possibilities, you need to narrow down and prioritise the few that are most important – and also identify the core problem which underlies everything else.

21 How to decide on good strategies, goals
Then comes brainstorming on strategies – what would each achieve? Would they really meet the problem? Which strategies would build on the strengths of the NGO? If people want to concentrate on income generation, do you have people with experience, with an understanding of markets, profit margins, how money works?

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