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Niamh Heaney. There are positive consequences for both the donor and host country.

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Presentation on theme: "Niamh Heaney. There are positive consequences for both the donor and host country."— Presentation transcript:

1 Niamh Heaney

2 There are positive consequences for both the donor and host country

3  Can use migrants to fill vacant jobs  Allows industries to find skilled workers  Their taxes contribute towards running the country  A better awareness of different cultures

4  The money migrants send home is incredibly important to their economy. This is called remittance.  Migrants may learn important skills that they can bring back to their home country and benefit their economy further.

5 There are also negatives for both donor and host country

6  Due to migrants looking for work when they first arrive it may put strain on health, education and transport facilities  Migrants may not have the language skills to improve job prospects and this may also lead to racism and discrimination in the workplace  Reality of living in a new country may not live up to the expectations of the migrants

7  People with technical skills are more likely to leave, leading to a brain drain therefore leading to the prevention of full economic development  This is being experienced in Africa currently but was also an issue in Ireland in the 1980’s  The investment in education for migrants is lost when they leave the country  This also leads to loss of potential tax contribution and spending power

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