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Geometric Book Chantiuna Meadows 4-9-13 Obj:. Angle Two rays sharing a common endpoint. Angles are typically measured i n degrees or radians.

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Presentation on theme: "Geometric Book Chantiuna Meadows 4-9-13 Obj:. Angle Two rays sharing a common endpoint. Angles are typically measured i n degrees or radians."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geometric Book Chantiuna Meadows 4-9-13 Obj:

2 Angle Two rays sharing a common endpoint. Angles are typically measured i n degrees or radians.

3 Cone A three dimensional figure with a single base tapering to an apex. The base can be any simple closed curve. Often the word cone refers to a right circular cone.

4 Diameter A line segment between two points on the circle or sphere which passes through the center. The word diameter is also refers to the length of this line segment.

5 Disk The union of a circle and its interiorinterior

6 Heptagon A polygon with seven sides. Some authors also use the name septagon instead of heptagon.polygonsides

7 Hexagon A polygon with six sides.polygon

8 Kite A quadrilateral w ith two pairs of adjacent sides that are congruent. Note that the diagonals of a kite are perpendicular.quadrilateraladjacentsidescongruentdiagonals perpendicular

9 Oval An egg- shaped curve. Note: An oval is not the same as an ellipse.

10 Parallelogram A quadrilat eral with two pairs of parallel sides.

11 Pentagon A polygon with five sides.

12 Pyramid A polyhedron wi th a polygonal base and lateral faces that taper to an apex. A pyramid with a triangular base is called a tetrahedron.

13 Rectangle A box shape on a plane. Formally, a rectangle is a quadrilateral with four congruent angles (all 90°).

14 Radius A line segment between the center and a point on the circle or sphere. The word radius also refers to the length of this segment.

15 Ray A part of a line starting at a particular point and extending infinit ely in one direction.

16 Reflection A transformation in which a geometric figure is reflected a cross a line, creating a mirror image. That line is called the axis of reflection.

17 Rhombus A parallelogram with four congruent sides. Note that the diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular (as is the case with all kites).

18 Similar Identical in shape, although not necessarily the same size.

19 Square A rectangle with all four sides of equal length. Formally, a square is a quadrilateral with four congruent sides and four congruent angles (all 90°).

20 Polygon A closed plane figure for which all sides are line segments. The name of a polygon describes the number of sides. A polygon which has all sides mutually cong ruent and all angles mutually congruent is called a rectangle polygon.

21 Triangle A polygon with three sides.

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