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AIOTI – 17/06/15 WG9 : Smart Mobility 1 st Meeting Marko Häckel, Bosch (Chair) Boris Pokric, Dunavnet (Alternate Chair) 1.

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Presentation on theme: "AIOTI – 17/06/15 WG9 : Smart Mobility 1 st Meeting Marko Häckel, Bosch (Chair) Boris Pokric, Dunavnet (Alternate Chair) 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIOTI – 17/06/15 WG9 : Smart Mobility 1 st Meeting Marko Häckel, Bosch (Chair) Boris Pokric, Dunavnet (Alternate Chair) 1

2 Agenda 1) Introduction, Tour de Table 2) Contribution from DG Connect: Expectations on AIOTI and WG Smart Mobility 3) Working Plan: - members expectations - WG Scope - State of the Art incl. ongoing initiatives - Key Challenges for Large Scale Pilots 4) Next steps 2

3 WG9 Smart Mobility Task WG9 (Terms of Reference): “The topic for this WG refers to loT solutions that allow for increased multi-modal mobility, more efficient traffic management, a dynamic road infrastructure, automated road tolling, usage-based insurance and improved policy making through the analysis of road usage data.” 3

4 Members (20.04.2015) 4 Bosch (Chair) DunavNET (Co-Chair) CreateNet CITC-EuraRFID Engineering Intel ON Semiconductor Orange OSRAM Nokia NXP Siemens Stmicroelectronics Telecom Italia Telit Texas instruments Thales Vodafone Volvo ERTRAC Clepa Ertico IMEC TXT…..acqusition ongoing

5 Action Plan - 1 Task: Organisation & Membership – Align members expectations – Clarify members contribution – Identify further members / missing competencies – Internal Communication – Workshop Organisation Task: Consolidate WG Scope – Objectives – Deliverables 5

6 Tasks for an Action Plan - 2 Task: State of the Art & Gap Analysis – Define Baseline (pre-existing knowledge) – Identify current trends – Complementary initiatives / organisations – Potential collaboration Task: Identify & Prioritize Key Challenges for Large Scale Pilots – Paper on IoT for Smart Mobility – Recommendations for the Call for Proposals 6

7 Schedule 7 AprilMayJuneJuly Augus tSepOctNovDec Organisation & Membership Align members expectations Clarify members contribution Identify further members / missing competencies Internal Communication Procedures Workshop Organisation Consolidate WG Scope Objectives Deliverables State of the Art & Gap Analysis Define Baseline (pre-existing knowledge) Identify current trends Complementary initiatives / organisations Potential collaboration Identify & Prioritize Key Challenges for Large Scale Pilots Paper on IoT for Smart Mobility Recommendations for the Call for Proposals

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