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Process given to you by the government.  Law of the Land  The government must respect all of the legal rights that are owed to a person  5 th – Federal.

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Presentation on theme: "Process given to you by the government.  Law of the Land  The government must respect all of the legal rights that are owed to a person  5 th – Federal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Process given to you by the government

2  Law of the Land  The government must respect all of the legal rights that are owed to a person  5 th – Federal Process  14 th –State Process

3  Procedural Due Process- How? The process in with a law in enforced  Rochin v. Calif, - 1952  Narcotic Dealer, Los Angeles Sheriffs,  Capsule of of Morphine-  Substantive Due Process- Why? Rules when they are made are fair.

4  Authority of the state to act to protect and promote public health, safety, morals, and general welfare- make people safe  PP v. Civil Liberties- your rights compared to keeping everyone safe. What are you willing to give up  Patriot Act comparable  Drunk Driving is it Self Incrimination? Making them testify against themselves  Within reason do cops have to have a warrant

5  Can the government step in and promote positive in peoples lives?  Promote restrictions on alcohol and tobacco  Regulate concealed weapons  Morals- gambling and prostitution  General Welfare- limit utility pricing, healthcare, education

6  To be free- to be,left alone  Griswold v. Conn- 1965- Counseling for birth control  Roe v. Wade- abortion- 1973- struck down abortions being illegal – what women does with her body is her own business  0-3 months choose  3-6 reasonable regulation  6-9 Protect unborn baby  Missouri 20 weeks or more keep the fetus mind

7  Abortion  Or New topic

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