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History of U.S Formation of the Colonies. DO NOW Journal Writing  Respond to this prompt:  What are you willing to sacrifice to get something that you.

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Presentation on theme: "History of U.S Formation of the Colonies. DO NOW Journal Writing  Respond to this prompt:  What are you willing to sacrifice to get something that you."— Presentation transcript:

1 History of U.S Formation of the Colonies

2 DO NOW Journal Writing  Respond to this prompt:  What are you willing to sacrifice to get something that you want? Is it all about you or do you consider others when trying to get what you want?


4 Native Peoples  First ones to settle this land  Many different tribes  Many differences in religion, hunting, dress  Differences usually determined by the geography of where they lived  Learned how to work with the land


6 Settlers to the Land  Many European countries sent explorers to The Americas:  Spain  France  English  Dutch  Settled in the 1500-1600


8 Jamestown  Three ships left England April 1607  Dense vegetation:  Huge Strawberries  Oysters  The London Company sponsored the trip  They elected a board  John Smith was named to the Board  Named for the King of England, James I.  Agreement with Spain: We will stop raiding your ships, you stop killing our settlers.

9 DO NOW 4/21/14  What are three reasons that people wanted to come over to the Americas? Why did they want to leave their home and what were they looking for?  Why do people move to a new place in today’s society? Do people today move for the same reasons the settlers of the 1600-1700s coming to America did? What are some of the similarities and what are some differences?

10 Geography of Jamestown

11 Geography Contd.  Land was swampy  Horrible drinking water  Mosquitos  Poor farm land

12 Recipe for disaster  Lazy, untrained “Gentlemen”  No women  Expected the land covered in gold and precious gems  The London Company paid them a salary and did not allow them to own land.  No incentive to work hard

13  Many killed by germs and Indians  1609-1610 The Starving Time  Lost 90% of the original settlers  First colony to survive and John Smith remained and was elected president of the colony.  Hard worker  Worked with the Natives  Moved up to New England and named the area.

14 USA

15 Do Now  Respond to this prompt in your journal:  What is the difference between the concepts “truth” and “story”?

16 The Pilgrims From Europe to The New World

17 The Mayflower  Came seeking Religious freedom  Traveled from England to Holland  Agreed to work for a business for 7 years for passage to the New World.  Send furs and timber back  102 people sailed form England in the Mayflower  35 of them were the Pilgrims

18  Settlers arrived in the New Nation after 66+ days and nights at sea  Much quarreling about how the settlement should be set up  Creation of the Mayflower Compact  First set of laws with majority rule  Right to choose their leader  Religious freedom  Settled in Plymouth  John Smith and found it 6 years before

19 Geography of New England


21 13 Colonies Project New England Colonies Middle ColoniesSouthern Colonies Rhode IslandDelawareMaryland ConnecticutPennsylvaniaVirginia MassachusettsNew YorkNorth Carolina New HampshireNew JerseySouth Carolina Georgia Using the list below, fill in the map of the 13 Colonies. Choose between two projects: 1.Notecard Colony book 2.Colony timeline Ms. Anderson will provide example of each activity. You will use a computer and a text book to find your information.

22  For each colony you will find the following information:  When it was founded  Who founded it  Major Cities  Major Industries  When it became a state  Native American tribes around the colony  m/wwww/us/13coloniesdef.htm  Start time line with first colony and end with last one.  Earliest to Latest

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