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The American Revolution Enlightenment ideas help spur the American colonies to shed British rule and create a new nation.

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Presentation on theme: "The American Revolution Enlightenment ideas help spur the American colonies to shed British rule and create a new nation."— Presentation transcript:

1 The American Revolution Enlightenment ideas help spur the American colonies to shed British rule and create a new nation.

2 Britain and Its American Colonies The American Colonies Grow American colonies grow large and populous during the 1600s and 1700s Colonies thrive economically through trade with Europe Britain’s Navigation Act restricts that trade (1651) Other trade laws add restrictions and taxes Colonists identify less and less as British subjects

3 Americans Win Independence British-Colonial Tensions Arise Britain and American colonies win the French and Indian War in 1763 Britain taxes colonists to help pay the war debts Colonists argue that British cannot tax them without their consent

4 Proclamation of 1763 In 1763, Parliament issued the Proclamation of 1763, which ordered colonists not to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. The British government believed this would keep peace with the Native Americans. The colonists thought the British government should not interfere. Causes of the American Revolution


6 The Stamp Act In 1765, Parliament passed the Stamp Act. It forced colonists to pay a tax on almost everything printed on paper—newspapers, legal documents—even playing cards. The colonists reacted so strongly against the tax that Parliament revoked it a year later.

7 The Townshend Acts In 1767, Parliament passed the Townshend Acts, which taxed lead, glass, paper, paint, and tea imported to the colonies. Colonists resisted by refusing to buy these items. The tax was lifted on everything except tea.

8 Boston Massacre March 5, 1770 In 1768, 4,000 British soldiers moved into Boston, Massachusetts. Colonists were forced to keep them in their homes, so Boston became an occupied city. This occupation triggered the Boston Massacre. On March 5, 1770, a number of colonists got in an argument with the redcoats and began throwing snowballs and chunks of ice at them. Soldiers fired shots into the crowd and 5 Americans were killed. The soldiers were brought into court and John Adams defended the soldiers. Two were found guilty and the others were declared innocent.

9 Boston Tea Party In 1773, British East India company ships full of tea were docked in Boston Harbor. On December 16, colonists dressed as Mohawks boarded the ship and dumped the tea in the water. The event became known as the Boston Tea Party.

10 The Intolerable Acts To punish the colonists for dumping the tea, the British passed even stricter laws. The colonists called these laws the Intolerable Acts because the colonists decided they would not tolerate (accept) them. The First Continental Congress met to protest the Intolerable Acts. Every colony except Georgia sent delegates, or representatives. In Sept. 1774, the congress demanded that the Intolerable Acts be taken back and that the colonist be given more power in making decisions.

11 Americans Win Independence Growing Hostility Leads to War Colonists protest tea tax with “Boston Tea Party” in 1773 Colonists meet in Philadelphia to address British policies (1774) British and Americans exchange fire at Lexington and Concord in 1775

12 The War Great Britain expected to win Americans had several advantages: Space. Distance. Important International Allies. Holland, France, and Spain. Expected to profit from Britain’s troubles. France would help change the path of history (Yorktown). All Americans had to make a choice.

13 War Begins The war began when fighting broke out in Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts. Minutemen were members of groups of armed men who were ready at a minute’s notice to take to the field against the British. The British were called “redcoats” due to the bright red color of their uniforms. There were 25,300 casualties of Americans. There were 10,000 casualties of British soldiers.

14 Soldiers Minutemen Redcoats

15 The Second Continental Congress The Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in May 1775, a month after the American Revolution had begun. The colonists realized that they must fight together against the British if they were to defeat the British. George Washington was nominated to be the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army— everyone voted for him.

16 Americans Win Independence Success for the Colonists Despite British military might, colonists have advantages: Motivating cause of freedom French assistance War’s expense for Britain British surrender at Yorktown in 1781; colonists win the war

17 1.Britain recognizes the United States as an independent nation 2.Borders from Atlantic Ocean to Mississippi River 3.Florida returned to Spain Treaty of Paris 1783

18 Results of the American Revolution The 13 colonies became an independent nation called the United States of America, which was recognized by Britain. Britain gave the United States the land east of the Mississippi river, north to Canada, and south to the border of Florida. All British control of American trade was lifted. A new government with elected representatives was formed under the Articles of Confederation. The successful revolution encouraged other people, especially the French, to overthrow their governments.

19 Britain was 3,000 miles away, overextended Americans knew local geography, best routes, and best places to fight French military aid, including warships and soldiers Spanish help Determined patriotic spirit The leadership of George Washington Reasons for Americans’ Victory

20 Americans Win Independence The Influence of the Enlightenment Colonial leaders push for independence, rely on Enlightenment ideas Declaration of Independence—document justifying colonial rebellion Leader Thomas Jefferson writes Declaration, uses ideas of John Locke

21 Enlightenment Ideas and the Constitution

22 Americans Create a Republic A Weak National Government Articles of Confederation set government plan for new republic Articles create legislature only, no executive or judicial branches Result is weak national government that fails to provide unity and order

23 Americans Create a Republic A New Constitution Leaders call Constitutional Convention in 1787 to revise articles Group instead creates a new government under U.S. Constitution Constitution contains many political ideas of the Enlightenment

24 Americans Create a Republic The Federal System Constitution creates three branches of government Provides checks and balances—ensures branches share power equally Promotes federal system—power divided between nation and states The Bill of Rights Some fear too much national power, few protections of rights Leaders win support for Constitution by adding a Bill of Rights ( Ten amendments to Constitution that protect freedoms)

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