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Presentation on theme: "PROGRESS MONITORING FOR SUCCESS CAO November 13, 2012."— Presentation transcript:


2 Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. Henry Ford

3 The Destination Thirty five years ago, only 12% of U.S. jobs required some postsecondary training 16% required a Bachelor’s degree or higher Source: Achieve, American Diploma Project

4 The Destination 8 in 10 U.S. jobs in the next decade will require postsecondary education or training Source: Achieve, American Diploma Project

5 The Destination PARCC – College and Career Ready Determination – The policy specifically states students earn a CCRD by performing at level 4 of 5: in ELA/literacy and enroll in College English Composition, Literature, and technical courses requiring college-level reading and writing Mathematics and enroll in College Algebra, Introductory College Statistics, and technical courses requiring an equivalent level of mathematics Source: PARCC

6 The CCSS and PARCC build a pathway to the knowledge and skills needed to prepare all students for college and career readiness. The Destination “If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.” Lewis Carroll

7 Agenda Where Are We Now? College and Career Readiness FCAT 2.0 Proficiency Rates How Do We Get There? Comprehensive Assessment System Baseline Data Interim Assessments Progress Monitoring

8 FY2008-FY2012: AP Participation DREA

9 FY2008-FY2012: AP Performance DREA

10 FY2008-FY2012: SAT Participation DREA

11 FY2008-FY2012: SAT Critical Reading Performance DREA

12 FY2008-FY2012: SAT Math Performance DREA

13 FY2008-FY2012: SAT Writing Performance DREA

14 FY2008-FY2012: ACT Participation DREA

15 FY2008-FY2012: ACT Reading Performance DREA

16 FY2008-FY2012: ACT Math Performance DREA

17 Graduation Rates Probability by Prior FCAT Score

18 FY2011 Graduation Probability Using Previous FCAT 2.0 Reading Levels

19 FY2011 Graduation Probability Using Previous FCAT 2.0 Math Levels

20 College Ready Rates Probability by Prior FCAT Scores

21 FY2011 College Ready Probability Using Previous FCAT 2.0 Reading Levels

22 FY2011 College Ready Probability Using Previous FCAT 2.0 Math Levels

23 Progress Monitoring Towards College and Career Readiness Using a Comprehensive Assessment System to Inform Instruction and Make Data-Driven Decisions

24 State: Assessment District: Benchmark Assessments School: Unit Tests Teacher: Daily Monitoring State: Assessment Teacher: Daily Monitoring

25 Teacher-Created Quizzes, Chapter Tests Purchased ExamView, Gizmo, Think Central, Unit Tests Summative Assessments Baseline and Mid- year Diagnostics Mini Assessments - AKA (IBMs) Daily Monitoring, including item banks Types of Interim Assessments in Palm Beach County Fall and Winter Diagnostics, FAIR, Palm Beach Writes FCAT 2.0/FL EOC IBMs MBAs Florida Achieves Florida Ready High Performing Districts SDPBC

26 MARZANO Communicating Clear Learning Goals Deliver Effective Instruction Track Student Progress

27 Essential: Rigorous Standards And Effective Instruction District: monitor curriculum, instruction, and assessment throughout the system and adjust systematically in response to data School: utilize multiple forms of assessments and data to drive instruction Classroom: give prompt and specific feedback to students on their data from frequent informal and formal assessments

28 ASSESS Baseline SDPBC Assessment System SDPBC Assessment System


30 School Change in Reading Percent Proficient FCAT 2.0 to Fall Diagnostic Elementary: All Students Tested

31 School Change in Math Percent Proficient FCAT 2.0 to Diagnostic Elementary: All Students Tested


33 School Change in Reading Percent Proficient FCAT 2.0 to Diagnostic Middle: All Students Tested

34 School Change in Math Percent Proficient FCAT 2.0 to Diagnostic Middle: All Students Tested


36 School Change in Reading Percent Proficient FCAT 2.0 to Diagnostic High: All Students Tested

37 BASELINE EDW REPORTS Progress Monitoring

38 Monitoring Reports Status Update Monitoring Progress Toward A+ Goals Elementary – RTOOA0380 - includes 800 pts Monitoring Progress Toward A+ Goals for Middle Schools – RTOOA0530 - includes 800 pts and Accelerated Participation courses Monitoring Progress Toward A+ Goals for High Schools – RTOOA0445 - includes 1600 pts Summary reports to monitor Fall and Winter Diagnostic Assessments results in Reading, Mathematics, and Science.

39 Diagnostic Questions What was the percent tested? What was the percent proficient in Reading, Math, and Science?

40 Diagnostic Questions What was the percent tested? What was the percent proficient in Reading, Math (including Algebra 1 EOC), and Science? Was there improvement in the Accelerated Participation and Performance?

41 Diagnostic Questions What was the percent tested? What was the percent proficient in Reading, Algebra 1 EOC?

42 Analyze Assess to Determine Baseline Data Mining

43 ASSESS Baseline ANALYZE Student results SDPBC Assessment System SDPBC Assessment System


45 Student Listing Reports Status Update Reading Profile (Most Recent)-RTSOR0036 Mathematics Profile (Most Recent)- RTSOM0037 Writing Profile-RTSFW0123 Science Profile-RTSFS0121 Profile reports are student listings of multiple assessment results in Reading, Mathematics, Writing, and Science.

46 FCATFAIRDIAGRRR SRI Analyze students’ scores across all assessments.


48 All Students are included in this report Compare Writing Scores Did students improve writing scores?

49 Were all students assessed in Periods 1, 2, and 3?

50 FCATEOC -BDEOC -BSDIAG Do all students have a Diagnostic score?

51 Diagnostic Reading and Mathematics Gains Reports Diagnostic Reading Gains— RTSDR0095 Diagnostic Math Gains –RTSDM0096 Gains reports are student listings showing comparisons of prior FCAT Reading Level or FCAT Mathematics Level versus current Fall Diagnostics Predicted Levels

52 Green “  ” represents improvement in levels Red “X” represents decline in levels


54 Diagnostic Interactive Reports Interactive Diagnostic Roster Report- RTSDA0472 Interactive Diagnostic EOC Roster Report- RTSDA0479 Interactive reports show results at District, school, and classroom levels on the FCAT Diagnostic Fall assessments. Report shows individual question responses, percent correct, and distractor information.

55 School View School Diagnostic Results and District Results

56 Class View Class roster with individual student results

57 EOC School and District View Algebra 1, Geometry, or Biology 1 School and District Results

58 Diagnostic Interactive Reports Individual Interactive Roster Reports- RTSDA0527 Individual student view shows a single student’s question responses, percent correct, and distractor information.

59 Individual Student View NEW Student Answers to Questions

60 Diagnostic Diamond Report Diagnostic Diamond Report-RTODA0173 Diagnostic Diamond report compares the school benchmark performance against District benchmark performance and compares previous year results of same questions. NEW: compare all sections of same teacher compare all teachers of same course

61 Opportunity to Learn Articulates a rigorous standards – (Know the targets) Monitors extent teachers cover the standards – (Know the teachers) Utilizes assessments based on the standards – (Know the students)

62 Guiding Steps Step 1: Sort by benchmark A.Look at diff column B.Look at questions most negatively different from the district I.Is it easy (>=75%), hard ( =75%), hard (<=25%) or in between for District II.Ask: Has it been taught? C.Look for patterns by I.Benchmark II.Focus III.Question IV.Ask: Has it been taught ?

63 Administrator is able to compare teacher-class- sections Enhanced Diamond Report in New EDW

64 Administrator is able to review class results by teachers Enhanced Diamond Report in New EDW

65 Enhanced Diamond Report in EDW for Teachers Teacher is able to review class results by sections

66 Palm Beach Writes Reports Individual Interactive Roster Reports- RTSDA0527 Summary report shows school, grade level, the number of students assigned to the school, PBW test type, the number of students taking the test, the participation rate and the Score 3 plus and 4 plus Counts and percents for the Assessment Period selected.

67 School 1 School 2 School 3 School 4 School 5 School 10 School 9 School 8 School 7 School 6 School 11 School 12 School 13 School 14 School 15 School 16

68 Palm Beach Writes Palm Beach Writes report is a student listing showing current year Palm Beach Writes dates, scores and test types. Palm Beach Writes - RTSCW0146

69 Do students have a current assessment period score? Are students improving over time?

70 Analyze Act Assess to Determine Baseline Instructional Strategies and Feedback Data Mining

71 ASSESS Baseline ANALYZE Student results ACT Instruction SDPBC Assessment System SDPBC Assessment System

72 Analyze Act Assess, Analyze, and Act Assess to Determine Baseline Florida Continuous Improvement Model Instructional Strategies and Feedback Data Mining

73 ASSESS Minute-by-minute Daily Weekly Unit/Chapter Interim Benchmarks Diagnostics ANALYZE Student results ACT Instruction Give feedback Review Reteach Enrich SDPBC Assessment System SDPBC Assessment System

74 Instruction Minute-by-minute Monitoring Provide feedback Daily Monitoring Instruction Unit/Chapter Monitoring Instruction Interim Benchmark Monitoring Instruction Provide feedback Instruction Diagnostics Provide feedback

75 Remember Formative Assessments Marzano recommends using a formative assessment approach to tracking student progress. Formative assessments are: – administered while students are learning new information and skills – used to make adjustments and plan further learning experiences

76 Consistent Monitoring Who is monitored? Who is monitored? Why monitor? Why monitor? Who benefits from monitoring? Who benefits from monitoring? How are the results used? all students determine acquired knowledge teachers, students, parents teachers, students, parents plan/revise/ guide /enrich instruction set goals monitor progress group for instruction plan/revise/ guide /enrich instruction set goals monitor progress group for instruction Determining what students know and are able to do

77 Consistent Monitoring Who is monitored? Who is monitored? Why monitor? Why monitor? Who benefits from monitoring? Who benefits from monitoring? How are the results used? all students determine acquired knowledge teachers, students, parents teachers, students, parents plan/revise/ guide /enrich instructionplan/revise/ guide /enrich instruction set goals monitor progress group for instruction plan/revise/ guide /enrich instructionplan/revise/ guide /enrich instruction set goals monitor progress group for instruction Determining what students know and are able to do

78 Tracking student progress using formative assessments provide a view of students’ learning over time.

79 Purpose of Interim Assessments Help to monitor the established learning goals Track student progress towards learning goals using a formative approach Provides a platform for targeted instruction Variety of forms

80 Teacher-Created Quizzes, Chapter Tests Purchased ExamView, Gizmo, Think Central, Unit Tests Summative Assessments Baseline and Mid- year Diagnostics Mini Assessments - AKA (IBMs) Daily Monitoring, including item banks Types of Interim Assessments in Palm Beach County Fall and Winter Diagnostics FAIR, Palm Beach Writes FCAT 2.0/FL EOC IBMs MBAs Florida Achieves Florida Ready High Performing Districts SDPBC COREK12COREK12

81 CORE K12 Can be used at each level of the formative assessment process – Teacher created – IBMs – MBAs – Diagnostics Data that Impacts Instruction

82 Access to reports that are immediate and actionable for: – Students – Teachers Data that Impacts Instruction

83 Assessment Results Report – form instructional groups based on common weaknesses Data that Impacts Instruction

84 Aggregate Item Performance Report – All classes for a single report identify grade level themes for weaknesses Data that Impacts Instruction

85 Item Performance Report – Target misconceptions within a class or for an individual student Data that Impacts Instruction

86 Performance Band Report – Compare students’ results by class to identify effective teaching strategies Data that Impacts Instruction

87 FAIR PMRN Student Details Report 3 Parts 1.Reading Comprehension 2.Maze 3.Word Analysis

88 Data that Impacts Instruction FAIR – Section 1 Reading Comprehension – Text Complexity – Comprehension Skills

89 Data that Impacts Instruction FAIR – Section 2 Maze – Fluency Analysis – Sentence Structure Issues

90 Data that Impacts Instruction FAIR – Section 3 Word Analysis – Decoding Issues

91 Analyze Act Assess, Analyze, and Act Graduation Assess to Determine Baseline FCAT, FCAT 2.0, EOCs Florida Continuous Improvement Model Instructional Strategies and Feedback Data Mining

92 Analyze Act Assess, Analyze, and Act Graduation College and Career Ready Measures Assess to Determine Baseline AP, SAT, ACT, P.E.R.T. FCAT, FCAT 2.0, EOCs Florida Continuous Improvement Model Instructional Strategies and Feedback Data Mining

93 Analyze Act Assess, Analyze, and Act Graduation College and Career Ready Measures Success in Global Economy Assess to Determine Baseline Driving Force AP, SAT, ACT, P.E.R.T. FCAT, FCAT 2.0, EOCs Florida Continuous Improvement Model Instructional Strategies and Feedback Data Mining

94 Contact Information Division of Quality Assurance Progress Monitoring: Dr. Frank Rodriguez College Readiness:Mr. Mark Howard EDW Reports: Mrs. Diane Conley Dr. Sandra Raymond Roberts CORE K12: Dr. Carla P. Kendall

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