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I Can Read BIG Words pre dom in ate in ter mis sion ad min is ter

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Presentation on theme: "I Can Read BIG Words pre dom in ate in ter mis sion ad min is ter"— Presentation transcript:

1 I Can Read BIG Words pre dom in ate in ter mis sion ad min is ter
By: Patti Byrne & Jenn Battista pre dom in ate in ter mis sion ad min is ter fas cin a tion de liv er y


3 Words are made of smaller word parts

4 EVERY word part has ONE vowel sound

5 prepay (First, we underline the vowel sounds)

6 (2 vowel sounds = 2 word parts)
prepay (2 vowel sounds = 2 word parts)

7 pre Next, we read the word parts: (open vowel e says its name)

8 pay (ay = A says its name)

9 Now, we loop under each word part
pay pre Now, we loop under each word part

10 prepay Please prepay for the movie. Say it again . . .
Use it in a sentence: Please prepay for the movie.

11 Let’s try another...

12 disappear ( underline the vowel sounds) By: Clarissa, Justin,
Blair, Chris R., Taaj

13 (3 vowel sounds = 3 word parts)
disappear (3 vowel sounds = 3 word parts)

14 (vowel= i says its sound)
dis (vowel= i says its sound)

15 ap a says its sound

16 pear ea says its name E (when 2 vowels go walking,
the first one does the talking and it says its name!)

17 Loop under each word part
ap pear dis Loop under each word part

18 disappear A ghost can disappear. Say it again, faster
Use it in a sentence: A ghost can disappear.

19 Now, you try...

20 predominate (I need to underline the vowel sounds)
By: Jose, Chris & Ashley Chris C., John, Norma

21 predominate I know that 4 vowel sounds = 4 word parts

22 (open vowel= e says its name)
pre (open vowel= e says its name)

23 dom ( o says its sound)

24 in ( i says its sound)

25 ate ( a says its name)

26 Pre dom in ate Loop under each word part

27 Predominate Use it in a sentence: The boys predominate the
Say it again, faster Predominate Use it in a sentence: The boys predominate the girls in our class.

28 Let’s try again...

29 electronic (I need to underline the vowel sounds)
By: Krystle, Mariah, Erik, Brandon, Adriana, Lantz

30 electronic I know that 4 vowel sounds = 4 word parts

31 (open vowel= e says its name)

32 lec ( e says its sound)

33 tron ( o says its sound)

34 ic ( i says its sound)

35 Loop under each word part
electronic Loop under each word part

36 e lec tron ic Use it in a sentence:
Say it again, faster e lec tron ic Use it in a sentence: We have a new electronic pencil sharpener.

37 80% of multisyllabic words have one or more affixes

38 An affix is a word part that can be found in the beginning, middle or end of a word.

39 Being able to quickly identify and pronounce affixes increases fluency and accuracy in reading longer words.

40 Vowel Combinations Most students know the sounds of the consonants.
Many students do not know the sounds of vowel combinations (ay, ai, au, er, ir, ur, ar, a-e, o-e, i-e, e-e, u-e, oi, oy, or, ee, oa, ou) Some vowel combinations have two sounds (ow, oo, ea).

41 Vowel Conversions When a single vowel is encountered in a word, always try the sound first. If a real, recognizable word is not made, then try the vowel name.

42 Context The words read must be real words that other English speakers have said or heard. Exact pronunciations for longer words will require the use of context clues in the sentence.

43 Works Cited Archer, A.L., Gleason, M.M., Vachon, V. (2000). REWARDS: Reading excellence: Word attack & rate development strategies. Longmont, CO: Sopris West.

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