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Obstacles to GOD’s Grace

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1 Obstacles to GOD’s Grace
Name Lay Person

2 Obstacles to GOD’s Grace
Definition of GOD’s Grace An everlasting, loving relationship with a forgiving GOD (…even when we don’t deserve it) It is free! What the expression “Good News” is all about Grace is free but we mess it up and create roadblocks when left to ourselves. These roadblocks are called “Obstacles to Grace”

3 Obstacles to GOD’s Grace
People Us Not accepting GOD’s gift Refusing to make amends Active rebellion Failure to make any choice at all Looking for the easy road (Christianity has never been easy)

4 Obstacles to GOD’s Grace
People Us Not accepting GOD’s gift Refusing to make amends Active rebellion Failure to make any choice at all Looking for the easy road (Christianity has never been easy) Others Uncaring Will try to destroy what you have Friends will try to “bring you back” to where you were Christian brothers not walking the walk

5 Obstacles to GOD’s Grace
Surprise: You might find your life getting tougher as you learn to follow Christ! (…now the devil really has a reason to hunt you down) He will use people to try to bring you down …and, to test your willingness to forgive

6 Obstacles to GOD’s Grace
Don’t give up when the road gets tough Stay involved and active in your faith. Reach out and build relationships with your “new family” What happens when you encounter “false” Christians? Mechanical Mike Pious Pete Harry the Hypocrite

7 Obstacles to GOD’s Grace
Don’t give up when the road gets tough Stay involved and active in your faith. Reach out and build relationships with your “new family” The Christian Community isn’t always healthy but we do have the world’s greatest Physician

8 Obstacles to GOD’s Grace
Places Somewhere you will find trouble Drugs/alcohol Gambling Negative behavior Putting yourself in places of great temptation will test any Christian Let others notice the change in you Be prepared for negative reactions Be ready to help when someone asks questions

9 Obstacles to GOD’s Grace
Things Pornography & sex Gambling Gossiping Drugs & alcohol Racism Peer pressure Gang activity

10 Obstacles to GOD’s Grace
To Get Rid of Old Habits is Very Hard Without the 3rd leg (Christian Action) our stool can not stand Need to replace old habits with new habits of faith This is a choice all of us can consciously make

11 Obstacles to GOD’s Grace
To Get Rid of Old Habits is Very Hard Without the 3rd leg (Christian Action) our stool can not stand Need to replace old habits with new habits of faith This is a choice all of us can consciously make Being a Christian is a label; Being Christian is a life-style choice

12 Obstacles to GOD’s Grace
The weekend is almost over, but your journey is just beginning. How can you establish a lifestyle of new choices?

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