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Healthful Weight 6 th Grade Nutrition Lesson 4 Pages B58-63.

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Presentation on theme: "Healthful Weight 6 th Grade Nutrition Lesson 4 Pages B58-63."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthful Weight 6 th Grade Nutrition Lesson 4 Pages B58-63

2 Healthy Weight A weight that is desirable for a person. This varies from person to person The reasons to have a healthy weight are the same

3 Reasons to Maintain a Healthy Weight More likely to have positive self- esteem More energy Reduce risk of injury from accidents Reduce risk of several diseases

4 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Weight Balance Calories in with Calories out! Calories in = foods we eat Calories out = exercise and activity

5 How to Gain Weight Underweight: below a healthy weight Brainstorm: How would a person gain weight if they wanted to?

6 Tips to Gain Weight Increase amounts of healthy food Eat healthy snacks Choose calorie-rich foods that contain nutrients and limit sugar, fats and cholesterol

7 How to Lose Weight Overweight: above a persons healthy weight. Brainstorm: How would a person lose weight?

8 Tips for Losing Weight Increase the # of calories used by physical activity Don’t lose weight quickly; slow, steady progress Continue to eat recommended amounts Choose lower calorie food, smaller portions Do not follow fad diets

9 Fad Diets: BEWARE! Weight-loss programs based on popular trends rather than scientific evidence Fad Diet Brainstorm: What fad diets do you know of? What are you supposed to do? Fad Diet Brainstorm

10 How to Determine Your Healthful Weight Body Composition: the proportion of fat tissue to lean tissue Lean tissue: bones, muscles and organs Girls usually have a higher fat percentage than boys

11 How to Measure Body Composition Body Mass Index: measures mass compared to height Body Mass Index Even if you have a healthful weight, you still need to practice healthy habits.

12 Determining Body Type Many cases, body type is hereditary Ectomorph: Thin and lean Endomorph: round and thick Mesomorph: strong and muscular

13 Body Types Mesomorph Endomorph Ectomorph

14 Body Types People of each body type can achieve a healthy weight and appearance. Lifestyle choices have an effect on a person’s weight

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