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By:Delano Hunt 3-16-11.  The person that invented the television is a German named Paul Nipow in 1884.It was build in Germany.

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Presentation on theme: "By:Delano Hunt 3-16-11.  The person that invented the television is a German named Paul Nipow in 1884.It was build in Germany."— Presentation transcript:

1 By:Delano Hunt 3-16-11

2  The person that invented the television is a German named Paul Nipow in 1884.It was build in Germany.

3  Paul Nipow was born and raised in Germany.His family was as he recall is very polite.

4  Paul Nipow invented the TV by putting some electronical things together.

5  Some unique things about the television is that it was invented during the Cold War.

6  You can find the TV in Walmart, Target, AND MORE!

7  Some positive things about the television are that it can keep your child busy.

8  Some negative things are that your kid can become addicted to it

9  A television can come in many different size and shapes. They can be rectangular and flat.

10  The television works by having a button if you cant find the remote. It was programmed to entertain humans.

11 I couldn’t find the president or CEO.

12  One of the headquarters are Sony headquarters.

13  I don’t think it’s a website for the TV.

14  You can buy,operate,and use the television easily.

15  Televisions are build by people and machines 24\7 50 times a day.That is INSANE!

16  The average television should cost over $500. If it doesn’t, give me the address and I’ll be on my way!

17  Some more interesting facts about the TV is that the first one was made before World War II in Germany.

18  The television is still around today and unfortunately, has not been modified.

19  I have no other questions about the inventor or invention.

20     

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