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Lyla Springfield 5/2007 FCAT Reading Update CLAS Presentation May 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Lyla Springfield 5/2007 FCAT Reading Update CLAS Presentation May 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 FCAT Reading Update CLAS Presentation May 2007

2 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 2004 – 2005

3 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 SSS Revisions and FCAT Reading FCAT Reading Content Advisory met January 2006 to provide feedback, edits, and global concerns. Revised standards were placed on the Internet for public feedback. Additional comments and edits were provided by educators during Passage Review, April 25–28, 2006. The Test Development Center created a crosswalk to show articulation across grades: 2–6, 5–8, 8–9/10 and provided feedback to FDOE.

4 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 SSS Revisions and FCAT Reading The new SSS were approved by the state board and posted on the FDOE website. The FCAT Content Advisory Committee and the TDC Reading team reviewed the SSS again, May, 2007. Edits were made and applied. The new “July 2007 SSS” are now on the FDOE website.

5 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 SSS Revisions and FCAT Reading May, 2007 Content Advisory also discussed the impact of the new SSS on the FCAT. How much revision will be needed? How much time will it take? Why is the process so complex? In what ways can the process be shortened?

6 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 How much revision… FCAT Reading will have increased rigor and more SSS benchmarks. FCAT Mathematics will also have increased rigor but fewer SSS benchmarks.

7 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 How much time… Using the existing FCAT schedule –Determine what/how to test Now-August 2007 –Prepare test and item specifications (August- December 2007) –Develop/review new items (January-August 2008) –Teachers review new items (October 2008) –Field test items with students (February-March 2010) –New test and scores (February-March 2011)

8 Lyla Springfield 5/2007

9 Why is the process so complex? High stakes testing is important and litigious –Debra P. vs. Turlington - landmark Florida case –Development must be careful, deliberate, and inclusive –Accepted best practice should be followed (Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing) –Instructional validity is a must (instruction in new SSS) –Adequate resources and opportunity to learn

10 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 Why complex continued… NCLB requirements for Standards and Assessments –Alignment to content standards (external review) –Involvement of Educators (thorough processes) –Technical studies of quality (reliability, validity, scaling, reporting, standard setting, etc.)

11 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 Can the process be shortened? Hire a contractor to manage the new development. Risks/Challenges: –Time for competitive procurement (6-8 month delay) –Item quality (must be similar to existing item bank) –Relationship to existing contract requirements –Management oversight is still needed

12 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 Shorten process continued… Hire more staff to manage the new development Risks/Challenges: –Time for training –Management oversight is still needed

13 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 Shorten process continued… Faster within existing resources Risks/Challenges: –Jeopardize other activities (proofing/scoring) –Impossible workload (staff attrition) –Limit educator involvement

14 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 Shorten process continued… Conduct a separate field test Risks/Challenges: –Two (2) FCAT administrations in one year –Comparable time frame for both (late spring) –Student motivation - questionable data

15 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 Suggestions from the Content Advisory Committee Revisit graduation requirements Retake parts of test Resources equitable in all schools PT’s grades change Align more passages with Social Studies and Science Adjust length of test

16 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 SSS Revision’s Impact on FCAT Approximate time line One year after approval of new SSS: New FCAT Item Specifications prepared for Item Writer Training. Development begins on next- generation FCAT items. Two years after approval of new SSS: First cycle of next-generation FCAT item development complete. Test construction process begins for following year’s test. Three years after approval of new SSS: Field test of next-generation FCAT items.

17 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 SSS Revision’s Impact on FCAT Approximate time line Four years after approval of new SSS: First test year in which next-generation FCAT items count toward students’ scores. Eight years after approval of new SSS: First senior class to graduate using next-generation FCAT.

18 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 Next steps Content Advisory meets August 2007 –Item specification document revision –New passages and articles –New items for new SSS –New descriptors

19 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 Lessons Learned II (Data) Grades 3–10 Years 2001–2005 Performance analyzed at several levels. Performance tasks will be included. Florida educators have and will continue to be included in all phases of the analysis and production of the document.

20 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 FCAT Retake Online An option for schools that began in Fall 2006. Requirements: –Ability to test students in one week –Technology capacity –Agreement of understanding regarding comparability Benefits –Reduction in burden of document handling –Accommodations –Student attentiveness

21 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 Retakes for 11 th and 12 th Graders High schools will be able to earn 10 bonus points toward their school’s grade when 50 percent of all 11 th and 12 th graders retaking the FCAT Reading and Mathematics meet the graduation requirement.

22 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 Update on FCAT Resources Released Tests Reading and Mathematics: Grades 5 & 6 Science: Grade 8 Sunshine State Standards –Updated May 8, 2007 –Search engine being developed to locate benchmarks

23 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 All subject areas now on the Web! /doe/sas/fcat/fcatflreads.html

24 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 Registered trademark ® FCAT Products and Resources contain the state seal to indicate that they are published by the Florida Department of Education. The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test ® is now a registered trademark. FCAT Products are sent to the District Coordinators of Assessment for dissemination.

25 Lyla Springfield 5/2007 Questions? Please contact: Lyla Springfield *Interim FCAT Reading Coordinator Reading, Elementary School Specialist Marilyn Gunn *Reading, Grades 6-7 Specialist Nina McCown *Reading, Grades 8-9 Specialist Rusty Edwards *Reading, Grade 10 and Retakes

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