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A one day crash course on Python

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1 A one day crash course on Python
Python MSFT A one day crash course on Python

2 Agenda Morning Python, Python in VS (lightning talks) Afternoon
IPython, numpy/scipy/pandas, debugging, machine learning Agenda

3 History 90 95 00 05 10 now Python 1.0 Python 2.0 Python 3.0 Python 2.7
Python is born now IPython on Azure Python in NT IronPython 1.0 PTVS 1.0 PTVS 2.1 Zope SciPy Django numpy

4 Usage scenarios Misc: Mobile, Games, etc.

5 Who uses Python?

6 CPython DL’s for Windows
35,000,000 (, 2013) PTVS PTVS: ¼ million downloads for v2.0 Academia #1 teaching top US Unis Popularity #4 “most popular” #5) Data / Scientific “Python is the official language of Science” Stats

7 But why? print(‘hi!’) The Language Built-in Being OSS & Free
The License The Community Academia Cross Platform The Libraries Icons made by Freepik, Icomoon from

8 Libraries (beyond numpy/scipy/IPython/ pandas/scikit-learn, …)

9 Distro, pkgs, pkg managers
Major Distros Anaconda Canopy WinPython ActivePython Python(x,y) Installers pip easy_install conda “py2exe” Pkg Repos PyPI binstar / Anaconda Canopy / Enthought Gohlke (windows) Distro, pkgs, pkg managers

10 Interpreters CPython IronPython Jython Pypy Misc
Reference, max library compat Best for C interop IronPython Runs on .Net Best for C# interop Jython Runs on JVM Best for Java interop Pypy Tracing JIT Good for numerics Misc Numba Pyston Stackless

11 IDEs and REPLs Python Tools for Visual Studio * PyCharm
PyDev (Eclipse) IDEs and REPLs Wing Komodo IPython notebook (Browser based) * Windows only 

12 Summary Python’s a great addition to your toolbox
It has a Microsoft friendly license It’s available in VS and on Azure Azure Website support Azure ML support (coming soon) Summary

13 One day crash course on ML
ML tutorial on scikit-learn by Olivier Grisel 10am-4pm Link/info will be on Python Day website soon TOMORROW

14 Call To Action Tools & learning
Install Anaconda distro (includes IPython) Install Python Tools for Visual Studio & Python Azure SDK Learn/brush up on Python Product Please provide Python interfaces for your product/service Build xplat commands/tools/etc. in Python Please provide Python runtime support in your products Call To Action

15 Resources
A Crash Course in Python for Scientists Exploratory computing with Python Lectures on scientific computing with Python Machine learning/sklearn intro Resources

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