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South Gate Middle School 6th Grade World History Game 2.

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2 South Gate Middle School 6th Grade World History Game 2

3 A:B: ReligionsWritten languages #1 What were cuneiform and hieroglyphics early examples of? C:D: RiversEmpires

4 B: Written languages

5 A:B: ReligionSupermarket #2 Instead of hunting and gathering, which advance allowed people to live in one place without having to move around? C:D: AgricultureWeapons

6 C: Agriculture

7 A:B: HammurabiShi Huangdi #3 Which ruler from ancient Mesopotamia set up a series of laws, or “Codes”, which helped to keep order? C:D: ObamaKing Tut

8 A: Hammurabi

9 A:B: The United StatesIndia #4 Which country did the religion of Buddhism come from? C:D: ChinaEgypt

10 B: India

11 A:B: PlumbingThe Coliseum #5 Which ancient Roman structures were built to carry fresh water to the many cities throughout the Roman Empire? C:D: AqueductsRoads

12 C: Aqueducts

13 A:B: Shi HuangdiSiddhartha Gautama #6 Which ruler from ancient Greece helped his empire to gain new land and become unified? C:D: Alexander the GreatSPARTANS!

14 C: Alexander the Great

15 A:B: The Egyptian EmpireThe Indian Empire #7 Which ancient empire featured such words as Herculean, labyrinth, and Olympia in its myths? C:D: The Greek EmpireThe Chinese Empire

16 C: The Greek Empire

17 A:B: The BuddhaHammurabi #8 Which ancient Greek philosopher wrote much about how city-states were organized and on the importance of citizenship in ancient Greece? C:D: ConfuciusPericles

18 D: Pericles

19 A:B: The untouchablesThe elite #9 Which social group from the Indian caste system was considered to be the lowest? C:D: The sutras?The president

20 A: The untouchables

21 A:B: ChristianityJudaism #10 Which religion was the very first monotheistic religion, where followers believe in only one god? C:D: IslamBuddhism

22 B: Judaism

23 A:B: The Yellow Brick RoadThe Road to Nowhere #11 What ancient road connected ancient China with Europe and was important for the exchange of goods, merchandise, and ideas? C:D: The Silk RoadThe Gold Road

24 C: The Silk Road

25 A:B: ConfuciusAlexander the Great #12 Growing up and traveling through ancient India, who was the religious founder of Buddhism? C:D: Siddhartha GautamaThe Enlightened One

26 B: Siddhartha Gautama

27 A:B: The KoranThe Book of the Dead #13 Which book written by the ancient Hebrews helped to spread their religion of Judaism? C:D: The BibleThe Torah

28 D: The Torah

29 A:B: Shi HuangdiConfucius #14 Who was the Chinese emperor who helped to unify China? C:D: Jackie ChanLiu Bang

30 A: Emperor Shi Huangdi

31 A:B: The Greek RepublicThe United States Republic #15 Which ancient republic first introduced the idea of checks and balances in a government? C:D: The Egyptian RepublicThe Roman Republic

32 D: The Roman Republic

33 Great Job!!!! Great Job!!!! Thank you for playing! Thank you for playing!

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