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System Architecture.  Windows Phone 7  Mobile Phone Application  User – End Perspective  Google App Engine  Administration Console  Handles authentication,

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Presentation on theme: "System Architecture.  Windows Phone 7  Mobile Phone Application  User – End Perspective  Google App Engine  Administration Console  Handles authentication,"— Presentation transcript:

1 System Architecture

2  Windows Phone 7  Mobile Phone Application  User – End Perspective  Google App Engine  Administration Console  Handles authentication, user access and relays information  Desktop Application  Provides the system end gateway for user access


4  QR Code on door contains an encrypted message  Phone takes a photograph and sends encrypted message along with personally identifiable information over encrypted XML-RPC GPS QR Code Device ID

5  Data is sent using a custom encryption protocol that signs the data using the device ID to prevent spoofing of data  Once authorized a reply is sent containing a string and a randomly generated number  String:  Opens up a time ticket for a specified time (2mins) to allow access to the resources in the room

6  Passcode is received by the desktop client and is allotted for the given session to enable access to resources  Passcode: +  A time ticket session of 2 minutes is kept, once expired the process of authentication needs to be repeated  Data is relayed through Google App Engine

7  Currently using Google App Engine to emulate infrastructure in Siebel Center such as calendaring, e-lock access and user restrictions  E-Locks have no API, but one can be developed in the future  Campus Calendaring system on Exchange Server which is being upgraded ▪ Once transitioned calendaring can be integrated into this system  User restriction can be easily integrated by connecting to the university Active Directory server

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