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Making the Most of National Mentoring Month: January 2011 OJJDP Mentoring Grantees Technical Assistance Event Presented by TCAM November 18, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Making the Most of National Mentoring Month: January 2011 OJJDP Mentoring Grantees Technical Assistance Event Presented by TCAM November 18, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making the Most of National Mentoring Month: January 2011 OJJDP Mentoring Grantees Technical Assistance Event Presented by TCAM November 18, 2010

2 Introduction Welcome to 2009 & New 2010 Grantees Connect Pro Orientation Presentation Overview Discussion

3 TCAM Training & technical assistance provider funded by OJJDP – Education Development Center partnering with Dare Mighty Things, Inc. Working with individual grantees (N = 137) and affinity groups with designated technical assistance providers (TASs) assigned to each grantee Webinars, conference calls, eLearning series, and resource support Today’s team members

4 TCAM Team Ivy Jones Turner Christine Blaber Brian Sales Lauren Gilman Dennis Talbert Janet Forbush Roger JarjouraVenessa Mendenhall David Castañeda Kristen Llobrera Katy WhiteJennifer Walper Roberts

5 National Mentoring Month – January 2011 Theme: Help Them Get There, Be A Mentor Thank Your Mentor Day: January 25, 2011

6 Key National Partners Corporation for National & Community Service - SERVE.GOV/MENTOR Harvard School of Public Health MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership Contact: Cathy Jenkins

7 Key Interests of Grantees Mentor recognition / Match celebration Building partnerships YouTube Nonprofit Program Template for press release PSAs Other

8 Mentor Month Ideas: Innovative and Inexpensive Approaches Church Bulletin Covers  Print the cover of a bulletin with your information and donate to churches – be creative in using the ‘Help Them Get There – Be a Mentor’ theme Recruit a local celebrity, sports figure or local political leader to be the month long spokesperson for your agency for mentor month

9 Mentor Month Ideas, cont. Mentor Appreciation Event Identify the largest radio advertiser in the market for your key radio/TV stations and ask them to sponsor mentor month by tagging all of their radio/opening spots. Ten to 20 second tags.

10 Mentor Month Ideas, cont. Develop a Mentor Speakers Bureau  Staff, volunteers, board members, and mentors receive a speakers kit with talking points, slides and promotional hand outs along with sign up sheets or form to use at outreach events  Schedule members of your speakers team to address community groups, schools, college campuses, and churches at meetings - regardless of the size

11 Mentor Month Ideas, cont. Print 10,000 flyers/post cards (or reasonable number for your community) - cost less than $200.00 using Vista Print - saturate the market with recruitment fliers Recruit teachers and school staff to be mentors for those engaged in school-based mentoring. A potential source for endorsement and support is the local teachers union

12 Grantee Activities: Boys & Girls Clubs of America Perry Cooper Vice President Federal Grants 404-487-5724 Andrea Perez Senior Federal Grants Director 404-487-5938 Marie Gordon Director, Program Measurement & Compliance 404-487-5942

13 Boys & Girls Clubs of America

14 Mentor Recognition by Clubs Promoting National Mentoring Month to the Movement BGCA National Mentoring Month Promotion and Activities

15 National Mentoring Month Club Participation Last year, more than 500 Boys & Girls Clubs across the country supported and participated in National Mentoring Month events by hosting community service projects, mentor appreciation dinners, mentor appreciation card writing sessions, etc. Clubs Were Encouraged to: Host a special event honoring mentors at your Club Dedicate time for Club youth to write cards and notes of thanks to their mentors Encourage others in the community to become mentors

16 Mentor Recognition The Following are examples of acts of recognition that Clubs reported on their program reports: Sincere words of praise/thanks given to mentors Notes to parents from mentors and mentees Tokens of appreciation given to mentors (cards, notes, letters, etc.) Presented certificates to mentors Hosted dinners and luncheons for mentors and mentees Hosted recognition awards celebrations and community events Photos of youth with mentors

17 BGCA provided information and resources to Clubs to promote National Mentoring Month using the following venues: BGCA National and Local Trainings - (September – January) BGCA Webinars – (October- January Email Tag Lines (September – January) - (September – January) BGCA’s Federal Grants Homepage (September – January) Boys & Girls Clubs in Indian Country’s Newsletter BGCA’s Federal Grants Central Newsletter (volume 2 - issue 3) BGCA Connections Magazine (January) National Mentoring Month (Program requirement for all grantees) Word of Mouth Promoting National Mentoring Month

18 Promote National Mentoring Month Sample email tag line: Alice Alice Wonderland Grants Specialist 404-I81-U812 MARK your Calendar JANUARY is National Mentoring Month Plan an Event to Recognize Mentors at Your Club!

19 National Mentoring Month Grant Program Requirement Briefly describe events or activities that your organization implemented in observance of National Mentoring Month. Upload copies of news articles, PSA and pictures from your outstanding National Mentoring Month activities. Promote National Mentoring Month

20 Running a You Tube Campaign for Less

21 What are the benefits? Advanced features at no cost More exposure New outreach and fundraising opportunities Volunteer videographers

22 Create a Channel

23 Get Listed on Nonprofit Channels

24 YouTube Guidance

25 Embed in Your Program Website

26 What’s Next Download “How to Apply for the YouTube Nonprofit Program” Work with your Technical Assistance Specialist

27 Building Partnerships Engage your current partners – featured activity with each of them – Thank them! Identify key partners you need to address challenges – is it a source of mentors?

28 Building Partnerships, cont. Develop template for written agreement with prospective partners, e.g., mentor recruitment, assistance with website, transportation for mentors/mentees Encourage partners to use tag lines for internal and external communication highlighting National Mentoring Month/your agency name Recognize the partners and their volunteers at Thank Your Mentor Day events and other NMM events

29 Discussion

30 Next Steps Visit TCAM website for resources and contact information: Contact your TAS or today’s presenters for assistance For NMM Resources, contact  MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership  Harvard School of Public Health  Corporation for National & Community Service Contact BGCA & Cincinnati Youth Collaborative Share your ideas with TCAM so we can get them out to OJJDP and the mentoring community

31 Contact Information Janet Forbush Technical Assistance Specialist (301) 493-2578 Janet Forbush Technical Assistance Specialist (301) 493-2578 Dennis Talbert Technical Assistance Specialist (313) 361-4530 ext 14 Dennis Talbert Technical Assistance Specialist (313) 361-4530 ext 14 Jennifer W. Roberts Technical Assistance Specialist (703) 485-2615 Jennifer W. Roberts Technical Assistance Specialist (703) 485-2615

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