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Your Children May Ask You Exodus 12:24-28 A. The Church of Christ: Mk 16:18; Eph 1:21- 23; 4:4-6; 6:23; 1Tim 3:15 1. Why are we different from other.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Children May Ask You Exodus 12:24-28 A. The Church of Christ: Mk 16:18; Eph 1:21- 23; 4:4-6; 6:23; 1Tim 3:15 1. Why are we different from other."— Presentation transcript:


2 Your Children May Ask You Exodus 12:24-28

3 A. The Church of Christ: Mk 16:18; Eph 1:21- 23; 4:4-6; 6:23; 1Tim 3:15 1. Why are we different from other churches? - Jn 18:36; 1Pt 2:9-10 2. Does it matter what church you are a member of? – Acts 2:47; 1Cor 1:12-13 3. Why are we “so small”? – 1Cor 1:26-29; Mt 18:20 4. Why don’t we use instr. Music? – Eph 5:19 5. Why don’t we have women preachers? – 1Tim 2:11-12

4 B. Our Worship Services: Acts 2:46 1. Why do we go regularly to worship? Ps 122:1; 1Jn 5:3; 1Cor 14:26; Col 3:16; Acts 11:26; Heb 10:25 2. Some things have been commanded to occur only in the assembly of the saints – 1Cor 16:2; 11:20-22; 20:7 C. Dating & Marriage 1. What is wrong with living w/someone before marriage? 1Cor 7:2; Heb 13:4; Mt 19:4-6 2. Why can’t I divorce & remarry for any cause? Mt 19:3-9; Rom 7:2-3

5 D. Dancing & Drinking 1. Why don’t we dance? 1Pt 4:3; Mk 7:22 2. Why don’t we drink alcohol & use drugs? 1Pt 4:3; Prov 20:1; 23:29-35 E. How We Should Treat Other People 1. What’s wrong with treating others the way they treat me? Mt 7:12; 1Pt 2:19-23 2. Why do you spank me? Prov 13:24; 3:12; 19:18; 22:15

6 F. Sin & Salvation 1. Why do the people we love do things against God’s word (Sin)? 2. Why doesn’t everyone obey the gospel? Mt 7:21; 2Cor 4:3-4 3. What must I do to be saved? Acts 16:30-34 4. What must I do to be a Christian and to be forgiven of my sins? Acts 8:22-24; 1Jn 1:9

7 Baptisms in the Book of Acts 1.2:37-41 – Pentecostians 2.8:12 – The Samaritans 3.8:13 – Simon the Sorcerer 4.8:38 - Ethiopian Eunuch 5.9:18 – Saul of Tarsus 6.10:48 – House of Cornelius 7.16:15 – House of Lydia 8.16:33 – House of Jailor 9.18:8 – House of Crispus & Others 10.19:5 - Ephesians

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