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North Somerset CCG Developing a Vision for Community Health Services

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1 North Somerset CCG Developing a Vision for Community Health Services

2 What are Community Health Services ? Seven multi-disciplinary community teams, such as Community Nurses Children’s services which work closely with North Somerset Council and families, such as Health Visitors A joint learning disabilities team A community hospital in Clevedon Specialist services focusing on patients with specific needs such as: diabetes, dementia, chronic lung disease and those who have suffered a stroke. These are 26 services, delivered free of charge to the people of North Somerset:

3 Why do we need to talk about this? The contract for community health services in North Somerset expires on 31 st March 2016. North Somerset Community Partnership currently provides these essential services. We are in the first stage of deciding what future services we want to buy, known as the pre- procurement stage. We are talking to the public until 31 st May to learn their views so the CCG can incorporate these opinions into the vision for future community services and the outcomes expected from them.

4 Services we need

5 What we think North Somerset community health services should look like A system focussed around the needs of our residents, and treat patients as individuals As much attention to people’s mental health as their physical health Rehabilitation services provided as close to home as possible Good advice about staying healthy, and where to get the best help when it is needed Knowing who needs most help in our community so we can focus resources on them Hospital stays for our patients kept as brief as possible Good on-going care plans for our patients if they need care after their hospital treatment

6 Commissioning Cycle

7 The pre-procurement timetable January to end of May 2014: We are evaluating the current contract and finding out what we, other local health and social care commissioners and the public want. We are also working out what the CCG can afford to pay a contractor to do. During May: Whilst we gather everyone’s views, the CCG will plan the details of the tendering process for those interested in bidding for the contract. The CCG will also decide what potential bidders will be expected to provide under the new contract End of May: The CCG Governing Body will allow the procurement process to begin from 2 June 2014. The first step will be to advertise the opportunity to provide our community health services. Most of what happens during procurement will be commercially confidential, but we’ll share what we can.

8 How YOU can improve Community Health Services Tell us what’s great about these services at the moment, especially about your experiences What could be different? How would you like to access your services most conveniently? What outcomes are most important to you? For example:  improved experience  improved health  better knowledge of how to look after yourself  avoiding ill-health

9 Q x ) How would you like community services to work with other services i.e. GP, Voluntary Sector? (select in choice order) 1.Shared care plan (the plan to meet patient and carer needs) 2.Single assessment 3.Shared information 4.Offering personalised services 5.Offering 7 day working

10 Qx) What do you see as the key ambitions of a community service ? (select in choice order) 1.Ensuring a joint health and social care system for adults and children, 2.Improving quality and innovation 3.Delivering cost effective, high quality care 4.Reducing health inequalities; working in partnership 5.Giving people confidence and skills self care and stay as healthy as possible 6.Improving care by ensuring easy access to shared information, which is up to date, meaningful and accurate 7.Creating an environment which promotes good patient experience and evidence based practice

11 Qx) If you were a carer, or you needed services how would you like to be signposted to a service in the community? (select in choice order) 1.By my GP 2.By a self-referral 3.Through another professional e.g. a social worker, a therapist 4.On-line

12 Qx) What do you value most ? (select in order) 1.Timeliness of receiving care 2.The organisation of services 3.The quality of care provided 4.The quality of information 5.The experience of family, friends and carers

13 Mental Health Session Angela Kell Chris Mills Lee Colwill

14 Qx) In developed nations, what medical condition is diagnosed most? (Select one) 1.Cancer 2.Mental Illness 3.Heart Disease 4.Arthritis 5.Don’t know

15 Answer Mental illness

16 Q x) Among what group of people are mood disorders found more often? (Select one) 1.Single people without a 'significant other‘ 2.The poor 3.The wealthy 4.Immigrants 5.Don’t know

17 Answer Mood disorders can be found across all races and social classes, but are more common among single people without a 'significant other.'

18 Qx) Who is most likely to get a mental illness? (Select one) 1.People with stressful jobs 2.People who have a low income 3.Anyone, regardless of intelligence, social situation or job 4.Teenagers 5.Don’t know

19 Answer Anyone, regardless of intelligence, social situation or job. Mental illness doesn’t discriminate, it can affect anyone, at any time of their lives.

20 Q x) How many people with dementia do you know? (Select one) 1.None 2.1 3.2 4.3 or more 5.Don’t know

21 Q x) What proportion of people over the age of 65 will die with dementia? (Select one) 1.1 in 3 2.1 in 4 3.1 in 5 4.Don’t know

22 Answer 1 in 3

23 Qx) After the age of 30 the risk of dementia doubles every… (Select one) 1.2 years 2.5 years 3.10 years 4.15 years 5.Don’t know

24 Answer 5 years

25 An overview of dementia services in North Somerset Play - Dementia Friend LinkDementia Friend Link Q8

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