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From Application to Graduation and Beyond Christopher Murray University of Leeds, UK EDEN 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "From Application to Graduation and Beyond Christopher Murray University of Leeds, UK EDEN 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Application to Graduation and Beyond Christopher Murray University of Leeds, UK EDEN 2006

2 Aim Overview Findings The Future

3 The Projects  Enhancing Learner Progression  Professional Development Project (PDP)  16/17 Yr Olds  Undergraduates  Doctors In total over 400 students Summative evaluation taking place

4 Themes  Relevance  ICT Competencies/Technology!  Teachers/supervisors role!  The Bigger Picture!

5 Engagement  Initial Engagement  Sustained Engagement  Learning Engagement

6 Purpose  Post 16  95% “Will help me to get a place at university”  Undergraduates  55% “Career Development section was helpful in creating a CV for job application”  16% said it would be no use to them

7  Doctors  Use of e-portfolio is compulsory  All users only using parts that are relevant to them.  All stated self assessments and sections related to skills most useful  Initial engagement increases when assessment is involved and when users can make use of their entries with others

8 Technology  Needs to be checked prior to use  50% of 16/17 year olds had problems  85% of doctors have problems  Greater nos of teachers and supervisors lacking ICT skills “My secretary does that!”  Impact on Feedback

9 Technology  Only 4 of supervisors using e- portfolio

10 Design & Big Picture  Tutor involvement in design-higher engagement  Needs to fit in with other external activities

11 Conclusions-The Future Needs to explore  Ownership  Non-users views  Learning impacts  Distinction between:  `Mere` engagement: Using the space  `Meaningful` engagement: Making use of the space

12 An Engagement Cycle? Initial Engagement Design and Technology Relevance Sharing entries Sustained Engagement Feedback Learning Engagement Pedagogy Reflection Self Analysis Continued Engagement System use feedback channelling back into If no tutor involvement e-portfolio ends here

13 The End  Thank You  Questions?

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