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Presentation on theme: "1 st QUARTER PERFORMANCE REPORT DIRECTOR-GENERAL: ARTS AND CULTURE DATE: 19/08/2014."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 PRESENTATION OUTLINE 2  Performance Overview  Budget and Expenditure  Explanation of Expenditure per Economic Classification  Review of Programme Performance on Key Indicators




6 6 6 SUMMARY TOTAL BUDGET VERSUS EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME Programmes Main AppropriationExpenditureTotal% 2014/1530 June 2014AvailableSpent R’000 Administration228,26667,679160,58730% Institutional Governance99,80820,56279,24621% Arts & Culture Promotion & Development1,032,876199,802833,07419% Heritage Promotion & Preservation2,163,798423,0951,740,70320% Total3,524,748711,1372,813,61120%


8 8 8 SUMMARY TOTAL BUDGET VERSUS EXPENDITURE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Economic Classification Main Appropriation ExpenditureTotal% 2014/1530 June 2014AvailableSpent R’000 Compensation209,91053,019156,89125% Goods & Services (include Payment for Financial Assets and Interest on Land) 480,355105,418374,93722% Provinces & Municipalities1,016,210173,886842,32417% Dept Agencies & Accounts (Current)1,103,357311,923791,43428% Dept Agencies & Accounts (Capital Works)540,08334,679505,4046% Non Profit Org121,90116,566105,33514% Foreign Government Organ3,009- 0% Households27,65511,73215,92342% Higher Education Institutions12,470- 0% Public Corporations2,400- 0% Capital Assets7,3983,9143,48453% Grand Total3 524 748711,1372,813,61120%



11 11 Economic classification Description of the line itemReason for variance Compensation of Employees The line item includes remuneration in cash, social contributions by the employer, basic wages and salaries, overtime, remuneration of nightshift, cost of living allowances, house allowances, bonuses, pension, medical aid etc. An amount of R53 million (25%) has been incurred as at 30 June 2014. A total of 15 posts have been advertised since February 2014 (in two phases) and a total of 4 posts have been filled to date. The other posts are in the process of being filled. 11 EXPLANATION OF EXPENDITURE VARIANCE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION

12 12 Economic classification Description of the line itemReason for variance Goods and Services (Include Payment for financial asset and Interest on land) The item includes payments for all goods and services to be used by a government unit i.e. goods or services of a current nature, excluding purchases of capital assets. A total amount of R105 million (22%) spent as at 30 June 2014. The under-expenditure is mainly due to the process towards allocating projects support for MGE projects being underway. The adjudication process is in progress and will end by the 8 th of August 2014. 12 EXPLANATION OF EXPENDITURE VARIANCE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION (CONT…)

13 13 Economic Classification Description of the line itemReason for variance Provinces and Municipalities (Conditional Grant on Community Libraries) The expenditure relates to the transfers for the Conditional grant on Community Libraries and funds are transferred to various Provinces on a quarterly basis. An amount of R174 million (17%) has been transferred during the first quarter of the financial year based on the business plans. Due to late approval of DORA, the funds were transferred to Provinces on the 17 th of May 2014 which resulted in Provinces not having sufficient time to spend the funds during the 1 st quarter. 13 EXPLANATION OF EXPENDITURE VARIANCE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION (CONT…)

14 14 PROVINCES AND MUNICIPALITIES CONDITIONAL GRANT ON COMMUNITY LIBRARIES Per Province: Conditional Grant Main Appropriation Actual transfer by Provincial Actual Available Amount by % Actual payments of total 2014/15Nationalpayments(National)available R’000 Eastern Cape109,41820,50014,27888,91813,0% Free State119,01325,66210,64293,351 8,9% Gauteng125,60824,5965,167101,012 4,1% KwaZulu-Natal122,75419,1205,064103,634 4,1% Limpopo81,01021,1344,98759,876 6,2% Mpumalanga114,78122,00017,96092,78115,6% Northern Cape118,39616,80012,029101,59610,2% North West98,88321,31613,79177,56713,9% Western Cape126,3472,5581,877123,789 1,5% Grand Total1,016,210173,68685,795842,524 8,4%

15 15 Economic ClassificationDescription of the line itemReason for variance Departmental Agencies & Accounts (Current Transfers) This expenditure item relates to subsidies to the Departments’ Public Entities. The Performing Arts Institutions transfers are processed quarterly, Libraries and Heritage Institutions on a monthly basis. An amount of R312 million (28%) has been spent as at 30 June 2014. The percentage spent is high due to the fact that Performing Arts Institutions, PanSALB and NHC are paid quarterly, in line with their cash flow projections. 15 EXPLANATION OF EXPENDITURE VARIANCE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION (CONT…)

16 16 Economic Classification Description of the line itemReason for variance Departmental Agencies & Accounts (Capital Works) This expenditure item relates to maintenance, upgrade and refurbishment of the Departments’ Playhouses, Museums and Libraries as well as the construction of Legacy Projects. An amount of R35 million (6%) has been spent as at 30 June 2014. The Department realized that some of the projects included in the UAMP were not planned properly. The Infrastructure Unit was then tasked to revise the project list to include only those with realistic projections and outputs. Funds will be transferred to the entities in the 2 nd quarter. 16 EXPLANATION OF EXPENDITURE VARIANCE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION (CONT…)

17 17 Economic Classification Description of the line itemReason for variance Non Profit Institutions (NPI) Higher Education Institutions This expenditure relates to subsidies to BASA, Blind SA, Engelenburg Arts Collection and MGE projects. Expenditure relates to transfer payments to tertiary institutions in a form of a bursary. An amount of R17 (14%) has been spent as at 30 June 2014. MGE funds will be transferred as soon as the Treasury approval has been obtained. No funds has been transferred to Education Institution as at 30 June 2014. This budget will be re-allocated to Households during the AENE as the beneficiaries of the funds are students and not Universities/Colleges. Funds for the Heritage Bursaries are allocated in October. 17 EXPLANATION OF EXPENDITURE VARIANCE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION (CONT…)

18 18 Economic Classification Description of the line itemReason for variance HouseholdsThis expenditure item relates to all the financial assistance projects that the Department funds during the financial year. An amount of R12 million (42%) has been spent as at 30 June 2014. A virement of R8,4m will be requested to shift funds from NPI to Households in respect of financial assistance in Programme 2 (Institutional Governance) 18 EXPLANATION OF EXPENDITURE VARIANCE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION (CONT…)

19 19 Economic Classification Description of the line itemReason for variance Capital AssetsThis budget relates to the purchasing of machinery and equipment including the IT equipment as well as acquisition of a building and other fixed structures. An amount of R3,9 million (53%) has been incurred as at 30 June 2014. The high spending is due to the procurement of production environmental servers for Head Office and National Archives. 19 EXPLANATION OF EXPENDITURE VARIANCE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION

20 20 REMARKS The Department has spent R711 million (20%) as at 30 June 2014. The spending is in line with the set target in the first quarter; All the virement requests have to be processed as soon as the Appropriations Bill has enacted by Parliament in order to accelerate spending; The deviations will be minimized and procurement of goods and services to be done through SCM; and The Capital Works projects need to be closely monitored in order to curb the under-expenditure. 20


22 22 ENE INDICATORS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 1 ST QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS DESCRIPTION or VARIANCE/ COMMENTS Number of artists placed in schools per year Approvals and conclusion of projects and Agreements with partners/beneficiaries Submission with business plans from all the Beneficiaries in all the nine Provinces has been generated and routed. Consultations with Beneficiaries and Provinces are in progress. Delayed virement approval to transfer funds on time Number of cultural events supported per year 06 Cultural events supported 06 Cultural events supported as follows: South African Music Awards Indoni My Heritage My pride Miami Winter Conference Diamonds and Dorings Maluti Arts festival Mandela Bay Jazz Series Number of Language Practice Bursaries Transfer funds to participating universities. Funds transferred to participating universities. 22 SELECTED INDICATORS

23 23 ENE INDICATORS PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 1 st QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS DESCRIPTION or VARIANCE/ COMMENTS Number of flag poles installed per year 2 500 4665 flags installed in 4665 schools across all provinces The DAC requested the service providers to finish the project by the end of the financial year 23 SELECTED INDICATORS

24 24 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 1 st QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS DESCRIPTION or VARIANCE/ COMMENTS % of people with disabilities 2%As at the 31 June 2014 the department was at 1.84% of people with disabilities 5 SMS posts have not yet been finalised up to the point of appointment. Finalisation of the outstanding vacancies at SMS level as well as ensuring that at least 1 PwD is appointed in the second quarter % spent against approved budget 20%An actual expenditure of R711.137 million (20%) has been spent vs a budget of R3,525 billion. % of BBBEE procurement 70%88% of contracts were awarded to BBBEE companies. Number of events managed to advance the DAC strategic goals or agreed Marketing objectives ( 30) 10 events managed to advance the DAC Strategic goals or agreed Marketing objectives 11 events managed during the first quarter 24 SELECTED INDICATORS

25 25 PROGRAMME 2: INSTITUTIONAL GOVERNANCE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 1 st QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS DESCRIPTION or VARIANCE/ COMMENTS Percentage of Public Entities with fully constituted and inducted councils (100%) 100% of councils fully constituted and inducted 100% of Councils fully constituted and inducted. Windybrow Theatre, National Film and Video Foundation and PANSALB Councils were appointed and inducted Number of Institutional visits conducted and reports prepared (26 visits and reports) 6 Six institutional visits were conducted during the quarter under review. ( Iziko, Robben Island Museum, SAHRA, Msunduzi, KwaZulu- Natal Museum and Market Theatre Number of Community conversations held (18) 3 Community conversations The tender to appoint the service provider to conduct community conversations is being processed The service provider will do more community conversations in September 2014 Number of Public Platforms for Social Cohesion Advocates 3 3 Platforms were hosted, inter-generational dialogue, youth dialogue and Inter-Faith Council of SA. 25 SELECTED INDICATORS

26 26 PROGRAMME 2: INSTITUTIONAL GOVERNANCE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 1 ST QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS DESCRIPTION or VARIANCE/ COMMENTS Number of Cultural Seasons implemented UK and China Seasons China Seasons: The Official opening of the SA Seasons in China was held in Beijing, China on the 29 April 2014. UK Seasons: UK Media Briefing April 2014. The Seasons in the UK started with the Aye Write, Glasgow Book Festival from 04 - 12 April 2014, Number of development programmes for Children, Women, Persons with Disabilities and Senior Citizens implemented (5) Concept document for the Children, Women, People with Disabilities and Senior Citizens development programmes approved 1. Concept document and contract signed for the New Production - Zwakala Africa Awards 2014 2. Concept document approved for the Lefika-La Phodiso- Art Therapy. 3. Concept document developed and approved for the Women in the Arts Empowerment Workshops. 4. Contract developed and approved for the Africa Sinakho Arts - In the Blood production held in April 2014. 5. Contract developed and approved for the Mandela The Opera production held in May 2014. 26 SELECTED INDICATORS

27 27 PROGRAMME 3: ARTS AND CULTURE PROMOTION AND DEVELOPMENT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 1ST QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS DESCRIPTION or VARIANCE/ COMMENTS Art bank: 1st phase of Art Bank implemented as per approved business plan Art bank: legal requirements for the Art Bank entity Entity report was submitted to DAC regarding entity and legal requirements on 13 June 2014 NACISA launchedPartnership with educational institution finalized Discussion with the Kennedy Center regarding training program is underway. Training proposal submitted. Partnership discussion with Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Sector Education and Training Authority(CATHSETA) is underway. Number of sector organisations and skills training projects supported Business plans received from sector organisations and skills development projects MOUs signed Six proposals/plans received from the Association of Independent Record Companies(AIRCO), Moshito, Downtown Music Hub, SARA, Thuthuka Jewellery and Creative Cultural Industries Federation-Interim Committee (CCIFSA-IC) received for support 27 SELECTED INDICATORS

28 28 PROGRAMME 3: ARTS AND CULTURE PROMOTION AND DEVELOPMENT PERFORMANC E INDICATOR 1 st QUARTER TARGET PROGRESS DESCRIPTION or VARIANCE/ COMMENTS DAC Language policy developed Consultations with DAC management and staff Consultative workshop with DAC management and staff conducted Number of domains for which terminology will be developed Arts and Culture intermediate phase 873 terminologies developed; Arts and Culture intermediate phase 873 terminologies developed HSEMS intermediate phase 2 898 terminologies developed Mathematics senior phase 926 terminologies developed Life Orientation 1 491 terminologies developed Life Orientation phase 1491 terminologies developed 28 SELECTED INDICATORS

29 29 PROGRAMME 4: HERITAGE PROMOTION AND PRESERVATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 1ST QUARTER TARGETPROGRESS DESCRIPTION or VARIANCE/ COMMENTS Number of National Days hosted (7) 2The National Freedom Day (27 April) and National Youth Day (16 June) were successfully hosted Number of Outreach projects implemented (6) 27 Outreach Projects were implemented during the period under review Annual Archives Week, Freedom Day, Youth Day exhibitions, International Archives Day, Tatoo Indigenous music exhibition, Oral History Interviews, Bavvianspoort Public Programme Ncome phase 2 Repaired Appoint the Service Provider Service provider appointed by the DPW. Ncome Phase 2 damages repaired by DPW 29 SELECTED INDICATORS

30 30 PROGRAMME 4: HERITAGE PROMOTION AND PRESERVATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 1ST QUARTER TARGETPROGRESS DESCRIPTION or VARIANCE/ COMMENTS 3 Prioritised elements of OR Tambo phase 2 started Appoint the Contractor The Contractor appointed in May 2014, construction has started Sarah Bartmann Centre of Remembrance- Beginning of construction Appointment of a contractor Lubbe Contractor appointed in April 2014. Breaking of the Ground Ceremony held on 02 May 2014. Setting up of site and bulk earth works commencement in May 2014. 4% of buildings works complete by June 2014. Bram Fisher house purchased Property registrationDAC has sent a letter to Independent Development Trust (IDT) instructing them to register the house under the National Heritage Council. IDT has sent a deed of ownership to NHC to complete for property registration under NHC. 30 SELECTED INDICATORS

31 31 PROGRAMME 4: HERITAGE PROMOTION AND PRESERVATION PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 1ST QUARTER TARGETPROGRESS DESCRIPTION or VARIANCE/ COMMENTS Number of jobs created through heritage projects 2 5673067 jobs were created Dr Moroka House project Appointment of a contractor Contractor appointed Ingquza Hill Phase 1Construction beginsContractor appointed and construction has commenced. Bhambatha StatureStature installedStature installed and awaiting unveilling. 30 SELECTED INDICATORS

32 32 31 THANK YOU


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