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National Extension and Research Administrative Officers’ Conference Acquiring and Managing 1890 Matching Funds May 25, 2011 L. Washington Lyons Delbert.

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Presentation on theme: "National Extension and Research Administrative Officers’ Conference Acquiring and Managing 1890 Matching Funds May 25, 2011 L. Washington Lyons Delbert."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Extension and Research Administrative Officers’ Conference Acquiring and Managing 1890 Matching Funds May 25, 2011 L. Washington Lyons Delbert Foster Executive Administrator, AEA Administrator, SCSU Louis Whitesides 1890 Research Director, SCSU

2 Session Format L. Washington Lyons – focus on acquiring matching funds and survey results of administrators and directors Delbert Foster and Louis Whitesides- focus on what has worked in acquiring and managing matching dollars at South Carolina State University Questions

3 Matching Requirements Required to match research and extension federal funding at 100% - 2007 Must be able to document the match Match should have an audit trail Waiver provision is still available up to 50% Must document that efforts were made to acquire the match

4 2011 Federal Budget Federal capacity funding for research and extension – Extension $42.592 M – Research $50.898 M What does this mean for your institution? More demands to acquire additional matching funds and to sustain existing funds What are the chances of increasing the state funding for your program during these times?

5 Factors Impacting Matching Funds Economic recession State budgets are tight – many are facing deficits Other state priorities Programs being eliminated at the state level University’s funding being reduced University may not perceive matching as a major priority

6 Acquiring Matching Funds Positive correlation between acquiring and sustaining matching funds and viable programs Funds are allocated based on needs that are important to the state/constituents – It’s not about us Funding must be perceived as being a priority by legislators and state officials Must be accountable for funds Must document how the funds were used Must document and share program impact Must be visible in the state and communities you serve

7 Acquiring Matching Funds Cont… Must have a marketable program Demonstrate that research and Extension programs are making a difference Engage your stakeholders Clients and stakeholders should do some of the heavy lifting Legislators don’t want to hear from you You want others saying that there is a need for funding for research and Extension

8 State Matching Funds Process Funding in the general university budget may be more difficult to secure and could create accountability issues Line item budgeting process makes managing and allocating funding relatively straight forward  No ambiguity  No confusion  Funds are accessible and can be tracked It could create other challenges such as paying for additional services During these tight budget times you may be asked to assume more costs - be sure that you are in compliance if you are picking-up additional costs

9 Purpose of the Survey To determine if the match would be achieved for FY’ 2011 and 2012 To identify strategies being used by the administrators and directors To determine if a waiver would be required

10 Survey Results

11 Institution will meet its match requirement for FY11 and FY12

12 Status of 2011 matching funds

13 Status of 2012 matching funds

14 Requesting a matching waiver for 2011

15 Requesting a matching waiver for 2012

16 Strategies Used

17 *Other Strategies used

18 What are other strategies being used to acquire state matching funds? Invite legislators to programs and activities Convene listening sessions Prepare a tri-fold budget request

19 Developed Program Impact Info to Share

20 Most successful strategies institutions have utilized to acquire matching funds Approval of a line item in the state budget Providing concise information to legislators about programs and activities Meeting with leaders/members of the appropriations committees Convene legislative meetings on campus and showcase programs and initiatives Partnership with other land-grant institutions

21 Most successful strategies utilized to acquire matching funds cont… Meeting with Legislators Stakeholder advocates Improved collaboration with 1862 partners Solicit support from 1862 counterpart Engage legislators in Ag related activities (on and off campus) Gain support of local legislators and those in counties where extension operates

22 Most successful strategies institutions have utilized to acquire matching funds cont… Support of Agribusiness Council and friends in the General Assembly Support of the Chancellor/President Meeting/informing legislators about matching requirements

23 State Matching Process South Carolina State university What has worked best? What has not worked? How do you develop a competitive advantage in this area?

24 Lessons Learned Brief your president and other university officials They should become advocates Your request should be included in the university’s budget Brief elected officials and others as appropriate Develop an annual budget request or as appropriate – prepare budget document Develop champions for your request/plan Develop relationships with stakeholders and other groups Farm Bureau, Farm Credit, and other agribusinesses State Leadership and Advisory Councils 1862 institution

25 Conclusions In this type of climate, how do you proceed?  Develop a plan  Justify your needs  Show your value  Document that you are making a difference  Engage stakeholders/legislators/president  Market your plan Hopefully, this will lead to an increase in matching funds

26 Questions


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