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Examining Input Devices Computer Concepts Unit B.

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Presentation on theme: "Examining Input Devices Computer Concepts Unit B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Examining Input Devices Computer Concepts Unit B

2 Examining Input Devices Give examples of input devices: Keyboard, the primary input device Keyboard, the primary input device Pointing device Pointing device – Mouse – Touchpad – Track pad – Touch screen

3 Examining Input Devices Are all keyboards the same? similar – Most keyboards are similar. letters numbers – A computer keyboard includes the basic typing keypad with keys or buttons with letters and numbers.

4 Examining Input Devices How can I use the keyboard to move around the screen? navigation keypad Desktop and notebook computer keyboards include a navigation keypad – Home – End – Arrow keys cursor You use these keys to move the insertion point (cursor) on the screen Insertion point Insertion point: flashing vertical bar on the screen.

5 Examining Input Devices Why do I need a mouse? screen-based graphical controls – A mouse allows you to control an on-screen pointer and perform other screen-based graphical controls primary pointing – Mouse is the primary pointing device. Scroll wheel Right mouse button Left mouse button Additional Buttons

6 Examining Input Devices Do all mice use the same technology? – Wired mouse – Wireless mouse

7 Examining Input Devices Do all mice use the same technology? – Optical mouse: – Optical mouse: uses an LED ( an electronic light) – Laser mouse: – Laser mouse: uses laser as the light source to track movement.

8 Examining Input Devices What other pointing devices can I use? – Trackballs: – Trackballs: is a roller ball on the top of a mouse, you use your fingers or the palm of your hand to roll the ball and move the pointer. – Touchpad: – Touchpad: also called track-pad, it is a touch- sensitive surface on which you can slide your fingers to move the on-screen pointer.

9 Examining Input Devices Why do some computers have touch screen? – PDAs – Tablet computers – Retail cash register – Information kiosks Touch screen technology need special software Touch screen technology: can interpret a single touch or more complex input, such as handwriting>>> need special software

10 Examining Input Devices What if I want to input a drawings made by hand or in a magazine article? – Use scanner – Use scanner to capture the data and create a digital file in one of the acceptable graphic file format.

11 Examining Input Devices Can I enter data by speaking? – Microphone – Microphone: is an input device that converts spoken words or sounds information into a digital format.

12 Examining Input Devices Are digital cameras input devices?Yes – Digital camera captures images – Digital video camera captures moving images and sound

13 Thank you Questions !!! Questions !!!

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