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A body of words and the systems for their use common to a people who are of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural.

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Presentation on theme: "A body of words and the systems for their use common to a people who are of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural."— Presentation transcript:

1 a body of words and the systems for their use common to a people who are of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural tradition

2 Spoken Language Our ability to use spoken language is what separates us from the rest of the animal world. It is the most frequently used communication tool. Spoken Language allows us to exchange ideas, facts and even emotions. It is one of the most fascinating and essential tools possessed by humans for thousands or millions of years. Mary No Name Part 1Mary No Name Part 1 (5) Mary No Name Part 2 (7) Mary No Name Part 2


4 There are Five Stages of Language Gestures Sounds Pictographs Ideographs Written Words

5 Gestures A movement of the hands, arms or head to express an idea or feeling. Communication without words Do not necessarily have the same meaning from one place to another 4 Types of Gestures Universal – people around the world recognize the meaning Native – used by a particular group of people Personal – specific to a person Infantile – only children use our emotions okay, knock on wood, crazy Twirling hair, rubbing hands, tapping foot or finger, scratching, etc. pointing, turning head away, throwing things, clinching fists

6 Gestures #1 (3:05-3:45)Gestures #1 (3:05-3:45) 9 mins. Gestures #2Gestures #2 1 min. Gestures #3Gestures #3 7mins. Gestures #5Gestures #5 3mins.

7 Sounds The development of spoken human language requires the development of the vocal tract used for speech production and the cognitive abilities required to understand and produce linguistic utterances. (Wikipedia) Many scientists believe that sounds developed out of need. Hunters worked in teams. They couldn’t always see each others gestures so they came up with sounds to communicate with. As individuals created more and more tools to use, their hands were busy. They developed more sounds to use for communicating with each other.

8 Pictographs Pictographs are symbols or drawings that represent specific objects. The first type of messages that we find in the history records were a series of pictures that told a story; examples of pictographs. Can you think of any examples? Palatki in Arizona

9 Pictographs

10 Ideographs Ideographs are symbols or drawings for items that cannot be pictured These are ideas and actions that are abstract (love, hate, truth, honesty, etc.). Most Asian languages use this method such as Chinese. Can you think of any other examples?

11 DNA Visual Representation of Music

12 TEST ON Thursday We will Review on Tuesday and Wednesday

13 Pictographs & Ideographs

14 Written Language Is represented by symbols. In order to read, we must rely on written language. Written language has not existed as long as Spoken language however. Brief History of Written Language (3)Brief History of Written Language Birth of Writing (3)Birth of Writing

15 Writing Systems Writing systems are a set of symbols or characters that represent sounds of speech The first to use the alphabet were the Phoenicians and the Hebrews. They created a symbol for each syllable of a word which developed the first phonetic alphabet. Not all languages are read from left to right; Arabic, Hebrew, some Eastern languages. Alphabet Evolution (:30) Alphabet Evolution

16 Cherokee

17 Phoenician

18 Hebrew

19 Gizon-emakume guztiak aske jaiotzen dira, duintasun eta eskubide berberak dituztela; eta ezaguera eta kontzientzia dutenez gero, elkarren artean senide legez jokatu beharra dute. Basque Farsi Laotian Napali Navajo Tagalog Basque Farsi Laotian Napali Navajo Tagalog


21 What is Language? _____ 1. is a system of communication consisting of sounds, words and grammar. _____ 2. is a movement of the hands, arms or head to express an idea or feeling. _____ 3. is a symbol or drawing that represents a specific object. _____ 4. is a symbol for “non-picturable” things. A. gesture B. pictograph C. language D. ideograph A B C D 1.Write the following words in your folder. written words sounds pictographs gestures ideographs 2. Now, put the stages of language development in order by writing a 1 by the 1 st stage a 2 by the 2 nd stage, etc. 1 2 3 4 5

22 List the 5 stages of language. I’ve given you the first letter of each to help get you started. They are out of order again…can you put them in order? SWhat are the 4 types of gestures? I W P G Gestures Sounds Pictographs Ideographs Written Words Universal Personal Native Infantile


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