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A Ritual Initiation Bar Mitzvah for 13 year old boys: The age of moral and ritual responsibility (sometimes Bat Mitzvah ceremony for 12 year old girls).

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Presentation on theme: "A Ritual Initiation Bar Mitzvah for 13 year old boys: The age of moral and ritual responsibility (sometimes Bat Mitzvah ceremony for 12 year old girls)."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Ritual Initiation Bar Mitzvah for 13 year old boys: The age of moral and ritual responsibility (sometimes Bat Mitzvah ceremony for 12 year old girls). Presence may be counted upon to form a minyan (quorum of 10), recite blessings over reading of scripture and to read publicly from the Torah scroll – chanting traditionally melodies Read and study tradition throughout life

2 Diversity Among Modern Jews Various positions with respect to certain rituals, roles for men and women, use of Hebrew, etc. A religion to which one may convert, but more commonly inherited. Some Jews view their status more as ethnic rather than religious identity Diverse populations share culture but not necessarily biological heredity.

3 Religion of Abraham Judaism, Christianity and Islam trace lineage to biblical figure, Abraham Jewish people introduce the idea of One God 14 million Jews in world today (Reform, Conservative and Orthodox) – down by 1/3 in comparison to 1939. Six million Jews put to death by the Nazis 1939-45.

4 God’s chosen people 1800BCE: Period of the Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob). Genesis 12:7: descendants of Abraham promised a land as part of covenant. Genesis 22: story of sacrifice of Isaac emphasizes Abraham’s obedience and rejection of human sacrifice that was part of ancient Canaanite religion Faith, circumcision sign of covenant

5 The Exodus Redemption from slavery: God’s gracious act - assurance of God’s power and faithfulness Central to Israel’s Experience of God God’s call of Moses to be a liberator of Israel from bondage in Egypt Theme of “God as liberator” frequently taken up in later OT writings

6 The Passover households to sacrifice a perfect lamb or goat, and daub blood across sides and tops of their door frames. Originally marks an act of divine judgement against Egypt: see Exodus 11:1-12:30 Commemorative meal - a lasting ordinance (Exodus 12:1-14) Bitter herbs and unleavened bread Last supper of Jesus as Passover Meal

7 Aspects of the Jewish Law Ethical teaching: The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17) The Law as a way of life: e.g. dietary laws Distinction between clean and unclean foods: Leviticus 11:1-23 Setting the Jews apart as holy nation and maintaining a distinct identity in the ancient world

8 Dietary Laws in the Early Church Diverse membership of Jews and Gentiles (Romans 14:1-4) Dietary laws as a source of conflict between Peter and Paul (see Galatians 2:11-21) Table-fellowship in the early church

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