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Offender Mental Health.  YSS has over 25 years experience of working with people who have offended and designing and developing innovate services to.

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Presentation on theme: "Offender Mental Health.  YSS has over 25 years experience of working with people who have offended and designing and developing innovate services to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Offender Mental Health

2  YSS has over 25 years experience of working with people who have offended and designing and developing innovate services to support them  YSS works with over 2,000 people (children and adults) a year who have offended are who at high risk of offending or committing ant- social behaviour

3  West Mercia Probation Trust  West Mercia YOS  West Mercia Police  Staffs & West Midlands Probation Trust  Ministry of Justice  Department of Work and Pensions  Shropshire Council  Worcestershire County Council

4  Lloyds TSB Foundation  Barrow Cadbury Trust  Multiple grant making trusts  ESF  YSS Previously commissioned by;  The Home Office  Youth Justice Board  National Probation Directorate  National Offender Management Service  NOMS Co-financers

5  Prevention from Offending programmes  Mentoring  Positive Activities  Targeted Youth Support  Volunteer Appropriate Adult Service  Bail Information and Support  Reparation Services  Specified Activities  Intensive Supervision and Surveillance  Intensive Resettlement Service  Junior Attendance Centre support

6  Conditional Cautioning (Restorative Justice)  Intensive Control and Change Programme (18-20 year olds)  ACCLAIM (Intensive Supervision PPO project)  Pathways programme  Enhanced Support for Supervision (ESS)  Non Statutory Support for IOM (NSS)  Intensive Volunteer mentoring for PPO/IOM  Supporting Compliance programme(those at risk of breach)  ETE (Employment/Training/Education)wide range of services including vocational training, enhanced work programme, job clubs, personal development, work preparation, employer mentoring and 1-2-1 support

7  Short Sentenced prisoners ‘through the gate’ (Connect)  Transition 2 Adulthood (T2A)  Bradley Mental Health project  AIM partnership (Family Support)  Accommodation Support Mentoring  Senior Attendance Centre (18 – 24 years)  Good Stuff - Social Enterprise (Café and Furniture)  Care Farming @ The Fold CIC  1 Step Beyond strategy

8  Mild to moderate mental health issues and learning difficulties  Identified through longer term interventions  Typically depression, stress, anxiety, PTSD, personality disorder  Multiple sub-threshold needs in terms of mental health in addition to other 7 pathways  Double disadvantaged – health inequality and difficulty to access services

9  Complex needs and chaotic lifestyles  Inability to articulate concerns and to navigate the system  Low aspirations – services intimidating  No voice to shape and influence services  Professional language needs interpreting between mental health and criminal justice practitioners  Professionals ‘wary’ of each system  Mental Health practitioners concerned re offenders

10  Opportunity with new commissioning landscape within Mental Health and Criminal Justice  Ability to access preventative services that could support a decreased likelihood of further offending  Particularly with young adults who are in a revolving door – in and out of the criminal justice system – lessons from T2A

11  Through support from Lloyds TSB Foundation YSS has employed 3 part time senior mental health workers  Sit alongside intensive support teams  Offer screening, advice, information and brokerage to services and train staff/vols  Ability to speak the right language, to knock on the right doors, to navigate the system and make referrals  Needs to be mainstreamed in 2014

12  Through 1 Step Beyond want to create a volunteer counselling service with local partners  Has been piloted small scale in Worcester  Offered on an outreach basis with flexible times  Provides a bridge whilst awaiting professional services and introduces/prepares offenders for accessing these services

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