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Title V Cooperative Grant Reedley College/North Centers/Fresno City College 2004 - 2009.

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1 Title V Cooperative Grant Reedley College/North Centers/Fresno City College 2004 - 2009

2 Grant Activities Activity One: Extended Learning Centers To improve the success of Hispanic Serving and low income students through the development of tutor-based writing centers at Fresno City College, Reedley College and North Centers Activity Two: Improving Online Distance Education Services To improve technological resources (A&R), improve online counseling, increase student use of online orientation, offer Online Associate Degree, provide online tutorial program and increase the number of faculty using online resources.

3 Student Services Online Counseling Committee Mario Gonzales – Reedley College Dr. Erica Johnson – North Centers Renee Harris – Fresno City College Steve Jones – Reedley College The committee has been meeting regularly to discuss an implementation plan for providing online counseling district-wide. Currently, Steve and Mario handle Reedley College online counseling inquiries.

4 Agenda Items Developing a policies and procedure manual. Develop Best Practices model for SCCCD (accreditation guidelines) Develop Webpage design for Blackboard portal. Discuss and analyze counseling issues, challenges and concerns to be considered in the development of online counseling. Discuss and analyze technologies available for developing online counseling (e-advising)

5 Three-Tier System proposal 1.Counseling/Advising Tier System of providing online counseling a.1 st tier – send students to FAQ’s b. 2 nd tier – send students to general online questions (not student specific) c.3 rd tier – allows students to ask specific questions, i.e. academic record, allows for asynchronous and synchronous communication between student and counselor. (must be secure)

6 Proposed Priority Online Counseling Components Direct Student counseling contacts Interactive FAQ system that allows for a text search as well as a topical search Three-Tier system for online counseling Electronic educational plans that can be modified and shared between counselor and student (individual based) Course planning/advising workshop for students in 1 st year orientation classes (GS 53, 54, 120) General AA/AS degree requirements advising Workshops – assessment instruments in assessing learning style, motivation, college readiness and other tips in making college experience successful.

7 Orientation 2. Online orientation information a.New student orientation; must be comprehensive and cover all matriculation guidelines b.Insure that when student completes orientation, results will interface with Datatel (clear registration holds at FCC) c.Student preparedness to accessing online services (how to use the Blackboard portal system)

8 Counseling Support Services 3. Special Programs/Centers Transfer – General transfer information workshop Career – Career planning workshops: self –assessment, career exploration, career decision-making, deciding on major DSP&S, EOPS, SSS programs, Idile,Puente etc... Probation workshops - Academic (A1/A2) Progress (P1/P2) Employment resource center (FCC) – Basic job prep and internship readiness workshops that is self-paced

9 Assessment 4. Student assessment a.Online placement testing (if protocol is possible) b.Student access to placement results with an overview of how to read them and understand the English/Math sequence c.College Student Inventory assessment (CSI) d. Other Career/Interest Inventories

10 Other Student Services areas (Links to online counseling webpage?) 5. College activities a. Develop sense of community via student polls online, accessing calendar of on-campus events, student newspaper online b. Recording speaker presentations held on-campus and posting them online for distance ed students for viewing. c. College Relations outreach – create website and include services they offer d. Bookstore – order books online e. Pay class fees online f. Financial Aid – complete fee waiver, access financial aid status and award summary online

11 Supplemental/Auxiliary Resources to support online counseling Master calendar of events sponsored by counseling and its programs Counseling – information of services offered in counseling, role of counselor and how to prepare before working with a counselor Transfer a. Expand FAQ’s on transferring to UC’s and CSU’s b. Links to the UC’s/CSU’s and most common private universities c. Transfer survival handbook or checklist

12 Cont. Veterans counseling – information handbook on how to prepare before working with a veterans counselor Athletic Counseling a. eligibility requirements b. Dates and deadline information c. Residency and financial aid information CalWORKs – general information about their services

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