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Patty Linduska, R.N. Alaska Primary Care Association 907-232-8395 Service Area Competition CHC Grant Writing Series.

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Presentation on theme: "Patty Linduska, R.N. Alaska Primary Care Association 907-232-8395 Service Area Competition CHC Grant Writing Series."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patty Linduska, R.N. Alaska Primary Care Association 907-232-8395 Service Area Competition CHC Grant Writing Series

2 1.Know what is required to complete Criterion 3: Collaboration; 2.Know what is required to complete Criterion 4: Evaluative Measures; and 3.Know how to develop and present Time-framed, Realistic, & Measurable Clinical and Financial Performance Measures.

3  Describe both formal and informal collaboration and coordination of services with other health care providers. Specifically describe collaboration and coordination with the following: ◦ Existing health centers (Health Center Program grantees and look-alikes). ◦ Rural health and free clinics. ◦ Critical access hospitals. ◦ Other federally-supported grantees (e.g., Ryan White programs, Title V Maternal and Child Health programs). ◦ State and local health departments. ◦ Private providers. continued on next page

4 ◦ Programs serving the same target population (e.g., social services; job training; Women, Infants, and Children (WIC); coalitions; community groups; school districts). ◦ If applicable, organizations that provide services or support to the special population(s) for which funding is sought (e.g., Migrant Head Start, Public Housing Authority, homeless shelters). ◦ If applicable, neighborhood revitalization initiatives such as the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Choice Neighborhoods, the Department of Education’s Promise Neighborhoods, and/or the Department of Justice’s Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program.

5  Note: Formal collaborations (e.g., contracts, memoranda of understanding or agreement) should also be summarized in Attachment 7. Attachment 7.

6 Example:

7  Document support for the proposed project through current dated letters of support that reference specific coordination or collaboration from all of the following in the service area: ◦ Health centers (Health Center Program grantees and look-alikes). ◦ Rural health clinics. ◦ Critical access hospitals. ◦ Health departments. ◦ Major private provider groups serving low income and/or uninsured populations.

8  If such organizations do not exist in the service area (as defined in Attachment 1), state this.Attachment 1  If such letters cannot be obtained from organizations in the service area, include documentation of efforts made to obtain the letters along with an explanation for why such letters could not be obtained.  Letters of support should be consistent with Attachment 1. Attachment 1.

9  Provide current dated letters of support that reference specific coordination or collaboration with community organizations in support of the proposed project beyond those required in Item 2 above (e.g., social service agencies, school districts, homeless shelters).

10  Letters of support should be addressed to the organization’s board, CEO, or other appropriate key management staff member (e.g., Medical Director), not HRSA staff.  Note: Merge all letters of support from Items 2 and 3 into a single document and submit it as Attachment 10.Attachment 10.

11  Clinical Performance Measures ◦ Within the Clinical Performance Measures form(see detailed instructions in Appendix B), outline time-framed and realistic goals that are responsive to the needs identified in the NEED section.Appendix B  Financial Performance Measures ◦ Within the Financial Performance Measures form(see detailed instructions in Appendix B), outline time-framed and realistic goals that are responsive to the organization’s financial needs.Appendix B

12 ◦ NOTE: For new applicants and current grantees applying to serve a new service area, if baselines are not yet available, state when data will be available. ◦ Goals should be limited to the proposed three- year project period.

13  Appendix B

14 ◦ Goals for improving quality of care and health outcomes in the required areas of Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, Prenatal Health, Perinatal Health, Child Health, Weight Assessment and Counseling for Children and Adolescents, Adult Weight, Screening and Follow-Up, Tobacco Use Assessment, Tobacco Cessation Counseling, Asthma – Pharmacological Therapy, Coronary Artery Disease – Lipid Therapy, Ischemic Vascular Disease – Aspirin Therapy, Colorectal Screening, Behavioral Health, and Oral Health.

15 ◦ Goals relevant to the needs of migratory and seasonal agricultural workers, people experiencing homelessness, and/or residents of public housing for applicants seeking targeted special population funding. An applicant that is not requesting targeted funding but currently serves or plans to serve special population(s) is encouraged to include relevant goals reflecting the needs of these populations.

16 ◦ Measures (numerator and denominator) and data collection methodology for all goals. ◦ A summary of at least one key factor anticipated to contribute to and one key factor anticipated to restrict progress toward the stated performance measure goals, and action steps planned for addressing described factors.

17  Example

18 ◦ Goals for improving the organization’s status in terms of controlling costs and sustaining financial viability. ◦ Measures (numerator and denominator) and data collection methodology for all goals.

19  A summary of at least one key factor anticipated to contribute to and one key factor anticipated to restrict progress toward the stated performance measure goals, and action steps planned for addressing described factors.

20  Example

21  Provide a brief description of any additional evaluation activities planned to enhance the assessment of progress and project improvement throughout the project period, including tools utilized to collect and analyze relevant data (e.g., patient satisfaction surveys).

22  SAC CHC FY2014 Template

23  Example  Disclaimer: This Example was written in under the FY2013 guidelines. Since then there have been a number of changes in the application guidance.  Please do not use this EXAMPLE as a TEMPLATE.

24  Questions?  Comments?  Feedback?  What’s Next?

25   Members Only!!  You need to have a user name and password  Any employee or board member of your organization is eligible  Email if you need

26  Part 5: ◦ Criterion 5 - Resources & Capabilities ◦ Criterion 6 - Governance Next Webinar is on 8/21/13 at noon.


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