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Preaching In The Mountains Jodie February 1, 2001 Presentation.

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2 Preaching In The Mountains Jodie February 1, 2001 Presentation

3 History about Preaching Circuit riders were expected to preach every day, twice on Sundays and cover their places in four weeks. A pastor would be appointed to his charge by his bishop. Every year he was expected to visit each church on at least once,and possibly start some new ones. They had to go through villages and wilderness. They preached daily or more often at any place- a log cabin, the local court house, an outdoor forest setting. It was started in America in 1771. It was hard work and people were often mean to them. Often they slept in dirty cabins, ate roasting ears for bread, drank buttermilk for coffee; had deer or bear meat, or wild turkey for breakfast, dinner and supper. At the end of the year, the pastor met with the bishop and would get a new place to preach. Only one church was called a station. The traveling preachers were called circuit-riders, or sometimes saddlebag preachers.

4 TODAY They do not ride circuits today because we have cars. Churches have their own preacher. Churches have more money so they each pay one preacher. Some preachers go to Bible College but others do not. Preachers are able to drive their own car so they can go a further distance.

5 Interview First of all you get called to preach by the Lord. Then you pray about it and see what the Lord wants you to do. The tools you need is a Bible. You need to pray and seek the holy ghost for your message to be given the way God would have it. It is fun because you know you are pleasing the Lord. They need to understand the lesson so they would not mess up and confuse us. To get ready for your first service you listen and watch other preachers. Also you can like preach in a mirror so you can get used to shouting and preaching the word of God. Sometimes they might practice in a empty church to help get past being nervous. According to preachers it’s not hard to preach, its just you rely on God more than yourself. As long as you pray,study your Bible and trust in God everything turns out fine.

6 HOW TO DO IT FROM MY PASTOR You pray about it and see what the Lord wants you to do. Tools that you need are a Bible, paper and other resource books. The subject you need to know about is reading and studying your Bible. You need to pray and seek the holy ghost for your message. You need to understand the lesson so you won’t mess up and confuse the congregation.

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