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Autumn HEPiX 2004 Brookhaven National Lab Tom Throwe 18 October 2004.

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1 Autumn HEPiX 2004 Brookhaven National Lab Tom Throwe 18 October 2004

2 Autumn HEPiX 2004, BNL Locations Monday through Wednesday –Here in Berkner Hall Room B –Room C available for breakout groups Thursday and Friday –Medical Building (490) conference room –Small conference room available there for breakouts also

3 18 October 2004Autumn HEPiX 2004, BNL Medical Building - 490 Left covered entrance at top of U shaped drive Large conference room off of the lobby 0.5 km (0.3 mi) 5 minute walk to Berkner Shuttle service if raining

4 18 October 2004Autumn HEPiX 2004, BNL Network Wireless –Available in both locations –SSID is “bnlexternal” –No encryption or registration –Use DHCP –Network is, addresses will be ( –Directly on the Internet, so VPNs should work Workstations in Berkner lobby for email

5 18 October 2004Autumn HEPiX 2004, BNL Food Coffee breaks in lobby Breakfast and lunch available in cafeteria Lunches have been allocated one hour on Monday through Wednesday and 1.5 hours on Thursday. Pegram Lectures by Richard Smalley Conference dinner on Wednesday at Atlantis Marine World in Riverhead

6 18 October 2004Autumn HEPiX 2004, BNL Talks Please get talks to me in powerpoint or PDF by at least the session before you are to give it. –Email to –USB drive Site reports allocated 20 minutes and talks allocated 30 minutes. Please allow for questions. Time notices will target 15 and 25 minutes, respectively.

7 18 October 2004Autumn HEPiX 2004, BNL Miscellaneous Restaurant list Enterprise car rental Possible tours on Friday –RHIC/Atlas computer center –RHIC experiment Problems –Contact Tom Throwe or Mariette Faulkner

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