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AP LIT TERMS Steven P Peter B Charlie P Nathan G THE MONEY TEAM (TMT)

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Presentation on theme: "AP LIT TERMS Steven P Peter B Charlie P Nathan G THE MONEY TEAM (TMT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 AP LIT TERMS Steven P Peter B Charlie P Nathan G THE MONEY TEAM (TMT)

2 Terms Syntax Simple Predicate Sentence Complete Predicate Subject Direct Object Predicate Indirect Object Independent ClauseAppositive Dependent ClauseSentence Fragment Phrase Simple Sentence Simple Subject Compound Sentence Complete SubjectCoordinating Conjunction Subordinate ClausesComplex Sentence

3 Predicate Predicate- A word or phrase that describes the subject of the sentence. Ex: Jane runs on the beach. Simple Predicate- The verb of the sentence. Ex: The rain fell. Complete Predicate- Consists of the verb and all of its modifiers. Ex: Horatio is loyal to Hamlet

4 Objects Direct Object- A noun that completes the predicate by indicating who or what receives the action expressed by the verb. Ex: Emma paints a portrait of Katie. Indirect Object- A noun or pronoun that indicates to whom of for whom an action is done. Ex: Olivia gives a ring to Elizabeth.

5 Clauses Independent Clause- A sentence with a subject and and predicate that can stand by itself. Ex: Jay Gatsby throws lavish parties. Dependent Clause- Group of words containing a sentence and predicate that cannot stand by itself. Ex: I can’t figure out why he said that. Subordinate Clause- A clause that lacks either a subject or predicate. Ex: When Romeo sees Juliet, he falls in love with her.

6 Syntax The arrangement of words and phrases in a sentence. Example: Yoda from Star Wars is noted for his strange syntax.

7 Sentences Simple Sentence: A sentence that has a subject, a verb and a complete thought. Compound Sentence: A sentence made up of two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction. Complex Sentence: A sentence with an independent clause and a dependent clause.

8 Subject A subject is essentially the object or thing being acted upon. Simple Subject: The subject as one word without modifiers. Example: The hungry cat ate the food. “The” and “hungry” are modifiers, “cat” is the simple subject.

9 Subject Contd. Complete Subject: All the words that make up a subject. Example: The hungry cat ate the food. “The hungry cat” is the complete subject.

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